Entrance Examination for MFA Course: Notice of changes|大学院美術研究科(修士課程)学生募集要項一部訂正

藝大の入試サイトに「2021年度 大学院美術研究科(修士課程)学生募集要項一部訂正」について掲載されました。


TUA’s admission webiste has added ‘notice of changes’ about the 2021 Academic Year Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Course) Guidance for Prospective Students.


Entrance Examination for MFA Course: Notice of changes|2021年度入試 修士募集要項の一部訂正

TUA’s admission webiste has added ‘notice of changes’ about the 2021 Academic Year Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Course) Guidance for Prospective Students.

藝大の入試サイトに「2021年度 大学院美術研究科(修士課程)学生募集要項一部訂正」について掲載されました。


GAP Orientation for Entrance Examination (Online)|GAP入試相談会(オンライン)開催

Online Orientation for Global Art Practice’s entrance examination will be held by Zoom on the following dates. It will be open for prospective students who wish to enroll in GAP in April 2021. Registration is NOT required and please enter the zoom meeting room indicated bellow on your preferable date. This orientation will be mainly held in Japanese and interpreted into English as necessary. The application period of the exam in February both for Japanese and international students is November 18-25, 2020.


① Date:Friday, 13th November, 2020, 10:00 a.m – 11:00 a.m
Zoom ID : https://zoom.us/j/91623376211?pwd=ZnNDWjIvcWowUlJLOHI0VFlLdFg1Zz09

② Date : Saturday, 14th November 17:00 p.m – 18:00 p.m
Zoom ID : https://zoom.us/j/91519411946?pwd=OUFuLzY0RkxDM2RQSUVTSE1sNnlnZz09

①2020年11月13日(金) 10:00-11:00
Zoom ID:

②2020年11月14日(土) 17:00-18:00
Zoom ID: