Vice President, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), Director of Global Support Center (TUA), Director of Center for Curatorial Studies, Geidai (TUA).
Curator, Architect, Creative Director, Cultural Producer, Cultural Policy Consultant. Research and practice in diverse fields of cultural activities from the perspective of Social Practice, Alternative Initiatives, and Creative platforms. Founding and former Director of Tokyo Wonder Site (TWS) , 2001 to 2017 besides the Counselor on Special Issue to the Governor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, supervised the cultural policy of arts and culture of Tokyo, 2001 to 2013. Imamura worked on creating new cultural policies and projects, establishing the Arts Council Tokyo, Roppongi Art Night, Talents Tokyo. Also, he worked as responsible for making cultural programs for Tokyo 2016 and 2020 Olympic game bidding files. Imamura has worked as the advisor of several international cultural institutions, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), Tensta Konsthall (Stockholm), United Nations University (Tokyo), PMQ (Hong Kong). Imamura is a registered architect and has worked at Arata Isozaki and Associates (Tokyo), Bernard Tschumi Architects (New York), and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University (1991-1993). Born in 1959 in Fukuoka, Japan.
Class in charge:
GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III – IV, GAP Seminar I-II, Social Practice I-II, ASAP (Arts Study Abroad program)
GAP フォーラム I – II、GAP フォーラム III – IV、GAP セミナー I – II、ソーシャル・プラクティス I – II、ASAP (Arts Study Abroad program)
Researching the role of Asia in modern and contemporary art, with a particular focus on the way people interact with each other. I am trying to move away from the perspective of seeing Asia and the West as alternatives to each other, and reposition them within a diverse range of values. The clash of diverse values can sometimes be a sign of affinity, but at other times it can be a major conflict. This is not limited to the modern and contemporary periods, but it can be said that the establishment of modern nation states has made such conflicts particularly visible.
I believe that Asia can provide us with a place to examine the encounter and clash of diverse values.
During my 24 and a half years as a curator at public art museums, I have planned and implemented a number of exhibitions from this perspective. At GAP, I am putting these experiences to use in seminars and classes at the Kobiken Research Trip.
Graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Western Art History. As a curator at the Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art (1993-2003) and the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama (2003-2017), I planned and implemented exhibitions and educational programmes. Some of the exhibitions I have planned and implemented include “Oil Paintings in the East Asia – Its Awakening and Development “(1999), “Alberto Giacometti and Yanaihara lsaku” (2005), and “Korean and Japanese Modern Artists in the Korean Peninsula, 1890s -1960s” (2015) among others.
Class in charge:
GAP Forum I-II, GAP Seminar I-II, GAP Kobiken Research Trip, The other lecture open to all GEIDAI “Archives, Inheritance, and Creation of the Arts ーCross-disciplinary Platformー”
東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科西洋美術史専攻修了。静岡県立美術館学芸員(1993-2003)、神奈川県立近代美術館主任学芸員(2003-2017)として展覧会、教育普及プログラムを企画・実施。主な展覧会に「東アジア/絵画の近代 ― 油画の誕生と展開」(1999)、「アルベルト・ジャコメッティ―矢内原伊作とともに」(2006)、「日韓近代美術家のまなざし ―『朝鮮』で描く」(2015)などがある。
GAP フォーラム I – II、GAP フォーラム III – IV、GAP セミナー I – II、GAP古美術研究旅行、創造と継承とアーカイヴ:領域横断的思考実践
Art producer, curator, founder and representative director of NPO Arts Commons Tokyo since 2014. Specializes in cross-disciplinary curation and production of contemporary art, socially engaged art, and media art using VR/AR technology, with a focus on theater and performance. Over the past 20 years, she has directed numerous festivals and projects in Japan, Asia, and Europe. Among them, she was the first Program Director of Festival/Tokyo (2009-2013), Curator of the Performing Arts Section of Aichi Triennale 2019 and 2022, Founding president and Artistic Director of Theatre Commons (2017-present) , General Producer of the Toyooka Theatre Festival(2021). In 2023, she was the first non-Westerner to serve as Program Director (Artistic Director) of the Theater der Welt in Germany. She has been awarded the Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from French Minister of Culture in 2015 and the Art Encouragement Prize from the Japanese Minister of Culture in 2021. She is a graduate of Waseda University and the DESS master course of Anthropology and Sociology of Université Lumière Lyon II.
