Entrance Examination Orientation to Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP)






またGAPの特色として、パリ国立高等美術学校、ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校と連携し、1年時には共同授業を実施しています。アートスクールの国際ネットワークであるSHARED CAMPUSの一員としても教育、研究プログラムに参画しています。また世界各地で活躍するアーティスト、キュレーター、研究者らを講師として招き、アートを通じて現代の課題に取り組む授業を開催しています。本専攻は本学において唯一、英語を第一言語としています。



▶︎GAP専任教員 :

藤原 信幸 (教授) 

今村 有策 (教授) 

李 美那 (准教授)

相馬千秋 (准教授)    

鈴木ヒラク (准教授) 

毛利 悠子 (講師) 

詳細: https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/about-us/







日時:11月3日(水・祝) 19:00-20:30




ZOOM Link https://zoom.us/j/94122743220?pwd=UXBtMGNDYUhoTithM01NSUtYSzlUZz09

ミーティングID: 941 2274 3220 パスコード: 915957) 



 ▶︎問合せ先  GAP教育研究助手:灰原  haibara.chiaki@fa.geidai.ac.jp


Entrance Examination Orientation to Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) / (Online, in English and Japanese)  


Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) is a place for interdisciplinary and transcultural practice based on sharing and experimentation with multiple perspectives.

Our faculty and students work with diverse, trans-disciplinary practices that are not limited by existing media or genres of expression. Through the practice of sculpture, painting, drawing, craft, physical expression such as performance and action, video and media art, socially engaged art and participatory art, we aim to shake up existing frameworks and create a new language of expression.

GAP collaborates with Beaux-Arts de Paris and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, and hold joint classes in the first year. We are also a member of SHARED CAMPUS, an international network of art schools, and participate in its educational and research programmes. We also invite leading artists, curators and researchers from around the world to teach Social Practice Seminar that addresses contemporary issues through arts. English is the primary language used in GAP, the only course within TUA.

Before the submission period (17-24 November 2021) to the Entrance Examination, an online orientation will be held. No application is required. GAP Faculty members and assistants (GAP graduates) will answer any questions about English ability, contents of the Entrance Examination. 

▶︎Faculty Members:

Professor Nobuyuki Fujiwara 

Professor Yusaku Imamura 

Associate Professor Mina Lee 

Associate Professor Chiaki Soma 

Associate Professor Hiraku Suzuki 

Lecturer Yuko Mouri 

More info https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/about-us/

We recommend you to participate in the guidance in the following sites in advance. 

▶︎What we look for in a student, FAQ


▶︎Guidance for Prospective Students  


▶︎Entrance Examination Orientation 

19:00-20:30, November 3rd (Wed.) 

at Online (No application required) 

Anyone is welcome to join. 

This orientation will be held in both Japanese and English. 

ZOOM Link https://zoom.us/j/94122743220?pwd=UXBtMGNDYUhoTithM01NSUtYSzlUZz09

(Meeting ID: 941 2274 3220 Passcode: 915957) 

If you have any questions in advance, please send your question to the contact address. We will answer at the orientation.

▶︎Contact:  GAP Assistant: Ms. Haibara    haibara.chiaki@fa.geidai.ac.jp(English available)

Asian Performing Arts Camp Final Presentation JuJu Kusanagi | Asian Performing Arts Camp 最終公開プレゼンテーション 草薙 樹樹

Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021. 13:00 – 18:00 (JST)
Admissions : Free (reservations required)
– Applications taken until the start time.
– Cancellations can be made until just before the event from the ticket reservation information page detailed in the confirmation email sent after booking.

Apply to participate here: https://coubic.com/tokyo-festival/929691
Program Detail: https://tokyo-festival.jp/2021/en/program/camp/

日時:2021年10月30日(土)13:00 – 18:00
・ 参加申し込みは開始時刻まで可能です。
・ 参加申し込み後の確認メールに記載されている予約情報ページより、直前までキャンセルが可能です。

申込はこちらから: https://coubic.com/tokyo-festival/929691
イベント詳細: https://tokyo-festival.jp/2021/en/program/camp/

[ Presentations by creators from across Asia who took part in an online art camp for two months ]

Asian Performing Arts Camp is a program helping emerging performing arts practitioners working throughout Asia to cultivate their own activities and fields going forward. By bringing together perspectives and research themes relevant to the participants’ respective work, the aim is to foster new values through discussion and joint research that transcends culture and nationality. For the open final presentations, each participant will publicly present the results of individual research conducted during the camp, and there will be a feedback session featuring guest feedbackers. For participants, getting feedback from a variety of perspectives presents an opportunity for them to further develop their research and ideas, while at the same time giving them the opportunity to take this back to their activities at home for the next step in their individual fields. The audience will also have a feedback capacity in that the event will incorporate interactive communication between the audience and the participants, allowing each member of the audience to give their feedback on presentations. There will also be some time for social interaction afterwards. We are very much looking forward to your participation in this event.

