This special lecture will feature Professor Peter Eckersall, a researcher of performance studies and dramaturgy theory, and an expert on Japanese theater, who has also been involved in numerous performing arts. He will give a lecture that will serve as an introduction to performance studies.
Performance Studies (or PS) has grown in importance since it was first proposed as a new field of study in the 1970s and 1980s in the United States. Degrees in Performance Studies and approaches to artistic practice that are informed by PS are now seen in many places around the globe. Yet there are still many debates about what Performance Studies is.
This lecture will explore some key concepts in Performance Studies such as performativity, liminality, and the “broad spectrum” of performances that are enacted in theatre, ritual, sport, politics, and cultural and social movements. A key idea in the formation of PS was to think about what it does, rather than what it is, and the lecture will discuss how Performance Studies is connected to ideas of movement and action.
What can we learn from this sense of restless motion and from the interdisciplinary nature of Performance Studies? And what are the outcomes of this for thinking about contemporary art—as well as for humanity—in a time when we face many pressing problems?
This lecture will aim to be an introduction to Performance Studies with a focus on what it does for artists, scholars, and activists in our world. We will also discuss some examples of Performance Studies in Japan.
Planning and moderator: Chiaki Soma (Art Producer, Associate Professor of Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Date & Time: May 26, 2024 (Monday) 18:00-20:00
Venue: Lecture Room 1, Central Building, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts (No. 7 on the map below)
There will be no online streaming of the lecture.
Eligibility: TUA students, faculties and the general public
*Mandatory for Students who are registered for the GAP seminar in their first year of the GAP master’s program.
Language: Japanese and English with consecutive interpretation (Interpreter: Kanoko Tamura)
Admission and Booking: Free of charge, reservations required (first-come, first-served, capacity of 150)
Credit: Organized by Global Art Practice (GAP) and Inter Media Art(Sentan), Tokyo University of the Arts. Co-organized by Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts.
Special Cooperation: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice
会場:東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 美術学部中央棟第一講義室(以下の地図の7番)
主催:東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP)、先端芸術表現専攻。共催:東京藝術大学グローバルサポートセンター。 特別協力:東京都現代美術館
問い合わせ先:美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻

Peter Eckersall is the Sidney E. Cohn Professor in Theatre at the Graduate Center City University of New York. His research expertise includes Japanese theatre, dramaturgy, contemporary performance, and performance and media. Recent publications include Dramaturgy to Make Visible: The Legacies of New Dramaturgy for Politics and Performance in Our Times (Routledge 2024), (Asian) Dramaturgs Network: Sensing Complexity, Tracing and Doing, (coedited with Charlene Rajendran, Center 42 Singapore 2023), Okada Toshiki and Japanese Theatre, (coedited with Barbara Geilhorn, Andreas Regelsberger, Cody Poulton, Performance Research Books 2021), New Media Dramaturgy (co-authored with Helena Grehan and Ed Scheer, Palgrave 2017), and Performativity and Event in 1960s Japan (Palgrave 2013). He is resident dramaturg of the Not Yet It’s Difficult performance group (Melbourne). Recent dramaturgy includes Everything Starts from a Dot (Sachiyo Takahashi, LaMaMa), Phantom Sun/Northern Drift (Alexis Destoop, Beursschouwburg, Riga Biennial).
ピーター・エッカソールは、ニューヨーク市立大学大学院センターのシドニー・E・コーン教授(演劇)。専門分野は、日本演劇、ドラマツルギー、現代パフォーマンス、パフォーマンスとメディアなど。 最近の著書に、『可視化するドラマトゥルギー:我々の時代における政治とパフォーマンスのための新ドラマトゥルギー』(Routledge 2024)、『アジアのドラマトゥルグ・ネットワーク:複雑さの感知、トレース、実行』(Charlene Rajendranとの共編著、Center 42 Singapore 2023)、『岡田利規と日本演劇』(バーバラ・ゲイルホーン、アンドレアス・レゲルスバーガー、コーディ・ポルトンとの共編著、パフォーマンス・リサーチ・ブックス、2021年)、『ニューメディア・ドラマトゥルギー』(ヘレナ・グレハン、エド・シーアとの共著、パルグレイブ、2017年)、『パフォーマティヴィティと1960年代の日本におけるイヴェント』(パルグレイブ、2013年)。メルボルンのパフォーマンスグループNot Yet It’s Difficultの専属ドラマターグ。最近のドラマターグ作品には、Everything Starts from a Dot(高橋幸代、ラ・ママ)、Phantom Sun/Northern Drift(アレクシス・デストープ、Beursschouwburg、リガ・ビエンナーレ)などがある。