Class in charge:
GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III – IV, GAP Seminar I-II, Social Practice I-II
アートプロデューサー、キュレーター。NPO法人芸術公社代表理事(2014年設立)。演劇やパフォーマンスを軸に、現代美術、社会関与型アート、VR/ARテクノロジーを用いた作品など、領域横断的なキュレーション、プロデュースを専門としている。過去20年にわたり日本、アジア、欧州で多数のフェスティバルやプロジェクトをディレクションしてきた。その主なものとして、フェスティバル/トーキョー初代プログラム・ディレクター(2009-2013)、あいちトリエンナーレ2019および国際芸術祭あいち2022パフォーミングアーツ部門キュレーター、シアターコモンズ実行委員長兼ディレクター(2017年〜現在)、豊岡演劇祭総合プロデューサー(2021)などがある。2023年には非西洋圏出身者として初めて世界演劇祭テアター・デア・ヴェルトのプログラム・ディレクター(芸術監督)を務めた。2015年フランス共和国芸術文化勲章シュヴァリエ受章、2021年文化庁芸術選奨・文部科学大臣賞新人賞(芸術振興部門)受賞。早稲田大学卒業、リュミエール・リヨン第二大学 文化人類学・社会学大学院DESS修了。
GAP フォーラム I-II, GAP フォーラム III – IV, GAP セミナー I-II, ソーシャル・プラクティス I-II
Hiraku Suzuki was born in 1978 and currently lives and works in Tokyo. He obtained an M.F.A. at the Department of Inter Media Art, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts in 2008.
Suzuki’s practice expands the conceptual possibilities of drawing through two-dimensional works, sculptures, videos, installations, and performances that explore the lines that are latent in space and time and the interconnections between image and language.
His major solo exhibitions include “Excavation Today” at The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma (Gunma, 2023). He has also shown in group exhibitions at numerous museums throughout Japan and internationally including 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Ishikawa, 2009), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo, 2010), Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art (China, 2016), MOCO Panacée (France, 2019), and Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Tokyo, 2019). He has collaborated with musicians and poets, and created numerous public artworks. His publications include “SILVER MARKER – Drawing as Excavating” (HeHe, 2020) and “Drawing – Point, Line and Plane to Tube” (Sayusha, 2023).
In 2011, Hiraku Suzuki completed a residency at Chelsea College of Art, London, and lived and worked in the United States in 2011–12 with a grant from the Asian Cultural Council, and in Germany in 2012–13 with a grant from the Pola Art Foundation. In 2023 he received the Japanese Government Oversea Research Program Grant, Agency for Cultural Affairs and stayed in France.
Class in charge:
GAP Practice I-II , GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III-IV
1978年生まれ。アーティスト。2008年東京藝術大学大学院先端芸術表現専攻修了。ドローイングと言語の関係性を主題に、空間や時間に潜在する線を探求し、平面・彫刻・映像・インスタレーション・パフォーマンス等によりドローイングの概念を拡張する制作活動を展開している。主な個展に『今日の発掘』群馬県立近代美術館(群馬、2023年)がある他、これまでに金沢21世紀美術館 (石川、2009年)、森美術館 (東京、2010年)、銀川現代美術館 (中国、2016年)、MOCO Panacée (フランス、2019年)、東京都現代美術館 (東京、2019年)など国内外の美術館で多数の展覧会に参加。音楽家や詩人らとのコラボレーションやパブリックアートも手がける。作品集に『SILVER MARKER―Drawing as Excavating』(HeHe、2020年)など、著書に『ドローイング 点・線・面からチューブへ』(左右社、2023年)がある。
GAP演習 I – II、GAP フォーラム I – II、GAP フォーラム III – IV
Artist. Hikaru Fujii utilizes diverse media, including installation, film, and workshops, to bridge art, history, and society. His practice is rooted in extensive research and fieldwork, often focusing on specific historical moments and social issues. Through his work, he critically examines contemporary and historical crises and structural violence, investigating their societal impact and significance. His work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo; M+; National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA); Centre Pompidou-Metz; Kadist (Paris); and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), among others. He has also participated in numerous international art festivals, including the Asia Pacific Triennial (2021) and the Rencontres d’Arles (2024). He was awarded the Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2020–2022.
