Special Lecture + Talk Session “Tokyo Heterotopia” 10 Years and Beyond – Invisible Theater, City, and Tourism around Heterotopia | 特別講演+トークセッション「東京ヘテロトピア」の10年とこれから ー 混在郷をめぐる不可視の演劇、都市、観光


日 時:2024年1月18日(木)19:30-21:30
会 場:東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 国際交流棟3Fコミュニティ・サロン(以下の地図19番)

第一部 論文発表「東京ヘテロトピア ー 21世紀のパサージュ論」
第二部 討論「東京ヘテロトピアの10年とこれからー混在郷をめぐる不可視の演劇、都市、観光」


参加無料・要予約(先着順・定員50名→増員しました 150名)


東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP) 相馬千秋研究室
東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科メディア映像専攻 高山明研究室

美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻


トニ・ヒルデブラントは、ベルン大学のアドバンスト・ポスドクであり、UNAMメキシコシティとの共同プロジェクトであるSNSF Sinergiaプロジェクト「Mediating the Ecological Imperative」のコーディネーターである。2014年にバーゼル大学で美術史の博士号を取得し、「ヴォルフガング・ラッチェン賞」を受賞した後、2014年よりベルン大学近現代美術史学科に勤務。バーゼル大学、ベルン芸術大学、バーゼルFHNW美術デザインアカデミー、ニューヨーク大学で客員講師を務め、スイス・インスティテュート・イン・ローマ(2013-2017)、ミュンヘン中央美術史研究所(2019)、ヴァルター・ベンヤミン・コレグ(2020/21、シニアフェロー2024-26)でフェローシップを受けた。2022年にはアンソロジー『PPPP』を出版: ピエール・パオロ・パゾリーニ哲学者』(ジョヴァンバッティスタ・トゥーザとの共著)を出版し、現在は新著『原子時代の芸術』(2024年刊行予定)に取り組んでいる。

1967年生まれ。東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授。専門は都市工学、社会基盤計画、マサチューセッツ工科大学客員研究員、リーズ大学客員研究員、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校客員教授、東京大学大学院工学系研究科都市工学専攻准教授を経て現職。移動ネットワーク上の意思決定モデルに関する研究で米谷・佐佐木賞、世界交通学会Bursary Prize、交通工学論文賞など多くの賞を受賞。陸前高田の復興計画やモビリティ・クラウドの研究開発に従事しながら、東京2060プロジェクトに取り組む。

1969年生まれ。2002年、演劇ユニットPort B(ポルト・ビー)を結成。実際の都市を使ったツアー・パフォーマンスや社会実験プロジェクトなど、現実の都市や社会に介入する活動を世界各地で展開している。近年では、美術、観光、文学、建築、教育といった異分野に越境し、演劇的発想・思考の可能性の開拓に取り組んでいる。主な作品に『ワーグナー・プロジェクト』(横浜​、フランクフルト、大分、金沢)、『マクドナルド放送大学』(フランクフルト​、ベルリン、香港、東京、金沢、ブリュッセル、ウルサン、鳥取)、『国民投票プロジェクト』(東京、福島、ウィーンほか)、『完全避難マニュアル』(東京​、フランクフルト)など多数。主な著書に「テアトロン: 社会と演劇をつなぐもの」(河出書房)。


 The concept of heterotopia was coined by philosopher Michel Foucault. While utopia is a utopia that does not exist in reality, heterotopia means an absolutely “other place” that exists in reality. The artist, Akira Takayama, has conceived the tour-performance “Tokyo Heterotopia” as a device to lead the audience to a “heterotopia,” a place in Tokyo where traces of memories of former Asian students, immigrants, and refugees still remain. The number of places visited increased from 13 at the first performance at Festival/Tokyo in 2013 to 30. Now, through a sightseeing app in collaboration with Tokyo Metro, visitors can listen to readings of “stories that could have been there” spun by poets and novelists (Keijiro Suga, Wen Yourou, Yusuke Kimura, Masatsugu Ono, Koma Ikoi, Chen Yu-Chin, Erika Kobayashi, Sachiko Iioka, Natsumi Aoyagi). During the past 10 years, projects have also been developed in cities such as Taipei, Abu Dhabi, Riga, Beirut, Athens, and Frankfurt, where Takayama has been invited, and heterotopias continue to exist in many parts of the world.
 In this program, we would like to look back on the accumulation and development of this project over the past 10 years, and once again confront the question, “what is heterotopia in Tokyo, a city within Asia? In the first part, we will invite Toni Hildebrandt, an researcher who visited all heterotopias during his stay in Tokyo and wrote a paper entitled “Tokyo Heterotopia: A ‘Passagenwerk’ for the 21st Century”, who will give a presentation based on his paper. In the second part, we will discuss the future possibilities of this project as much as time permits, freely moving back and forth between urban theory, theater theory, tourism policy, and Asian histories, with urban engineer Eiji Hato and the artist himself as discussants.
 We hope you will join us, as there is much to learn from this project as an example of a sustainable art project that crosses theory and practice and develops over a 10-year period, as well as an example of work that starts from urban research to launch a narrative and project.

