Date:Friday, November 26, 2021 – Christmas Eve 2:00p.m. Tuesday-Friday 11am-7pm Saturday-Sunday 0pm-4pm, Closed : Monday
Venue:Kunstnerforbundet Kjeld Stubs gate3, 0160 Oslo, Norway
Admissions : Free
火曜ー金曜11:00-19:00 土日12:00-16:00 月曜休
会場:アーティスト協会、シェルドスタッド通り3、オスロ 0160、ノルウェー
True to tradition, Kunstnerforbundet welcomes you to the Christmas exhibition and fills our two floors to the brim with art. Visitors can find both newly produced works and old treasures from several hundred artists and the exhibition thus offers a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of art expressions and artistry.
For over 100 years, Kunstnerforbundet has propagated art to new and well-known art enthusiasts from the address in Kjeld Stubs Gate 3, and many art collections have started with us. When Kunstnerforbundet opened its doors for the first time on 11th December 1910, there was a Christmas exhibition on the poster and participating artists included Gerhard Munthe, Henrik Sørensen, Eilif Peterssen and Erik Werenskiold. The 2021 Christmas exhibition will show established and newly established artistry side by side from now and then.
URL(Norwegian Only):
Participating artist: Sayo Ota