
To prospective applicants | For international students | FAQ | Tokyo University of the Arts Admission

To prospective applicants

What we look for in a student

The Global Art Practice (GAP) program is seeking applicants who are willing to

【MFA Program】
・formulate ideas, expressions, attitudes and actions toward a new form of art with an understanding of current social conditions and the contemporary cultural landscape.
・initiate diverse changes through art and pursue active inquiry into the global era as participants rather than as bystanders.
・seek their own artistic expression through critical analysis and self-reflection, and break free from restrictive discourses and value systems.
・pursue a globally contextualized art practice that examines and liberates humanity on a horizon of freedom.
・create images (materiality) from the recognition of contemporaneity in encounters with a variety of people and places.
・investigate and thoroughly think how art can be translated and activated for a global audience.
・endeavor to acquire the necessary language, practical skills, and perspective to practice art in a global context.

Requirements for completion of MFA Global Art Practice

Completion of GAP is certified based under Article 9 of the degree regulations at Tokyo University of the Arts.
Obtainable degree is “Master of Fine Arts”.

The conditions required for the examination are as follows.

・Choose and submit one of the three methods: artwork and essay, artwork and thesis, or thesis.
・The thesis and essay can be written in either English or Japanese.
・The thesis must be 20,000 or more characters for Japanese, 12,500 or more words for English (excluding notes and references).
・The abstract for the thesis must be within 2,000 characters in Japanese and 1,250 words in English (submitted both in English and Japanese).
・If you wish to complete the course only with your thesis, please obtain permission from your main advisor by September of the first year of enrollment.

【Doctoral Program】
・pursue their studies self-directed, with a clear objective and with a view to their future practice; having gained the necessary experience outlined in the admissions policy of the GAP MFA program.
・contextualize their local environment and its conditions (e.g. identity, cultural roots) to arrive at their own opinions concerning global trends; and practice art in the international community with an understanding of their own role and standpoint in the world.
・seek new perspectives and values outside boundaries of nationality, belief, and culture, andーthrough their art practiceーpose questions and new ideas to society.
・carve out their own distinctive art practice and realize their ideas as active members of society.

Completion of the Doctoral program in GAP is certified based under Article 9 of the degree regulations at Tokyo University of the Arts. Obtainable degree is “Doctor (Art)” or “Doctor of Philosophy”


【 修士課程 】

取得できる学位は「修士(美術)」Master of Fine Arts である。

・修士論文については日本語 20,000字以上、英語12,500 word以上(註や参考文献を除く)とする

【 博士課程 】

東京藝術大学学位規則第9条に基づいて合格を認定する。取得できる学位は「博士(美術)」または「博士(学術)」Doctor of Philosophy である。

Preliminary consultations for applicants with disabilities 

Due to the specific features of our curriculum, preparing and planning for your individual support may take time. If an applicant requires special accommodations for examination or enrollment, please consult the Global Art Practice faculty in advance. Applicants with long-term medical conditions such as diabetes, allergies or arthritis, are also encouraged to contact the faculty for preliminary consultations.

Special features of GAP curriculum:

・Collaboration with students from various countries, cultures and backgrounds.
・Programs such as the Unit Program (a joint class program with our overseas partner schools) involving overseas travels, and staying and working in groups for several weeks in Japan and abroad.
・Special programs held during the holidays in the University academic calendar
(※ Classes may be held during the summer holiday.)
・Technical training in the workshops (woodwork, metalwork, casting, glass, etc).

For preliminary consultation: (available in English and Japanese)


GAP カリキュラム特性:


事前相談先: (日本語・英語対応可)

Application Forms

MFA (Period 1)

・Guidance for Prospective Students/Global Art Practice (MFA Program) for International Students(2025 Academic Year)
・2025年度グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(修士課程)外国人留学生入試学生募集要項 (Guidance in Japanese)
– the day of publishing :28th June, 2024

MFA (Period 2)


Entrance Examination Briefing Session

・2024.06.26 Entrance Examination Briefing Session (for International Applicants 2025 Academic Year)

Briefing Documents from the past 過去の説明会資料 

・GAP Entrance Examination Orientation Document 2021.pdf

For international students


Please check these frequently-asked questions before sending any enquiries.

