Chizuko Ueno Special Lecture “Art and Gender” | 上野千鶴子特別講演会のお知らせ 「アートとジェンダー」

Date:Monday, 12 November 2018, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第1講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

How have women been portrayed within the realm of art? Gender’s asymmetry, the man’s view and the viewed woman, is a traditional representation as well as a concept that is seen to be the norm by the current society. However, the undercurrent of violence that exists in artistic expressions, like the relationship between the artist and the model, has started to be reconsidered in Japan as well, due to the recent movements like #MeToo. It is important for artists to carefully consider the issues surrounding gender more than ever. In this lecture held at Tokyo University of the Arts, we are inviting Dr. Chizuko Ueno, who is one of the pioneering researchers specializing in gender and is also a leading theorist and sociologist. We will examine the relationship between gender and expression from various angles including, sexuality, narcissism, symbolism of nude and sexual organs and the politics that exists in the gaze. This lecture will be a fantastic opportunity to think about an old but new theme of art and gender from a contemporary point of view.


Lecturer: Chizuko Ueno
Organized by: Department of Intermedia Art / Global Art Practice, Graduate
School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Profile of the Lecturer:
Chizuko Ueno
Sociologist / Emeritus Professor, Tokyo University / Chief Director, NPO WAN
(Women’s Action Network)
Born in Toyama, 1948. Received PhD. in sociology from Kyoto University. Her academic career includes Associate Professor of Heian Jyogakuin, Visiting Researcher of Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Associate Professor of Kyoto Seika University, Visiting Associate Professor of International Research Center of Japanese Studies, Visiting Professor of University of Bonn, Visiting Professor of Colombia University, Visiting Professor of Colegio de México, Associate Professor of Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo(1993-1995), Professor of Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo(1995-2011), Short- Term Guest Professor, Ritsumeikan University(2011-2016).
Chief Director of NPO WAN (Women’s Action Network) since 2011.
