[Off campus exhibition/学外展示]

While the body is a physical entity with fixed form, it is also fluid and in flux, continually reshaped by complex interactions with internal and external forces. Incorporating video installation and performance, this project explores the evolving body and our concepts thereof as influenced by historical eras and social frameworks. Drawing on sources ranging from real-life experiences to the traditional art of bunraku puppet theater, it heightens awareness of bodily perception, turning the exhibition space and the building itself into media that invoke physical presence and broaden our awareness.
「Magnetic Contradictions」は映像インスタレーションとパフォーマンスをとおし、時代というときの流れや社会という枠組みによって変化していく身体とその概念、実生活の体験から人形浄瑠璃の伝統芸能まで身体にまつわる認識にフォーカスを当て、展示空間や建物をも媒体に変容していく身体性を空間に立ち上がらせ、認識の拡張を試みる。
- 23rd (Thu) – 26th (Sun) January 2025
Time/時間 (opening and closing time)≫
- Performance Time (Ticket Required)
- 23rd (Thu) 19:00
- 24th (Fri) 19:00 Post performance talk with Ryo Sawayama
- 25th (Sat) 14:00 Post performance talk with Yuko Mohri
- 26th (Sun) 14:00
- Installation & Body Practice Time (Admission Free)
- 23rd (Thu), 24th (Fri) 13:00~18:20 (Body Practice 14:30~15:00、16:30~17:00)
- 25th (Sat) 11:00~13:20、16:30~18:00 (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)
- 26th (Sun) 11:00~13:20 (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)
- TOKYO ARTS AND SPACE Hongo (2-4-16, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
- トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷(東京都文京区本郷2-4-16)
- 中川麻央 (Mao Nakagawa) (Graduated in 2022)
Participating artists/参加・出展アーティスト名≫
- Concept, Choreography, Perfromance : Mao Nakagawa
- Performance Assist : Rin Takahashi
- Technical Direction : Yutaka Endo (LUFTZUG)
- Production : Takafumi Tamura (TV MAN UNION)
- Pullover-Costume Desighn : Seiko Yukiura (SNEEUW)
- Soundsorce : Shinjiro Yamaguchi
- コンセプト・構成・振付・パフォーマンス:中川麻央
- パフォーマンスアシスト:髙橋凜
- テクニカルディレクション:遠藤豊 (LUFTZUG)
- 制作:田村孝史 (テレビマンユニオン)
- プルオーバーコスチュームデザイン:雪浦聖子 (SNEEUW)
- サウンドソース提供:山口晋似郎
Admission fee/料金≫
- Installation & Body Practice : Admission Free
- Performance : ¥2,000
- Ticket Reservation Site : https://os9-nakagawa.peatix.com
- インスタレーション & ボディプラクティス:入場無料
- パフォーマンス:¥2,000
- チケットサイト:https://os9-nakagawa.peatix.com