image: Work in Progress for the cover of “Drawing: Point and Line and Plane to Tube” published by Sayusha 2023 © Hiraku Suzuki Studio

Date: October 30th (Mon), 2023 
Time: 13:00 Open / 13:30 Start 
Venue: Lecture Room 1, Fine Arts Department, Tokyo University of the Arts 
Admission: Free / Reservation Needed 
Guest: Tim Ingold 
Language: Japanese / English (simultaneous interpretation available)

日時:2023年10月30日(月) 13:00 開場 / 13:30 開演
会場:東京藝術大学 美術学部 第一講義室
料金:入場無料 / 要予約
言語:日本語 / 英語(同時通訳あり)

15:15~16:00【Talk】Drawing Dialogue with Hiraku Suzuki(Artist, Associate Professor) 
Reservation Form:
*Registration will be closed when we reach capacity due to limited seats 
*Please register one person at a time

15:15~16:00【対談】Drawing Dialogue with 鈴木ヒラク(アーティスト、本学准教授)


Organized by: Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts; Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
Supported by: Japan Institute of Design Promotion; SAYUSHA
Contact: / 050-5525-2725 (Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

主催:東京藝術大学大学院 国際芸術創造研究科アートプロデュース専攻 / 美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻
お問い合わせ:国際芸術創造研究科教員室( / 050-5525-2725)

ティム・インゴルド|Tim Ingold

1948年英国バークシャー州レディング生まれ。社会人類学者。トナカイの狩猟や飼育をめぐるフィンランド北東部のサーミ人の社会と経済の変遷についてフィールドワークを行なう。線という観点からあらゆるものを捉えなおす『ラインズ 線の文化史』(原著2007)、手の仕事を通じて人類学を編みなおす『メイキング 人類学・考古学・芸術・建築』(原著2013)のほか、『ライフ・オブ・ラインズ 線の生態人類学』(原著2015)、『人類学とは何か』(原著2018)、未邦訳の著書としてThe Appropriation of Nature(1986)、アカデミズムにおける進化の概念を俯瞰するEvolution and Social Life(1986)、世界の知覚のあり方を問い直すThe Perception of the Environment(2000)などの著書がある。

鈴木ヒラク|Hiraku Suzuki

「描く」と「書く」の間をテーマに、平面・彫刻・映像・インスタレーション・パフォーマンスなど様々な手法でドローイングの領域を拡張し続けている。国内外の美術館で数多くの展覧会に参加する他、音楽家や詩人らとのコラボレーションも手がける。2016年よりプラットフォーム『Drawing Tube』を主宰。2023年9月にティム・インゴルド氏が帯文を寄せた初のエッセイ『ドローイング 点・線・面からチューブへ』が左右社より刊行された。現在、群馬県立近代美術館にて個展『今日の発掘』が開催中(2023年12月19日まで)。

Special Guest Lecture from Kunstakademie Münster / ミュンスター美術アカデミー招聘教授特別講演

We will have Special Guest Lecture by Prof.Suchan Kinoshita and Prof. Julia Schmidt from Kunstakademie Münster, which is a part of collaboration Project with the Sculpture Department, Oil Painting Department, and GAP. They will talk about recent developments at the university and share insights into their own creative work.

彫刻科・油画科・GAPと共同プロジェクトを行なっている、ミュンスター美術アカデミーのSuchan Kinoshita 教授とJulia Schmidt 教授を迎え、最近の大学の様子やお二人の制作などについて語っていただきます。

Date/日時:12th Oct (Thu),2023 18:00-19:30

Venue/会場:Lecture room 1, Central building in Ueno campus/美術学部中央棟1F 第1講義室

Organizer/主催:Sculpture department, Oil Painting department and GAP /彫刻科、油画科、GAP

Contact / 問い合わせ : 美術学部国際連携係< >

GAPオープンキャンパス開催/GAP will organize GAP Open Campus


On November 25th (Saturday) , GAP will hold an on-campus tour and department informative session in Toride Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts.
For those who are interested in GAP, and have questions, please fill out the form and send it.
*There is no reservation, the reception will be occur on the event day.


日時/Date: 11月25日(土)/ Saturday 25th November 2023

時間/Time: 13:00 – (JST)

集合場所 / Venue: 東京藝術大学取手キャンパス メディア棟2階第1講義室/1st lecture room, Media building 2F, Toride campus, Tokyo University of the Arts.

住所 / Address: 〒302-0001茨城県取手市小文間5000 / Omonma 5000, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0001 

アクセス / Access: JR常磐線取手駅東口より大利根交通バス15分 / 15mins by Otone bus from JR Toride Station


*In the GAP on- campus tour, some of GAP students will show their own artworks and performances. For more details, please visit the official website of the 2023 Toride Art Festival.

