GAP Practice I / GAP演習 I
Students begin the first year with a course called GAP Practice I which incorporates studio practice, art fabrication in the ‘Common Workshop,’ and field work. This is guided through lectures and practice-based instruction particularly through experimental workshops on installation art and drawing, with the intention of supporting the generation of students’ own methodologies for art-making. We encourage students to tailor their own work-environment, to develop methods for realizing conceptually based works, and to gain fundamental skills to enable them to install artworks in an exhibition setting. The ‘Common Workshop’ offers access to and instruction in the use of the university’s extensive metal, wood and stone workshops, enabling the development of work with diverse materials and processes.
GAP Seminar I-Ⅱ/ GAPセミナー I-Ⅱ
This seminar focuses on the contemplation and the dialogue on the issues in contemporary society from diverse perspectives. Topics are based on the research and concerns of all theory based faculty members, not limited on the field of the Arts. Class activity is based on the research and dialogue with the students. We would like you to ask your own questions about the issues of contemporary society, explore them, and deepen them through dialogue. We would like you to take this class actively as your own matters, rather than passively considering the lectures as the school lessons or as one of the tasks. We would like you to acquire the ability to see and hear things in the “multi-perspective” that is the pillar of GAP learning.
Art Communication I-Ⅱ / アート・コミュニケーション I-Ⅱ
This course is aimed at cultivating the communication skills necessary for interaction and cooperative production with partner schools overseas . In addition to targeting improvement in English language ability appropriate to a student’s level through preparation of an introduction to their own portfolio in English, taking classes in debateform with an emphasis on speaking, writing exercises and the like -the objective is for students to discover the communication skills and respective methods required to work as an artist on the global stage.
GAPフォーラムⅠ-Ⅱ / GAP Forum Ⅰ-Ⅱ
It is important to learn transcultural and diverse perspectives in the art of our time. Global Art Joint Project(UNIT) is core of this program and it is an experimental program of art education collaborating with art universities in the world. Program is made by the faculty members of partner art universities and GAP. From 2016 to 2019 this program has been collaborated with Beaux-Art de Paris and Central Saint Martins, UAL. Program contains lecture, research, workshop, production of art work, presentation and is these are held in Japan, overseas and online. After the Unit Program, students will choose the lab and focus on individual work and research.
GAP Forum III-IV / GAPフォーラム III-IV
Art Practice III and IV are the core courses for the second year students. At the start of the year, students select a supervisor who will lead what is known as the ‘laboratory’, where they will receive individual supervision and join themed group seminars. Students in their final year focus on the creation of artwork, by utilizing ideas and creative methods obtained during the first year while deepening individual research investigations. In the period before their graduation show, students are guided through the preparation process: first, an exhibition plan is proposed and refined, then an initial presentation of work is made and reviewed by faculty and guest critics at GAP’s home campus in Toride. Subsequently, a final artwork is presented in the MFA Graduation Show held at the university’s Ueno campus in Tokyo.
Social Practice Seminar Ⅰ−Ⅱ / 社会実践論 Ⅰ−Ⅱ
Not only focused on Socially Engaged Art or so called Social Art, we focus Social Practice as more connected to fundamental activity of the life in the society. This course provides opportunities for stundets to deepen the thinking that forms the foundation of their own work by facing the issues in contemporary society and art with the practice of internationally active artists. Contemporary art now has multiple poles, having shifted from Europe and the United States. The Social Practice course invites artists from Asia, where GAP is located . Lectures, workshops, and mentoring sessions are held in an intensive format over approximately one week or online. The following have been invited as guest mentor, Iswanto Hartono, Reza Afisina (ruangrupa), Ong Keng Sen, YoungHae Chang Heavy Industries, Song Dong, Yin Xiuzhen, Alfredo Jaar, Gim Hongsok, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Marek Bartelik, Hou Hanru, Yongwoo Lee, and Wang Hui.
GAP Kobiken Research Trip / 古美術研究旅行
The Kobiken Research Trip to Kyoto and Nara, with their long histories, is a traditional part of the curriculum at our University. Students learn about ancient Japanese art such as architecture and statues of Buddha in preliminary lectures before the trip, and then architecture and garden tours are undertaken on-site. Students are allowed to view inner temples usually closed to the public. This is a research trip that provides a highdensity experience going beyond mere appreciation, including observations on precise details.