Class in charge:
GAP Practice I-II ,GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III-IV
アーティスト。インスタレーション、映像、ワークショップなど多様なメディアを用いて、芸術、歴史、社会をつなぐ作品を制作する。その実践は、特定の歴史的瞬間や社会問題を出発点とし、リサーチやフィールドワークに基づいている。作品を通じて、現代および歴史上の危機や構造的暴力を考察し、それらが社会に与える影響や意味を探求する。主な展覧会歴には、東京国立近代美術館、東京都現代美術館、M+、韓国国立現代美術館(MMCA)、ポンピドゥ・センター(メッス)、Kadist(パリ)、HKW(ベルリン)などの他に、アジア・パシフィック・トリエンナーレ(2021)、アルル国際写真フェスティバル(2024)などの国際芸術祭に多数参加する。Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2020–2022を受賞。
GAP演習 I – II、GAP フォーラム I – II、GAP フォーラム III – IV
Born in Chiba, currently based in Tokyo. Graduated in Musashino Art University with a B.A in Oil Painting. She studied abroad at Bezalel Academy Arts & Design during 2018-2019 with the exchange study abroad program of Tokyo University of the Arts and TOBITATE! Scholarship for work in Israel and Palestine. Received a M.F.A from Global Art Practice at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2020. She is interested in Self-identical processes with various media as installation and she has many projects and Exhibitions in collaboration with decentralized collectives and different industries. Her Activity has been emphasized in the asymmetry of relationships. Main projects and exhibitions are “Suddenly, the view spreads out before us.”(Tokyo, 2015),”To the other side of the boundaries,”(Tokyo Metropolitan Museum,2017),“lighthouse vol.12: Re-sewing Constellation –Curator: Ryo Katsumata” switch point (Tokyo, 2017),Fukushima biennale 2018”Wadatsumi Art Festival”(Fukushima,2018),Saitama Triennale 2020 “Art Sightama”(Saitama,2020),”Bubbles / Debris: Art of the Heisei Period 1989–2019”(Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, 2021), “ROUNDTABLE 2020”(Tokyo,2021).
Class in charge:
GAP Practice I-II ,GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III-IV
千葉県生まれ。2013年武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵科卒業。2018年から1年間官民協働海外留学支援制度と交換留学制度でbezalel academy arts & designに留学しイスラエル・パレスチナを遊学。2020年東京芸術大学美術研究科GAP専攻修了。アイデンティカルな認知プロセスに関心をもち、様々なメディアを用いてインスタレーション作品を制作。関係の非対称性を認識したうえでの、脱中央集権型のコレクティブや異業種とのコラボレーションによる制作も多数。主なプロジェクト及び展覧会に「突然、目の前がひらけて」(武蔵野美術大学、朝鮮大学校、2015)、「境界を跨ぐと、」(東京都美術館、2017)、「lighthouse vol.12 勝俣涼企画 縫いなおされる星座」switch point(東京、2017)、「福島ビエンナーレ2018-海神の芸術祭」(南相馬、2018)「さいたま国際芸術祭2020」(さいたま、2021)、「平成美術ーうたかたと瓦礫1989-2019」(京都市京セラ美術館、2021)、ROUNDTABLE 2020(koca、2021)等。「100年後芸術祭ー環境と欲望ー」(千葉県)など。
GAP演習 I – II、GAP フォーラム I – II、GAP フォーラム III – IV
Art Translator. Director of Art Translators Collective. Specializing in contemporary art and performing arts, Kanoko conducts translation, interpreting, editing, and communication design. Seeing herself as a mediator between people, cultures and languages, she aims to expand the possibilities of translation and propose the creative way to hold a dialogue in a given occasion. Kanoko has been teaching English and communication for young artists at Global Art Practice MFA program, Tokyo University of the Arts. She also works as Director of Communication Design for Sapporo International Art Festival 2020 to mediate between the festival and the audience. She graduated with a BS from the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Tufts University in 2008, and received a BA from the Department of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2013. She is a member of Arts Commons Tokyo.