[ ​​This year’s Asian Performing Arts Camp ]

  • An open call for participants from all over Asia
    From the end of May through late June, we conducted an open call targeting creatives aged 35 or under with important roles in performing arts projects, such as Asia-based directors, choreographers, playwrights, dramaturgs and producers, resulting in the selection of eight participants for this year’s program.
  • Participants gather for the online camp from their respective locations
    The online camp kicked off on August 25, with weekly online sessions (research, discussion, lectures, workshops) in the first half. After midterm presentations, the second half comprised twice-weekly online sessions. During the two months or so of the Asian Performing Arts Camp, perspectives and research themes contributed by participants were subject to a process of inputs and outputs. During the program, two facilitators (JK Anicoche and Keiko Yamaguchi) accompanied participants in their exploration of possibilities for collaboration across countries and cultures. For the final presentation, each participant will present research results from the process so far.

Participating artist: JuJu Kusanagi

[ 約2ヶ月にわたるオンラインでのアートキャンプを経た、アジア各地のつくり手たちによるプレゼンテーション ]

「Asian Performing Arts Camp」は、アジア各地で活動する若手の舞台芸術の人材が、今後の自身の活動やフィールドを耕していくためのアートキャンプです。それぞれの問題意識やリサーチテーマを持ち寄り、文化や国籍を超えたディスカッション、共同リサーチなどを通じて新たな価値観を育むことを目指しています。 この最終公開プレゼンテーションでは、参加者それぞれが期間中に取り組んだリサーチの結果を一般公開で発表し、ゲストフィードバッカーを迎えてのフィードバックセッションを行います。参加者にとっては、様々な視点でのフィードバックをもらうことで、リサーチやアイデアをさらに発展させるきっかけとなると同時に、それらをローカルな場に持ち帰り、各自のフィールドで次の一歩を踏み出すための機会でもあります。オーディエンスもフィードバッカーのひとりです。当日は、オーディエンスと参加者のインタラクティブなやりとりも取り入れ、オーディエンスのみなさま一人ひとりが、それぞれのプレゼンテーションにフィードバックできる仕組みもつくります。終了後には交流の時間も設ける予定です。 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

[ 今年のAsian Performing Arts Camp ]


8月25日にキックオフ、前半は週に1回のオンラインセッション(リサーチ、ディスカッション、レクチャー、ワークショップ)を行いました。中間プレゼンテーションを経て、後半は週に2回のオンラインセッションを実施。約2か月のAsian Performing Arts Campの期間中、参加者は持ち寄った問題意識やリサーチテーマに対して、インプットとアウトプットを繰り返してきました。期間中はファシリテーター2名(JK アニコチェ、山口惠子)が参加者に伴走し、国や文化を超えた協働の可能性を共に探求。最終プレゼンテーションでは、参加者それぞれが、ここまでのプロセスを経たリサーチ結果を発表します。

プレゼンテーション発表者: ワリッド・アリ ― クチン(マレーシア) 洪⼩婷(アン・シャオティン) ― シンガポール アルバート・ガルシア ― 台北(台湾)/マカオ 菊地もなみ ― 東京/千葉/山形(日本) 草薙樹樹 ― 東京(日本) セリーナ・マギリュー ― マニラ(フィリピン) エカ・ワヒュニ ― ジョグジャカルタ (インドネシア) 王顥燁(ワン・ハォイェー) ― 彰化(台湾)/ベルリン(ドイツ)

出展作家:草薙 樹樹


Date:Sunday, 10 October 2021 – Tuesday, 19 October 2021, 11:00~19:00
Venue: oa | Higashi-Azabu 1–35-12, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Admission: Free

日時:2021年10月10日(水)〜2021年10月19日(日) 11:00~19:00
会場:oa | 東京都港区東麻布2丁目35−12  

助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京「スタートアップ助成金」

Kika Suzuki Solo Exhibition “PARADIGM SHIFT” is going to start in Tokyo higashi-azabu from October 10th.