Design : Qi Beilin and Hibiki Yamada (GAP M1 students)

GAP Seminar / Special Lecture by Keiken Keiken  “How is Keiken / Experience Generated? Art in the Age of XR” | 特別講演会「Keikenはいかに生成されるか? XR時代のアート」

English is below
【日時】2023年10月10日(火) 18:00~20:00
【会場】 東京藝術大学美術学部 上野キャンパス/中央棟第1講義室 
【対象】 東京藝術大学の学生・研究生・教員/一般の方

Keiken (ダーニャ・クルス、ハナ・オーモリ、イザベル・ラモス)

去る2023年6〜7月には、ドイツ・フランクフルトで開催されたテアター・デア・ヴェルト世界演劇祭2023の企画展「Incubation Pod – Dreaming Worlds」において、VR技術や触覚的デバイスを駆使した体験型インスタレーション「Palu Ángel Taizōkai」を発表、好評を博しました。また、10月7日からスタートする金沢21世紀美術館での展覧会「DXP(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション・プラネット)-  次のインターフェースへ」展でも、現在の政治的、社会的、財政的、主観的な現実を超越した異次元空間で展開される進化形プロジェクトとして、最新作「Morphogenic Angels: Chapter 1」を発表します。

Palu Ángel Taizōkai, Installation View at Theater der Welt  ©Jörg Baumann

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (game still),  Courtesy of the artist

photo: Ink Agop – Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (Installation View),  Courtesy of the artist



DXP(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション・プラネット) ― 次のインターフェースへ
2023年10月7日(土) -2024年3月17日(日)


美術研究科 グローバル・アート・プラクティス専攻

GAP Seminar / Special Lecture by Keiken 
“How is Keiken / Experience Generated? Art in the Age of XR”

Date:Tuesday, October 10, 2023 18:00 – 20:00 
*With English-Japanese consecutive interpretation 
Venue:Lecture Room 1, Central Building, Ueno Campus, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts 
*No online streaming

Audience: Students, research students, faculty member of Tokyo University of the Arts and the general public 

How to Participate: Please submit from this form. Reservations are required.
Admission is free. 

Keiken (Tanya Cruz, Hana Omori, Isabel Ramos)
Moderator / Planning:
Chiaki Soma (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Discussant : 
Kazuhiko Hachiya (Professor, Faculity of Fine Arts, Tokyo, Tokyo University of the Arts) 
Kanoko Tamura (Art Translators Collective)

Keiken is an artist collective co-founded in 2015 by Tanya Cruz, Hana Omori and Isabel Ramos, based between London and Berlin. Keiken (the Japanese word for ‘experience,’ which is at the centre of their practice) are collaboratively building and imagining speculative futures, to test-drive new structures and ways of existing. They do this through filmmaking, gaming, installation, Extended Reality (XR), blockchain, and performance. 
Last June-July 2023, Keiken presented “Palu Ángel Taizōkai,” an experiential installation using VR technology and tactile devices, at the “Incubation Pod – Dreaming Worlds” exhibition organized by the Theater der Welt in Frankfurt, Germany. From 7 October 2023, they will also present “Morphogenic Angels: Chapter 1” at the exhibition “DXP (Digital Transformation Planet) – Towards the Next Interface” at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art inKanazawa, Japan. “Morphogenic Angels” is Keiken’s current ongoing and ever-evolving project, unfolding in a radically different time and space that transcends our current political, societal, financial and subjective reality.
On the occasion of their visit to Japan, Keiken members will give a lecture for the first time in Tokyo. Keiken’s work transcends gender and species, and explores new and unknown visions and perceptions, while flexibly crossing multiple disciplines such as art, speculative design, games, and metaverse development. We will hear in detail about their methodologies and ideas on how art can reconstruct the “world” in the coming age and formulate questions to predict the future. 

Palu Ángel Taizōkai, Installation View at Theater der Welt  ©Jörg Baumann

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (game still),  Courtesy of the artist

Morphogenic Angels, 2022-2023 (Installation View),  Courtesy of the artist

Artist Profile: 
Keiken are a winner of the inaugural Chanel Next Prize and are artists in residence at Somerset House, London. Recent selected exhibitions include: Helsinki Biennial (FL), HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin (DE) (2023), CO Berlin (DE); Wellcome Collection, London (UK); ARKO Art Centre, Seoul (KR); Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf (DE); Onassis, Athens (GR); Photographers Gallery, London (UK) (2022); 2nd Thailand Biennale, Korat (TH); House of Electronic Arts HEK, Basel (CH); Francisco Carolinum, Linz (AU); 17th Venice Architecture Biennale, Venice (IT); Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo (JP) (2021); FACT, Liverpool (UK); Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE); transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt HKW, Berlin (DE) (2020); Institute of Contemporary Arts ICA, London (UK); Jerwood Arts, London (UK) (2019).