Class in charge:
Art Communication I-II
アート・トランスレーター。Art Translators Collective主宰。現代アートや舞台芸術のプログラムを中心に、日英の通訳・翻訳、編集、広報など幅広く活動。人と文化と言葉の間に立つメディエーター(媒介者)として翻訳の可能性を探りながら、それぞれの場と内容に応じたクリエイティブな対話のあり方を提案している。非常勤講師を務める東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻では、アーティストのための英語とコミュニケーションの授業を担当。また、札幌国際芸術祭2020ではコミュニケーションデザインディレクターとして、展覧会と観客をつなぐメディエーションを実践している。2008年タフツ大学工学部土木建築科(米国)卒業、2013年東京藝術大学美術学部先端芸術表現科卒業。NPO法人芸術公社所属。
アートコミュニケーション I – II
An artist (born 1980, Tokyo). Working for her scholarly and artistic pursuit in the poetics of untranslatability, her artwork employs a range of processes and materials including ‘transferring’, ‘centering’, paper and clay to draw and form nuanced shadows into installation space. An academic and also has worked as a curator and coordinator for exchange programs.
BFA (Drawing major), MFA, and PhD (Fine Art, at the interdisciplinary Centre for Ideas with Australian Postgraduate Award) through the Victorian Collage of the Arts, the University of Melbourne. 2018 Japanese Government Creative Fellow for her research on the poetic work of Agnes Martin at Forde Visser Archive and New Mexico Museum of Art. A member of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation, and adjunct Lecturer at Joshibi Art University and Hosei University. Also directed Japan-Australia collaborative ‘Immanent Landscape’ project held at West Space Melbourne, Oyama City Kurumaya Museum of Art and Japan Foundation Sydney and coordinated a residency and gallery at Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo. Selected show and bibliography includes: Test/Taste Spring (2024, Art Azamino Entrance Gallery/Yokohama), Form Poem (2023,, Santa Fe), Reminiscent of long gone by (2018, Sutton Gallery, Naarm/Melbourne). John Yau, “Shadow Play and the Art of Utako Shindo,” Hyperallergic (Apr. 6, 2022), Kathleen Linn, “Geography of Space, Archaeology of Time, Izabela Pluta & Utako Shindo,” Art+Australia Online (Dec. 2018)
Class in Charge:
GAP Practice I-II ,GAP Forum I-II, GAP Forum III-IV
アーティスト(1980, 東京生)。翻訳不可能性の詩学を学術/芸術的に追求する。「うつる」、「センタリング」、粘土、紙など様々なプロセスと素材を用いた作品は、インスタレーション空間に微細な影を引きこみ、かたち作る。教育、研究、キュレーションや交流プログラムのコーディネーションも行う。
メルボルン大学ビクトリアン・カレッジ・オブ・ジ・アーツで学士(ドローイング専攻)、修士、芸術博士号(学際的センター・フォー・アイデアズ)取得。2018年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員としてフォルデ・ヴィッサー・アーカイブとニューメキシコ美術館でアグネス・マーティンの詩的実践の研究と発表。現在、女子美術大学、法政大学でも教鞭(非常勤講師)、表象文化論学会会員。過去に日豪協働企画「内在の風景」ディレクション(メルボルンのWest Space、小山市車屋美術館、国際交流基金シドニーで開催)、遊工房アートスペース・東京のレジデンス及びギャラリーコーディネイション。主な展示と掲載:Test/Taste Spring(2024、エントランスギャラリー/横浜)、Form Poem(2023、、サンタフェ)、Reminiscent of long gone by(2018、サットンギャラリー、ナーム/メルボルン)、ジョン・ヤウ「影の遊びと進藤の芸術」、Hyperallergic(2022/4/6)、キャサリン・リン「空間の地理、時間の考古学、イザベラ・プルータ&進藤詩子」、Art+Australia Online(2018/12)
GAP プラクティス I-II ,GAP フォーラム I-II, GAP フォーラム III-IV
