ウズベキスタン4都市でのリサーチワークショップ 報告会
Tapchan (топчан) time together?
東京藝術大学上野キャンパス内 国際交流棟 3階 コミュニティサロン
こちらの地図の19番の建物 https://www.geidai.ac.jp/access/ueno
【申込方法】予約フォーム https://forms.gle/UGftXZcV4Rv6HnBEA
【使用言語】日本語 (一部英語あり)
欧静薇 (美術研究科GAP専攻 修士1年) と 「タシケントを歩く:都市の舞台と演劇の日常」
渡邉元貴 (美術研究科GAP専攻 修士1年) と 「表象とまなざし ジェンダーと馬の睾丸」
徐秋成 (美術研究科先端芸術表現専攻 修士2年) と 「ノマドのポストメモリー」
山口塁 (美術研究科先端芸術表現専攻 修士2年) と 「友人の故郷を尋ねて-Jarkurganで感じたリアル-」
神道朝子 (国際芸術創造研究科GA 修士2年) と「死者を弔うところ」
柏木小遥 (国際芸術創造研究科GA 修士2年) と 「永劫回帰:太陽に曝され燃え尽きた革命と新たな現代の光」
佐藤未来 (映像研究科映像メディア学専攻 博士2年) と 「植民地の歴史と食」 *オンライン参加
相馬千秋 (美術研究科GAP専攻 准教授)
灰原千晶 (美術研究科GAP専攻 助教)
田村かのこ (美術研究科GAP専攻 インストラクター)
【主催】東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP) 相馬千秋研究室
【問い合わせ先】美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 gapstaffs@ml.geidai.ac.jp

Otsuka Kenjiro International Exchange Program for the Faculty of Fine Arts 2024
Presentation for Research Workshop held in Uzbekistan
Tapchan (топчан) time together?
We are pleased to welcome you to a debriefing session on the research workshop held August 16-22, 2024, touring four cities in Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, and Samarkand) and the surrounding areas. In this session, seven participating students will take the lead and report on their experiences and what they gained from their research in their own ways.
[Messages from participating students]
During our seven-day stay in Uzbekistan, we visited four cities and traveled approximately 1,000 km. The journey was like running around with limited time, feeling the limits of our bodies (especially our intestines and stomachs), and we were overwhelmed by the culture and architecture of Uzbekistan, which has functioned as a crossroads of various cultures from ancient times to the Middle Ages, modern times, and today. As we traveled from town to town by microbus for five to seven hours, gazing out the windows of the bus, we became aware of the earth, sky, sun, and moon… and the fact that we were living on the earth.
Through the trip, we were also able to catch a glimpse of people’s daily lives. Families spreading out their carpets on the roadside are washing their carpets. People waiting by the roadside for cars heading in the same direction. Cars moving quickly signaled by lights and horns, and just in time to move into the lane next to them.
And then there is a large piece of furniture with wooden chairs and tables on the edge of the house, which we happened to encounter throughout our trip. It is called Tapchan. At Tapchan, people eat, drink tea, talk, and nap with family and friends. The Tapchan is a place where people can gather without any purpose or goal, helping to create an everyday moment, which is typical of Uzbekistan.
Because of our admiration for this way of spending time at Tapchan, we would like to extend the exchange that is created in Tapchan to this debriefing session. Although we could not bring a Tapchan from Uzbekistan, we’d like to invite you to the circle of conversation in each participant’s own style of Tapchan, and spend time leisurely sharing memories and research. Looking forward to spending time with you!
October 21, Monday. 6pm to 8pm (O.K. to enter and exit anytime during the event)
Community Salon, 3rd floor of Taki Plaza. (Ueno Campus of Tokyo University of the Arts)
No. 19 building in this map → https://www.geidai.ac.jp/access/ueno
Mainly in Japanese (some presenters will present in English)
Anyone is welcome to attend this event regardless of whether you are members of TUA or not 🙂 Please submit the form below.
[Registration form]
[Presenters and Topics of discussion]
Jingwei Ou (M1, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice) and
“Walking in Tashkent: City as Stage and theatre for everyday life ”
Motoki Watanabe (M1, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice) and
“Representation and Gaze: Gender and Horse Testicles”
Xu Qiucheng (M2, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Inter Media Art) and
“Nomad’s Post Memory”
Rui Yamaguchi (M2, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Inter Media Art) and
“Visiting my friend’s hometown – the reality I felt in Jarkurgan”
Asako Jindo (M2 Graduate School of Global Arts, Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices) and
“The Place to Mourn the Dead”
Koharu Kashiwagi (M2 Graduate School of Global Arts, Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices) and
“Eternal Regression: Burnt Out Revolution Exposed to the Sun and New Light of Our Time”
Miku Sato (PhD2, Graduate School of Film and New Media) and
“Colonial History and Food” (*Online participation)
[Commentator / Workshop Participating Teachers]
Chiaki Soma (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice)
Chiaki Haibara (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice)
Kanoko Tamura (Instructor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice)
This event is organized by Chiaki Soma Laboratory, Department of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
Cooperation: Graduate School of Global Arts, Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices (GA) Contact: gapstaffs@ml.geidai.ac.jp