Date: Friday, 23 July 2021 – Monday, 16th August 2021,
Weekday 10:00a.m.-9:00p.m. Weekend & Holidays 10:00a.m.-8:00p.m.
Opening hours are based on the business hours of Atre Toride.
Venue:VIVA, Atre Toride 4th Floor, 2-5, Chuocho, Toride-shi, Ibaraki
平日 10:00-21:00 土日祝 10:00-20:00 開場時間はアトレ取手の営業時間に準じます。
会場:〒302-0014 茨城県取手市中央町2−5 Atre取手4F たいけん美じゅつ場
Plan: NULLNULL STUDIO (Sayoko Suwabe, Hideki Kimishima) Guest artist: Mizuho Seko
Commerce and art have always maintained an exquisite relationship. For us artists, “putting a price on our works” is a very delicate issue. Nowadays, with the development of social networking services and NFT, we have many opportunities to know the prices of other people’s works. However, in reality, the prices of art works are very ambiguous. In fact, Sayoko Suwabe, a fine artist, started this project from a somewhat skeptical attitude in regards to putting a price on her own work.
Kimishima, who is also an artist, holds workshops called “Bento Workshop” at local elementary schools and asks the children to put a price on the inedible “Bento (lunch box)” works they make. The sensibility of the children, including the way they decide the prices, is completely different from our own, and the place is always filled with creative energy. Now, what is art and what is its value?
In order to fully discuss these questions, NULLNULL STUDIO has been in residence at Toride VIVA in the Atre commercial facility since May, engaging in dialogue with all kinds of visitors. We held a screening, showed visitors our works, and sometimes even had the opportunity to interview shop staff and local students.
This exhibition at Toride VIVA presents the actual works along with the process. It is highly significant to hold these projects at the commercial facility, Atre. This is because it is the front line of the economy that has supported people’s lives, and it is a place that has always been confronted with value and price. In this context, Toride VIVA has become a place of well-being and multi-generational exchange in this age of nuclear families.
This exhibition creates a space for communication that transcends the functions of gallery and shopping center through dialogues among two artists who make their living in fine art, the shopping center visitors, as well as a guest artist.
*Atre=the shopping mall of the station building
Taiken Bijutsuba VIVA (Learning Art Center), directly connected to Toride Station, is a new cultural exchange platform with Open Archive of Collections of Tokyo University of the Arts, galleries, workshop, park, library and project room, which opened in December 2019. NULLNULL STUDIO won the VIVA AWARD, which was newly established in 2021.
企画 NULLNULL STUDIO 諏訪部佐代子 君島英樹 ゲストアーティスト 瀬古瑞歩
SNS やNFTが発達した今、他者の作品の値段を知る機会は多いですが、実際、美術作品の価格とは曖昧なものです。同じくアーティストの君島は「お弁当ワークショップ」というワークショップを小学校を中心に行なっていますが、その 子どもたちが作った食べられない「お弁当作品」に毎回値段をつけてもらいます。価格のつけ方も含め子どもたちの感性は私たちの感性とは全く異なり、その場は常に創作のエネルギーで満ち溢れています。さて、美術とその価値とは何でしょうか?
これらの議論をNULLNULL STUDIOはたいけんびじゅつ場で5月より滞在制作をしてあらゆる訪問者の方と対話をしてきました。映像を見たり作品を見せあったり、ときにはインタビューの機会を設けたり…。そしてこの展示ではそのプロセスとともに実作を展示します。このプロジェクトを商業施設であるアトレで行う意義は非常に高いと言えます。なぜなら、人々の生活を支えてきた経済の第一線であり、常に価値、価格と向き合ってきた場所であるためです。中でもアトレ取手にあるVIVA は駅ビルの中にある文化交流拠点として、核家族化の進む現代において、井戸端的な、多世代交流の場となっています。
取手駅直結のたいけん美じゅつ場VIVAは、2019年12月にオープンした東京藝大のオープンアーカイブ、ギャラリーや工作室、広場やライブラリーを設けた新たな文化交流拠点です。2021年に新設された公募企画VIVA AWARDをNULLNULL STUDIOが受賞しました。