Xiaotai Cao was born in Qinghai Province, China in 1993. He graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 2014 with a B.A in Landscape Architecture. Until 2019, Cao worked as a designer and florist in Beijing and has collaborated with more than 120 brands including Loewe, Audi, Lexus, etc. He moved to Japan in 2019, and received a M.F.A from Global Art Practice at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2022.
Working with themes such as expansion and compromise, decay and rebirth that wild plants also experience, Cao continues his practice to express the energy that humans can obtain from nature to understand and heal themselves, as well as the cycle of matter and life.
His main exhibitions and residency projects include: “The Studio Nextdoor at Sanno Elementary School”(Ibaraki, Japan. 2022); “Karuizawa Artist in residency”(Nagano, Japan. 2022); “Youkobo Art Space residency”(Tokyo, Japan. 2021); “The fields of Creation” exhibition(Ohara Ryu Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan. 2021). “The Future Garden” exhibition(Chaoyang Joy City, Beijing, China. 2019). “Fleuramour” exhibition(Alden Biesen Castle, Belgium. 2017).
Born 1990, Bangkok, Thailand, currently resided in Tokyo, Japan since 2016. Received a Bachelor degree in Film Production from Mahidol University International College and worked as a graphic designer for several years. Her research and artworks are based on conflicts derived from history, geography, politics and anthropological context, how all components in the world could be related, using video and installations as main mediums. During 2012-2013, her short videos were being selected and shortlisted at Bangkok short film festival. Some of her exhibition included 「Tabula Rasa」(Yanaka, Kyoto, Iwate2020-2022)、東京芸術大学夏の芸術祭2024 and also 「鋳物、至る物」伝統技術x現代アート (2024) organized by Heiwa Gokin.,Ltd.
1990年タイ・バンコク生まれ、2016年より東京在住。マヒドン大学インターナショナルカレッジで映画制作の学士号を取得し、グラフィックデザイナーとして数年間勤務。彼女の研究と作品は、ビデオとインスタレーションを主な媒体として使用し、歴史、地理、政治、人類学的な背景、世界のすべての構成要素がどのように関連し合っているかをテーマにしている。 2012 年から 2013 年にかけて、短編ビデオはバンコク短編映画祭で選ばれた。主な展示に、「Tabula Rasa」(京都、岩手、谷中2020-2022)、東京芸術大学夏の芸術祭2024、平和合金株式会社主催の「鋳物、変遷物」伝統技術×現代アート(2024)などがある。
B. 1992 in Mexico City, currently living and working in Tokyo. Graduated as Industrial designer at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City and worked as a designer in marketing, publicity and promoting Japanese and Mexican culture in social innovation projects in Mexico. She started her art career after receiving the Dream Come True Project scholarship by Nippon Foundation and received her MFA in Global Art Practice at Tokyo University of the Arts. She was awarded the Salon du Printemps Award in 2022 and the Muni Art Award 2022 Grand Prix.