<Exhibition in Japan> 
DXP (Digital Transformation Planet): Towards the Next Interface
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Saturday, October 7, 2023 – Sunday, March 17, 2024

Organized by: Tokyo University of the Arts
Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Global Art Practice (Chiaki Soma Laboratory)
Department of Inter Media Art (Kazuhiko Hachiya Laboratory)
Cooperation: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Non-Profit Organization Art Corporation 

Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice

【第2期選抜試験/Period 2】2024年度入学第2期選抜試験入試説明会 / Orientation for Entrance Examination for All Applicants 2024 Academic year






Global Art Practice Department is having a guidance for Entrance Examination Period 2 screening for academic year 2024, individuals who are interested in pursuing a degree in GAP can participate in the online guidance.

If you have any specific questions, please send them in advance using the form below. Answers will be given at the consultation session or posted on the website, and individual replies will not be made.

Send your questions here(Google Form)

*Language: Japanese Only (If you have a question, you can ask us in English)

Date・Venue: 13th Sept (Wed) 18:00(JST) Online by ZOOM(URL:

【Period 2 screening】The Guidance for Prospective Students, GAP for All Applicants for 2024 Academic Year|2024年度 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 第2期選抜試験学生募集要項掲載

We have released the English version of “The Guidance for Prospective Students, Global Art Practice (MFA Program) Period 2 screening (2024 Academic Year)”.

Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > FINE ARTS (Private students) > Graduate Students (Master/Doctor)

Guidance for Prospective Students / Global Art Practice (MFA Program) Period 2 screening


東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > 大学院入試 > 美術研究科 > 募集要項


Orientation for Entrance Examination for International Applicants 2024 Academic year

Global Art Practice Department is having a preliminary guidance for Entrance Examination for academic year 2024, individuals who are interested in pursuing a further degree can participate in the online guidance.

This consultation session will be given only in English. We will have the another session in Japanese in September 2023.

If you have any specific questions, please send them in advance using the form below. Answers will be given at the consultation session or posted on the website, and individual replies will not be made.

Send your questions here(Google Form)

*Language: English Only (If you have a question, you can ask us in Japanese)

Date・Venue: 14th July (Fri) 18:00(JST) Online by ZOOM(URL:

The Guidance for Prospective Students, GAP for International Applicants for 2024 Academic Year|2024年度 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試学生募集要項掲載

We have released the English version of “The Guidance for Prospective Students, Global Art Practice for International Applicants (2024 Academic Year)”.

Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > FINE ARTS (Private students) > Graduate Students (Master/Doctor)

The Guidance for Prospective Students, Global Art Practice Entrance Examinations for International Applicants (PDF) 


東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > 大学院入試 > 美術研究科 > 募集要項

2024年度 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科(修士課程) 学生募集要項(PDF)

Special Lecture “Dancing the Land” | 特別講義 「ダンシング・ザ・ランド」

Special Lecture  “Dancing the Land”
特別講義 「ダンシング・ザ・ランド」

Date : Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
日時:2022年10月11日(火)18:00 – 19:30(日本時間)
Venue : Lecture Room No.2, 1st Fl. of the Central Buiding, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地美術学部 中央棟1F 第2講義室
Guest: Khvay Samnang, Chum Chanveasna
Language: English Only

The Department of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts is pleased to announce a public lecture by internationally acclaimed Cambodian artist Khvay Samnang and curator Chum Chanveasna. Khvay Samnang is a founding member of the Sa Sa Art Project, an artist collective based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the Sa Sa Art Project was invited to participate in Documenta 15 this year.
Khvay Samnang will be in Japan for the solo exhibition and will be teaching the Social Practice Seminar and GAP Seminar classes for the GAP on October 9, 10, and 11. The theme of the class will be “Where is my land?” and will explore the relationship between humans and the land, and our relationship to lost or dispossessed land. Khvay Samnang has created many works on the theme of the relationship between people and land, and in 2011 he created a work on the Great East Japan Earthquake. At Documenta 14, he presented a work in response to one of Asia’s largest tropical rainforests in Cambodia, where the construction of a dam has resulted in the loss of land and environmental destruction, threatening the livelihood and culture of the people who live there.
A related class was given by Vietnamese artist Tuan Mami on October 4. Tuan Mami participated in Documenta 15 as a member of the Hanoi-based artist collective “Nha San Collective,” where he worked with Vietnamese immigrants to create “Vietnamese Immigrating Garden” (2022), a garden of Vietnamese plants. Documenta 15 featured many works that questioned the relationship between land and people over colonialism and dispossession. In the second semester of 2022, GAP (Imamura’s class) will continue to consider many of the issues presented at Documenta 15 as one of the “After 100 days” proposed by Documenta 15. This time, we will continue to consider the relationship between humans and nature and the environment.
The lecture is open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. Please come and join us.

