[Urgent Event] Hearing Voices from Palestine/Israel – Report and Dialogue by Jun Takaku, Asahi Shimbun Reporter | [緊急開催] パレスチナ/イスラエルからの声を聞く ー 高久潤記者(朝日新聞社)による報告と対話





日 時:2023年11月29日(水)18:00-20:00

会 場:東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 国際交流棟3Fコミュニティ・サロン(以下の地図19番)https://www.geidai.ac.jp/access/ueno

スピーカー    高久潤(朝日新聞エルサレム支局長・特派員記者)
ディスカッサント 五野井郁夫(政治学者、高千穂大学経営学部教授)
企画・司会    相馬千秋(アートプロデューサー、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻准教授)





共催:東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科(GA) 清水知子研究室、東京藝術大学グローバルサポートセンター

問い合わせ先:美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻


2006年朝日新聞入社。文化くらし報道部、国際報道部、オピニオン編集部を経て2022年からエルサレム支局長。もともとは音楽やダンスの取材をしたく新聞記者になった。海外では、15年のパリ同時多発テロや16年の英国のEU離脱の国民投票などを取材してきた。共著に「民主主義って本当に最良のルールなのか、世界をまわって考えた」「パンデミック以後 ー 米中激突と日本の最終選択 エマニュエル・トッド」など。



Less than two months have already passed since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, and the Israeli army invaded Gaza in response. During this time, more than 15,000 civilians and children have lost their lives, and the irreversible destruction and violence continue to deprive the people living there of their human rights, dignity, and hope. In addition, this conflict has manifested itself in the division of the international community and is threatening to disrupt the global art scene, as evidenced by the resignation of the entire selection committee for the artistic director of Documenta 16 in Germany.

What can we see and hear, how can we think, and how can we take action in response to this critical situation? In this talk event, we invite online correspondent Jun Takaku, who is the Jerusalem bureau chief of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and has been reporting and delivering articles on both thePalestinian and  Israeli scenes every day. Mr. Takaku is a journalist specializing not only in politics and economics, but also in social thought and the arts in general. Since October 7, he has been visiting extreme situations on the ground every day and has conducted extensive interviews with everyone from politicians and military personnel to ordinary citizens and refugees, and has written multifaceted articles.

At this meeting, we would like to hear from Mr. Takaku, who has heard a vast number of voices in Palestine/Israel, for as long as time permits. In addition, we would like to explore together with Ikuo Gonoi, a political scientist, the forms of imagination and solidarity that are possible only at an art university, while weaving a dialogue with the artists and students who will gather at the event. We hope you will join us.

*Please note that there is a possibility that Mr. Takahisa’s speaking time or participation may change depending on the situation.
*There are no plans for online distribution.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 18:00-20:00

Venue: Community Salon, 3F, International Exchange Building, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts (Map #19 below) https://www.geidai.ac.jp/access/ueno

Speaker: Jun Takahisa (Chief of the Asahi Shimbun’s Jerusalem Bureau, Correspondent Reporter)
Discussant: Ikuo Gonoi (Political Scientist, Professor at Takachiho University, Faculty of Business Administration)
Moderator: Chiaki Soma (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)

Free of charge, reservation required (first-come-first-served basis, capacity of 50 people)

Submission Form
Fully booked

Language: In principle, Japanese will be used, but for those who are not Japanese speakers, we will be flexible and switch to English for some parts.

Organized by: Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 

Co-organized by:
Tomoko Shimizu Laboratory, Graduate School of Global Art Creation (GA), Tokyo University of the Arts
Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts

Contact: Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice

Email: gapstaffs@ml.geidai.ac.jp

Profile of Speakers

Jun Takaku 
Jun Takahisa joined the Asahi Shimbun in 2006. After working in the Culture and Life News Department, the International News Department, and the Opinion Editorial Department, he became the Jerusalem Bureau Chief in 2022. He originally became a newspaper reporter to cover music and dance. Overseas, he has covered such events as the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2003 and the referendum in the U.K. on leaving the European Union in 2004. He is co-author of “Is Democracy Really the Best Rule?

Ikuo Gonoi 
Political theorist and professor of International Relations at Takachiho University. He specializes in democratic theory, international order theory, and aesthetics of politics. He is also one of the founder of “Rikken Democracy no Kai” (Association for Constitutional Democracy) and a selector and author of “Japanese Politics” in “Gendai Jogo no Kihonjikai” (Basic Knowledge of Contemporary Terms). His most recent article is “Is Cancellation Culture Choking Democracy?” (Sekai, June 2023), “Contemporary World Order proposals and Pacifist norm” (Houhou Jiho, May 2023), etc. He is also the co-author of “How to Really Enjoy Contemporary Art” (Film Art, Inc.) and “Tetsuya Yamagami and Japan’s ‘Lost 30 Years'” (Shueisha, Inc.).

Chiaki Soma
Art Producer, Representative Director of NPO Arts Commons Tokyo. She specializes in curating and producing contemporary and transdisciplinary arts. She has experience working with Palestinian and Lebanese artists. First Program Director of Festival/Tokyo (2009-2013), Curator of Aichi Triennale 2019 and 2022, President and Artistic Director of the Theatre Commons Tokyo (2017-present). She served as Program Director of the World Theatre Festival 2023 in Germany.