1992年メキシコシティ生まれ、現在東京在住。メキシコシティにあるメトロポリタン自治大学で工業デザインを学んだ後、デザイナーとしてマーケティング広告、メキシコのソーシャルイノベーションプロジェクトで日本とメキシコの文化の普及に携わる。日本財団のDream Come True Project奨学金を得てアート活動を開始し、2022年東京藝術大学大学院修士課程グローバルアートプラクティス修了。2022年サロンドプランタン賞、Muni Art Award 2022グランプリを受賞。
Born 1997, Yunnan, China. Sirui is a multidisciplinary artist based in Tokyo. He employs technology itself as his medium. His practice often takes the form of time-based, interactive, and immersive works that attempt to explore how boundaries are created, crossed, and redefined in the increasingly interconnected world. Drawn to borderlands, gray areas, and ambiguous spaces—his practice is not driven by singular topics like “diaspora,” “gender,” or “technology,” though these themes are central to his work. Rather, what fuels his exploration is a deep curiosity about how dominant structures unravel and how new possibilities emerge in their wake. In 2019 he received the BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he produced animated short films and neon light artworks. In 2022 he moved to Tokyo and then received his MFA from the Global Art Practice program at Tokyo University of the Arts. His works have been exhibited internationally at the “Teiten Kansoku no Aida” (Ginza Tsutaya, Tokyo, 2023), “WHATZ International Contemporary Art Fair” (Taipei Sheraton, Taipei, 2023), “Book Exploration” (ZhouB Art Center, Chicago, 2018), etc.
1997年、中国雲南省生まれ。グローバル時代における世界の文脈において、テクノロジー自体を表現媒体として、境界がどのように生まれ、交わり、変化し、再定義されていくのかを探求し、神話学の理論や作劇法を取り入れた独自のスタイルで表現を続けている。作品は、「ディアスポラ」「ジェンダー」「テクノロジー」といった特定のテーマに基づくものではないが、これらの要素が重要な役割を果たしている。2016年、シカゴ美術館付属美術大学に入学し、アニメーションとネオンライト作品の制作を始めた。2022年に拠点を東京に移し、東京藝術大学グローバルアートプラクティス専攻で修士課程を修了した。主な展示に、「定点観測のあいだ」(銀座蔦屋書店、東京、2023年)、「WHATZ International Contemporary Art Fair」(台北シェラトン、台北、2023年)、「Book exploration」(ZhouB Art Center、シカゴ、2018年)などがある。
B.1998 in Tokyo. From childhood theater practice, Coco became interested in the meaning or context in the text that can transform depending on the speaker. Having a big inspiration from permaculture and the world of soil, she delves into the theme; how to live with “others”? She is exploring the possibilities and beauty of language through poem writing and natural dyeing. Graduated from the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University in 2021, and Global Art Practice, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2025.
Aily Natori was born in Tokyo in 2000. She graduated from Musashino Art University’s Department of Industrial, Interior, and Craft Design, specializing in Metalwork. She then earned a master’s degree in Global Art Practice from Tokyo University of the Arts and studied as an exchange student in the Master of Visual Arts program at Griffith University (QCAD) in Australia. In addition to her art practice, she actively participates in local community-based art projects.
Her work primarily consists of iron sculptures crafted using blacksmithing techniques, as well as mixed-media pieces that incorporate materials such as cement and stone. She also explores motifs that merge nature with inner landscapes through painting, aiming to create spaces that stimulate the senses and evoke a world of infinite expanse. The central theme of her art practice is the exploration of the enduring relationship between humans and nature, as well as the wisdom passed down through generations. Through her works and activities, she seeks to express both the grandeur and the formidable power of nature.
2000年東京生まれ。武蔵野美術大学造形学部工芸工業デザイン学科金工専攻卒業後、東京藝術大学グローバルアートプラクティス専攻で修士課程修了。オーストラリアグリフィス大学(QCAD) Master of Visual Artsに交換留学。その他の活動として、地域とタイアップしたアートプロジェクトを実施している。