In 2020, two contrasting experiences made a big difference for me as an artist, which are the COVID-19 pandemic and the Artist -In-Residence in Shigaraki.

 Meanwhile, the exhibition space “oa“ is also facing a huge difference, from once a greengrocer to an alternative space, and will later be demolished at the end of November 2021.

 The transformation we are facing are connected by these three “*Paradigm shifts”: the rapid change of our world, me as an artist also changes with it, and the inevitable demolish of the space “oa”. Eventually, new things will be created within these processes of changes.

*Paradigm shift: A dramatic change in values, ideas, and things that have been taken for granted.

展示会場であるoaは、元々は八百屋で現在はオルナティブ スペースとして活用されていますが、2021年11月末には取り壊しが予定されています。この様な場所で展示する事に、大きな意味を感じています。
いま転換期にある世の中、アーティストとして転換期にいる自分、そして取り壊しを予定されている会場、未来の新しさに向けて変わろうとする3つの”*Paradigm shift”が交差する展示となっております。
本展覧会を通して、Paradigm shiftを追体験し、

*Paradigm shift(パラダイムシフト):今までの当然だとされていた価値観や思想、物事が劇的に一変する事

Assistant directer: Wang Qi
Visual designer: Wang Jialan
Interior designer:Kosuke Kimura
Video editor:Permanent Vacation
Supported by Arts Council Tokyo(Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation For History and Culture)

BRNO16 International Short Film Festival | Kusanagi Sisters “kopitoto”

Date: Thursday, 14 October, 2021, 19:15 (CEST)
Venue : Kino Art , Cihlářská 643/19, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, The Czech Republic

日時:2021年10月14(木) 19:15(中央ヨーロッパ時間)

ABOUT THE WORK “kopitoto” Our planet’s majesty is both mysterious and awe-inspiring. Kopitoto offers us a glimpse into the snowy Japanese forests and the mythical inhabitants dwelling within. ABOUT BRNO16 INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL BRNO16 is an international short film festival. It is one of the oldest film festivals in the Czech Republic and has been going on uninterrupted since 1960. At the same time, it is also one of the oldest short film festivals in the world.
Kusanagi Sisters(JuJu Kusanagi & Lisa Kusanagi)

Festival Detail: https://www.brno16.cz/en/pages/o-festivalu
Program Detail: https://www.brno16.cz/en/events/10/14

予告編: https://vimeo.com/309727006
ウェブサイト: https://www.facebook.com/KusanagiSisters

出展作家:クサナギ・シスターズ(草薙 樹樹 & 草薙 璃彩)

映画祭リンク: https://www.brno16.cz/en/pages/o-festivalu
プログラム詳細: https://www.brno16.cz/en/events/10/14

San Francisco Dance Film Festival “kopitoto”

Date: Friday, 15 October – Sunday, 24 October, 2021
Venue : Online, Streaming on Marquee TV
Admission :$11.00 / $45 (shorts pass), $50 (festival pass) $11.00

日時:2021年10月15 (金) 〜 24 (日)
会場:オンライン (Marquee TV配信)
入場料:$45 (ショーツ・プログラムパス), $50 (映画祭パス)

About “kopitoto” Our planet’s majesty is both mysterious and awe-inspiring. kopitoto offers us a glimpse into the snowy Japanese forests and the mythical inhabitants dwelling within. “Kopitoto” is a part of the program, INTO THE WILD at the San Francisco Dance Film Festival.

About the work: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/festival-films-2021/short/screendance/contemporary/kopitoto/
Festival link: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/
Program detail: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/festival-films-2021/shorts-program/into-the-wild/
Shorts Program Pass: https://www.marquee.tv/videos/sfdff-intothewild
Festival Tickets: https://www.marquee.tv/bundle/sfdffpass21#


作品詳細: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/festival-films-2021/short/screendance/contemporary/kopitoto/
映画祭リンク: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/
プログラム詳細: https://sfdancefilmfest.org/festival-films-2021/shorts-program/into-the-wild/
映画祭パス: https://www.marquee.tv/bundle/sfdffpass21#
ショーツ・プログラムパス: https://www.marquee.tv/videos/sfdff-intothewild