クゥワイ・サムナンはカンボジア・プノンペンを拠点に活動するアーティスト・コレクティブ「ササ・アート・プロジェクツ(Sa Sa Art Projects)」の創設メンバーであり、ササ・アート・プロジェクツは今年開催されたドクメンタ15にも招待されています。また、彼は前回のドクメンタ14にも招待されています。今回は個展開催のために来日し、10月9、10、11日にGAP専攻のソーシャル・プラクティス・セミナーおよびGAPセミナーの授業を行う予定です。
授業では「Where is my land?」をテーマに人間と大地の関係、失われた土地、あるいは収奪された土地と私たちとの関係を探ります。クゥワイ・サムナンは人と土地の関係をテーマに多くの作品を制作しており、2011年には東日本大震災に関する作品を制作しています。
関連した授業として10月4日(火)にはベトナムのアーティスト、トゥアン・マミによる授業を行いました。トゥアン・マミはハノイを拠点に活動するアーティスト・コレクティブ「ナーサン・コレクティブ(Nha San Collectivce)」のメンバーとしてドクメンタ15に参加し、ベトナム移民たちと共にベトナムの植物の庭、「Vietnamese Immigrating Garden」(2022)が制作されています。
ドクメンタ15では植民地や土地の収奪を巡る土地と人の関係を問う作品が多く紹介されていました。GAP(今村担当授業、今村ゼミ)では、2022年後期の授業において、ドクメンタ15が提案する「After 100 days」のひとつとして、ドクメンタ15で提示された多くの課題を考えつづけていきます。今回は人間と自然、環境との関係を考えたいと思います。

Khvay Samnang
Khvay Samnang (b.1982, Svay Rieng province) lives and works in Phnom Penh. He graduated from the Painting Department at the Royal University of Fine Art.
Samnang’s multidisciplinary practice offers new views on historical and current events and traditional cultural rituals using humorous, symbolic gestures. His work focuses on the humanitarian and ecological impacts of colonialism and globalization.


Chum Chanveasna
Chum Chanveasna (b.1982, Phnom Penh) graduated in the Financial and Banking of Phnom Penh’s National University of Management in 2004 and she worked as an accountant in the high-end handicrafts industry prior to joining arts. She is a project manager to artist, Khvay Samnang who is one of Cambodia’s leading visual artists from 2016 to now. From 2018 until now, she is a manager at non-profit artist-runspace dedicated for experimental art practices called Sa Sa Art Projects.

2004年にプノンペン国立経営大学の金融・銀行学科を卒業し、高級手工芸品業界で会計士として働いた後、アートの世界に入る。2016年から現在までカンボジアを代表するビジュアルアーティストであるKhvay Samnangのプロジェクトマネージャーを務める。2018年から現在まで、Sa Sa Art Projectsという実験的なアートの実践に特化した非営利のアーティスト・ランスペースのマネージャーを務める。

主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻

Organized by: Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts,

Tokyo University of The Arts Global Art Practice Department I 東京藝術大学大学院グローバルアートプラクティス専攻入試説明会

グローバルアートプラクティス専攻では2022年11月26日 にスタジオや施設の見学もできる2024年度入試説明会を行います。ご興味がある方は以下のリンクより締切前までに申し込みをお願いします。

Global Art Practice Department is having an Entrance Examination Guidance for academic year 2024, individuals who interest in pursuing a further degree can participate the Entrance Examination Guidance on campus, visit the studio and join the campus tour.

Date・Venue: 26th November (Sat) 15:30-16:30/ Tokyo University of The Arts Toride Campus, GAP Office / Online
日時・会場:2022/11/26 (土)15:30 – 16:30/東京藝術大学取手校舎・GAPオフィス / オンライン参加も可能

For reservation・予約サイト

Reservation Deadline・予約締切

締切 11/18 まで / Dead line18th November

For Inquiry・お問合せ