1. When is the entrance examination?

The exams for students aiming to enroll in April of the following year are held twice per year.

Summer (application deadline July, carried out in August): International students (master’s)

Winter (application deadline November, carried out in February): General entrance examination (Master’s and Doctorate)

※The general entrance exam carried out in February can be taken by Japanese students or by international students.

※Recruitment seasons and contents will change, to a greater or lesser extent, every year. Please refer to our entrance examination website for the application details.

2. When will the Guidance of Prospective Students be published?

Publication of the Summer entrance examination for international students is planned for May (Japanese and English), and publication of the Winter general entrance examination is planned for July.

3. What proportion of enrollment will be international students?

The Global Art Practice major will accept international students as a proportion of no less than 1/3 of its fixed number of 18 students (i.e. 6 students or more).

Past enrollment proportions were as follows:

・2016 enrollment | 6 international students : 12 Japanese students
・2017 enrollment | 10 international students : 8 Japanese students
・2018 enrollment | 8 international students : 9 Japanese students
・2019 enrollment | 10 international students : 5 Japanese students
・2020 enrollment | 8 international students : 9 Japanese students 
・2021 enrollment | 11 international students : 7 Japanese students

4. What countries have students come from?

Chile, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Romania, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Tailand, UAE, UK , USA, Russia

5. Are there standards for the English-language test?

All applicants of the Global Art Practice course are required to submit certified scores from one of the following examinations by external testing organizations.

For details about the English-language test, please refer to the Tokyo University of the Arts entrance examination website.

Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > FINE ARTS (Private students) > Graduate Students (Master/Doctor)

No further information about the scores are publicly available.

6. What is the required level of English communication ability?

Every basic lesson will be carried out in English.

Moreover, everyday conversation ability is preferred, so that you will progress through the curriculum while communicating and cooperating with fellow students from a variety of backgrounds.

7. What is the required level of Japanese communication ability?

Every basic lesson will be carried out in English.

However, being able to speak Japanese will make life in Japan and communication with Japanese students and teachers smoother, so we recommend that you study Japanese independently.

8. Will there be instruction or activities outside of the university?

We are planning activities outside of the university that will span multiple weeks, domestically and abroad, such as trips to study antiquities, and a long-term trip abroad in a unit program (collaborative classes with overseas arts universities)

9. Is there time for a part-time job?

There is almost no time for a part-time job alongside the curriculum, because of the variety of courses being held, such as unit program (collaborative programs with overseas arts universities), lectures and workshops by guests invited from overseas, and hands-on skill practice using workshops (woodworking, metalwork, casting, glasswork, etc.). Moreover, there have been cases in the past at Tokyo University of the Arts in which even during days off or holidays, curricula specific to GAP have been carried out.

10. What format should my portfolio be in?

Any portfolio format is acceptable. File format: PDF. Maximum file size: 150 MB. All portfolios must be submitted in PDF format, regardless of the software used to make the portfolios. Please do not set a password to download the file.

11. Where is GAP located?

GAP Department is located in Toride Campus, Ibaraki Prefecture.




夏(7月頃願書〆切 / 8月頃実施):外国人留学生対象(修士)
冬(11月頃願書〆切 / 2月頃実施 ):一般入試(修士・博士)








・2020年度入学生|留学生8名 : 日本人学生9名 
・2021年度入学生|留学生11名 : 日本人学生7名






東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > 大学院入試 > 美術研究科 > 募集要項














ポートフォリオの形式は自由、ファイル形式:PDF 、データ上限:150MBです。作成するプログラムに関わらず、提出の形式はPDFのみです。開封時にパスワードを求める設定を使用しないでください。

11) GAPのキャンパスはどこになりますか


Tokyo University of the Arts Admission