Date & Time:
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 19:30-21:30
Community Salon, 3F, International Exchange Building, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts (Map No. 19 below)
( Changed) Lecture Room 1, Chuo Building, Visual Arts Department, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts ( Map No. 7 below)
There will be no online streaming.

Part I: Keynote Speech “Tokyo Heterotopia – A ‘Passagenwerk’ for the 21st Century
Toni Hildebrandt  (Art Historian and Philosopher, University of Bern)

Part II: Discussion  “Tokyo Heterotopia” 10 Years and Beyond – Invisible Theater, City, and Tourism around Heterotopia”
Eiji Hato (Urban Engineer, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Akira Takayama (Director, Artist, Professor of the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts)

Planning and moderator:
Chiaki Soma (Art Producer, Associate Professor of Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)

Free of charge, reservation required (first-come-first-served basis, capacity of 150 people)
Application Form

Japanese and English with consecutive interpretation (interpreter: Kyle Yamada)

Organized by:
Chiaki Soma Laboratory, Department of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Co-organized by:
Akira Takayama Laboratory, Department of Media Imaging, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts
Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts 

Department of Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts
Email: gapstaffs@ml.geidai.ac.jp

Toni Hildebrandt
Toni Hildebrandt is an Advanced Postdoc and Coordinator of the SNSF Sinergia project “Mediating the Ecological Imperative“ at University of Bern in collaboation with UNAM Mexico City. After receiving his PhD in Art History at the University of Basel in 2014, for which he received the “Wolfgang-Ratjen award”, Toni Hildebrandt has been working at the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art History at University of Bern since 2014. He was a guest lecturer at University of Basel, the University of the Arts in Bern, the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel and New York University, and he held fellowships at the Swiss Institute in Rome (2013-2017), the Central Institute for Art History in Munich (2019) and the Walter Benjamin Kolleg (2020/21; Senior Fellow 2024-26). In 2022 he published the anthology PPPP: Pier Paolo Pasolini Philosopher (together with Giovanbattista Tusa) and he is currently working on a new book “Art in the Atomic Age“ (forthcoming in 2024).

Eiji Hato
Born in 1967. Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Specialized in urban engineering and social infrastructure planning. He was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a visiting researcher at the University of Leeds, a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an associate professor at the Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo before assuming his current position. He has received many awards for his research on decision-making models on mobile networks, including the Yoneya-Sasaki Prize, the Bursary Prize of the World Society of Transportation Engineers, and the Best Paper Award in Transportation Engineering. He is involved in the reconstruction plan of Rikuzentakata and the research and development of the Mobility Cloud, while working on the Tokyo 2060 project.

Akira Takayama
Born in 1969, Akira Takayama formed the theater unit Port B in 2002. He has been active worldwide intervening in real cities and societies through touring performances and social experimentation projects using actual cities. In recent years, he has been exploring the possibilities of theatrical ideas and thinking by crossing borders into different fields such as art, tourism, literature, architecture, and education. Major works include “Wagner Project” (Yokohama, Frankfurt, Oita, Kanazawa), “McDonald Radio University” (Frankfurt, Berlin, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Kanazawa, Brussels, Ulsan, Tottori), “Referendum Project” (Tokyo Tokyo, Fukushima, Vienna, etc.), “The Complete Manual of  Evacuation” (Tokyo, Frankfurt, etc.), and many others. His main publications include “Theatron: What Links Society and Theater” (Kawade Shobo).

Chiaki Soma
Chiaki Soma is Founder and Representative Director of Arts Commons Tokyo, art collective founded in 2014. She is curator and producer specialized in transdisciplinary contemporary art crossing over theater, contemporary art, socially engaged-art, and media arts with AR/VR technology etc. She has produced or curated various projects over last 20 years in Japan and Asia : Program Director of Festival/Tokyo (2009-2013), Founding president and Artistic director of Theater Commons Tokyo (2017-present), Performing Arts Curator of Aichi Triennale 2019 and 2022. Recently she worked as program director of the Theater der Welt 2023 in Frankfurt-Offenbach, Germany. 
She has been awarded the Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from France’s Minister of Culture in 2015 and the Art Encouragement Prize from Japanese Minister of Culture in 2021. She is currently Associate Professor for The Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts.

Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2023/東京藝大アートフェス2023

6 students from GAP participated to the online art festival, Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2023.

Online viewing period of Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2023 is from around November 2023 to May 2024. Please watch them out!

Hikari Asano (2022 Alumni)

Johanna Riedl (M2 student)

Mesbahi Ines Jasmine (M2 student)

Natalie TSYU (M2 student)

COPEN / コペン (M2 student, Nagisa Mizuno’s collaboration with Katō Yū)

Sattapon Sareena (PhD student)

Takumi Uchida (M1 student)

awarded works from GAP : 東京藝術大学長賞 / Tokyo University of the Arts President’s Award(Takumi Uchida), 優秀賞 / Excellence Award(Sattapon Sareena), 佳作 / Honorable Mention Award(Hikari Asano, Natalie TSYU).

ムーヴメント・ワークショップ「ステージとしての身体」【Movement Workshop: Body as a Stage】


この度、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科GAP専攻は、パリ国立高等美術学校のエマニュエル・ユイン教授(ダンサー・コレオグラファー)をお迎えし、全学向けのムーヴメント・ワークショプ「Body as a Stage(ステージとしての身体)」を開催します。













ベトナム人とフランス人の両親の間に生まれる。パンテオン・ ソルボンヌ大学にて哲学を学び、研究深化学位(DEA)を取得 。また、振付師モーリス・べシャールがベルギー・ブリュッセル に設立した学校ムドラにてダンスを学ぶ。エルヴェ・ロブ、オ ディール・デュボックと共演した後、1994年にヴィラ・メディチ 海外研究奨学金を得てベトナムに渡り、創作活動を行う。ベ トナムから帰国後、自身のダンスの象徴でもある「異分野の アーティストとのボーダーレスなコラボレーション」をベース としたソロ作品「Múa」(1995)を発表。2009年、「心奪(Shin- bai) ~魂の略奪、あるいは飛翔~」で生け花師範・奥平清鳳 と共演。2011年、「SPIEL/シュピール・遊戯」で舞踏家・笠井叡 と共演。2004年2月から2012年12月にかけて、フランス・アン ジェ国立振付センター(CNDC)の芸術監督を務め、ダンス、 創造活動、パフォーマンスを習得する修士プログラム「Essais 」を設立し、同センターの改革に貢献した。2009年、2011年、 および2013年には、世界各国のコンテンポラリー・ダンスお よびアートスクールが集まり、教育内容を披露する国際会議 「Schools」を企画開催。2016年9月、パリ国立高等美術学校 教授就任。同校にてコレオグラフィー、ダンス、パフォーミングアートを担当。

Dear students, 

The Department of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts is delighted to announce a 2-day Movement Workshop “Body as a Stage” led by Professor Emmanuelle Huynh (dancer and choreographer) from Beaux-Arts de Paris.

This workshop aims to relight the realm of performance through the concept of ‘movement’, exploring not only physical expression, but also investigating spatial awareness and awareness of the self within the collective through various movement practices:

Time, Space and Body will be the tools as well as the investigated field.

We welcome applications from all departments, including those who are new to performance!

【Movement Workshop: Body as a Stage】

Date: December 21 and 22, 2023 (2 days)

Time: 10:00 to 16:30

Place: Ueno Campus

No. of students: 20 students (all departments are welcome)

Application form: Please apply from the form below.


Application Deadline: December 17, 2023

Language: English (key points will be translated to Japanese)

Biography: Emmanuelle Huynh

Born to Vietnamese and French parents. Huynh studied philosophy at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University and earned a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) in research. Additionally, she studied dance at Mudra, the school founded by choreographer Maurice Béjart in Brussels, Belgium. After collaborating with Hervé Robbe and Odile Duboc, she received the Villa Medicis overseas scholarship in 1994, allowing her to pursue creative activities in Vietnam. Upon returning from Vietnam, Huynh conceived her solo work “Múa” (1995) on the concept of “borderless collaboration with artists from different fields,” which became a symbol of her dance. In 2009, she collaborated with ikebana master Seiho Okudaira in “Shinbai,” and in 2011, with butoh dancer Akira Kasai in “SPIEL”. From February 2004 to December 2012, she served as the artistic director of the National Center for Contemporary Dance (CNDC) in Angers. During this time, she created a new master’s degree called “Essais”, offering a dance, creation, and performance training programme, contributing to the center’s reform. In 2009, 2011, and 2013, she initiated and organized the international conference “Schools,” where contemporary dance and art schools from around the world showcased their educational programmes. In September 2016, Huynh became the professor at the Beaux-Arts de Paris heading the choreography, dance, and performance arts atelier.




湯澤マリアナ (GAP教育研究助手)


