GAP Seminar / Special Lecture by Keiken Keiken  “How is Keiken / Experience Generated? Art in the Age of XR” | 特別講演会「Keikenはいかに生成されるか? XR時代のアート」

English is below
【日時】2023年10月10日(火) 18:00~20:00
【会場】 東京藝術大学美術学部 上野キャンパス/中央棟第1講義室 
【対象】 東京藝術大学の学生・研究生・教員/一般の方

Keiken (ダーニャ・クルス、ハナ・オーモリ、イザベル・ラモス)

去る2023年6〜7月には、ドイツ・フランクフルトで開催されたテアター・デア・ヴェルト世界演劇祭2023の企画展「Incubation Pod – Dreaming Worlds」において、VR技術や触覚的デバイスを駆使した体験型インスタレーション「Palu Ángel Taizōkai」を発表、好評を博しました。また、10月7日からスタートする金沢21世紀美術館での展覧会「DXP(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション・プラネット)-  次のインターフェースへ」展でも、現在の政治的、社会的、財政的、主観的な現実を超越した異次元空間で展開される進化形プロジェクトとして、最新作「Morphogenic Angels: Chapter 1」を発表します。

Palu Ángel Taizōkai, Installation View at Theater der Welt  ©Jörg Baumann

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (game still),  Courtesy of the artist

photo: Ink Agop – Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (Installation View),  Courtesy of the artist



DXP(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション・プラネット) ― 次のインターフェースへ
2023年10月7日(土) -2024年3月17日(日)


美術研究科 グローバル・アート・プラクティス専攻

GAP Seminar / Special Lecture by Keiken 
“How is Keiken / Experience Generated? Art in the Age of XR”

Date:Tuesday, October 10, 2023 18:00 – 20:00 
*With English-Japanese consecutive interpretation 
Venue:Lecture Room 1, Central Building, Ueno Campus, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 
*No online streaming

Audience: Students, research students, faculty member of Tokyo University of the Arts and the general public 

How to Participate: Please submit from this form. Reservations are required.
Admission is free. 

Keiken (Tanya Cruz, Hana Omori, Isabel Ramos)
Moderator / Planning:
Chiaki Soma (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Discussant : 
Kazuhiko Hachiya (Professor, Faculity of Fine Arts, Tokyo, Tokyo University of the Arts) 
Kanoko Tamura (Art Translators Collective)

Keiken is an artist collective co-founded in 2015 by Tanya Cruz, Hana Omori and Isabel Ramos, based between London and Berlin. Keiken (the Japanese word for ‘experience,’ which is at the centre of their practice) are collaboratively building and imagining speculative futures, to test-drive new structures and ways of existing. They do this through filmmaking, gaming, installation, Extended Reality (XR), blockchain, and performance. 
Last June-July 2023, Keiken presented “Palu Ángel Taizōkai,” an experiential installation using VR technology and tactile devices, at the “Incubation Pod – Dreaming Worlds” exhibition organized by the Theater der Welt in Frankfurt, Germany. From 7 October 2023, they will also present “Morphogenic Angels: Chapter 1” at the exhibition “DXP (Digital Transformation Planet) – Towards the Next Interface” at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art inKanazawa, Japan. “Morphogenic Angels” is Keiken’s current ongoing and ever-evolving project, unfolding in a radically different time and space that transcends our current political, societal, financial and subjective reality.
On the occasion of their visit to Japan, Keiken members will give a lecture for the first time in Tokyo. Keiken’s work transcends gender and species, and explores new and unknown visions and perceptions, while flexibly crossing multiple disciplines such as art, speculative design, games, and metaverse development. We will hear in detail about their methodologies and ideas on how art can reconstruct the “world” in the coming age and formulate questions to predict the future. 

Palu Ángel Taizōkai, Installation View at Theater der Welt  ©Jörg Baumann

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (game still),  Courtesy of the artist

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (Installation View),  Courtesy of the artist

Artist Profile: 
Keiken are a winner of the inaugural Chanel Next Prize and are artists in residence at Somerset House, London. Recent selected exhibitions include: Helsinki Biennial (FL), HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE) (2023), CO Berlin (DE); Wellcome Collection, London (UK); ARKO Art Centre, Seoul (KR); Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf (DE); Onassis, Athens (GR); Photographers Gallery, London (UK) (2022); 2nd Thailand Biennale, Korat (TH); House of Electronic Arts HEK, Basel (CH); Francisco Carolinum, Linz (AU); 17th Venice Architecture Biennale, Venice (IT); Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo (JP) (2021); FACT, Liverpool (UK); Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE); transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt HKW, Berlin (DE) (2020); Institute of Contemporary Arts ICA, London (UK); Jerwood Arts, London (UK) (2019).


<Exhibition in Japan> 
DXP (Digital Transformation Planet): Towards the Next Interface
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Saturday, October 7, 2023 – Sunday, March 17, 2024

Organized by: Tokyo University of the Arts
Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice (Chiaki Soma Laboratory)
Department of Inter Media Art (Kazuhiko Hachiya Laboratory)
Cooperation: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Non-Profit Organization Art Corporation 

Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice

今を生きる作曲家の群像 Vol.2 邦人作曲家編

This is a concert organized by International Choral Organization of Tokyo. It will feature compositions by Japanese composers published by Edition ICOT.

一般社団法人東京国際合唱機構の主催する演奏会です。Edition ICOTから出版されている日本人の作曲家の作品を集めたコンサートになります。

Date: 10/5(Thu) Open 18:30, Start 19:00


Venue:Shibuya Cultural Center Owada Sakura Hall 〒150-0031 23-21 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

会場:渋谷区文化総合センター大和田さくらホール 〒150-0031 東京都渋谷区桜丘町23-21

Admission fee: Tickets: 2,000 yen University Students and Below: 1,500 yen Same-day Tickets: 2,500 yen




【第2期選抜試験/Period 2】2024年度入学第2期選抜試験入試説明会 / Orientation for Entrance Examination for All Applicants 2024 Academic year






Global Art Practice Department is having a guidance for Entrance Examination Period 2 screening for academic year 2024, individuals who are interested in pursuing a degree in GAP can participate in the online guidance.

If you have any specific questions, please send them in advance using the form below. Answers will be given at the consultation session or posted on the website, and individual replies will not be made.

Send your questions here(Google Form)

*Language: Japanese Only (If you have a question, you can ask us in English)

Date・Venue: 13th Sept (Wed) 18:00(JST) Online by ZOOM(URL: