The Art History of Koreans in Japan 1945-1962 : Focusing on records of artists’ activities and interviews
「在日朝鮮人美術史 1945-1962 : 美術家たちの表現活動の記録とインタビューを中心に」
「제일조선인 미술사 1945-1962 : 미술가들의 표현활동의 기록과 인터뷰를 중심으로」
Date : Friday, 4 March, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
日時:2022年3月4日(金)18:00-19:30 (日本時間)
Venue : Online via Zoom. No registration is required.
Zoom link :
Meeting ID: 838 8100 1646
Pass Code: 170582
*Only available live. Please note that the lecture will be recorded for archival purposes, but recordings will not be available to be viewed at a later date.
*LIVE 한정. 기록을 목적으로 녹화 및 녹음을 진행할 예정이니 양해 부탁드립니다. 이후 녹화의 공개는 없을 예정입니다.
Language: Japanese (with simultaneous interpretations in English and Korean)
사용 언어:일본어(영어, 한국어 동시통역)
We invite you to a special lecture by Dr. Pek Rum, organized by the Lee Mina Lab of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, with the Department of Aesthetics and Art History and in cooperation with the Graduate School of Global Arts.
특별강연회에 대한 안내를 드립니다. 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 Global Art Practice 専攻(GAP)李美那研究室에서는 美術学部芸術学科공동주최, 大学院国際芸術創造研究科의 협력으로 白凛(백름) 씨를 초청한 특별강연회를 개최합니다.
Lecturer: PEK Rum, Ph.D, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Doshisha University
Commentator: KIM Hyunsook, Ph.D, Director at LEEUNGNO Research Center
Moderator: LEE Mina, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts
講演者:白凛(ペク・ルン Ph.D, 同志社大学)
コメンテーター:金炫淑(キム・ヒョンスク Ph.D, 李應魯研究所所長)
司会進行:李美那 (GAP専攻 准教授)
강연자:白凛 (백름, Ph.D, 同志社大学)
질의자:金炫淑(김현숙, Ph.D, 이응노연구소 소장)
사회 진행:李美那(이미나, 東京藝術大学大学院GAP専攻 准教授)
The registrational category “Chosen (Japanese pronunciation of 朝鮮)”, which is not a nationality, and one that exists only in Japan, was born in postwar Japan after the historical events of Japan’s colonization of the Korean Peninsula. The “Zainichi-chosen people” (Koreans born and have lived in japan), do not correspond to “Republic of Korea” nor “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” and is an entity that exists only in current Japan. They are composed of complex elements that make them difficult to understand, and as art history is organized and based on the idea of the nation state and modern national consciousness, the history of their art was even more obscure. Dr. PEK has attempted to unravel the art activities since the establishment of the “Chosen” category, which had been concealed due to its obscurity, by interviewing artists and their family, and uncovering materials on their practice. This lecture will be built upon the contents of her book, “Zainichi Korean Art History 1945-1962: A Record of Artists’ Expressive Activities” which is based on her doctoral dissertation and allows us to get a closer look at their actual situations.
国籍ではなく、日本にしか存在しない「朝鮮」籍というカテゴリーは、日本による朝鮮半島の植民地化という歴史的事実を経て、戦後日本に生まれたカテゴリーである。国としての「韓国」とも「朝鮮民主主義人民共和国」とも一致しない、現在の日本にのみある存在としての「朝鮮人」は、複雑な構成要素をもち、それ自体がわかりにくい存在だが、近代的国家意識のもとに国別に整理・研究されている美術史においては、彼らの美術の歴史はさらに見えにくいものだった。白凛氏は「朝鮮」籍ができた時期からの、見えにくいゆえに隠されてきた美術活動を、美術家たちのインタビューや活動資料の発掘によって解きほぐして行こうとしている。博士論文をもとにした『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録』は、その実態に迫ることができる書籍であり、今回の講演はこの本の内容を元に行われる。
국적이 아닌 일본에만 존재하는 ‘朝鮮 조선’적이라는 카테고리는, 일본에 의한 조선반도의 식민지화라는 역사적 사실을 거쳐 전후 일본에서 만들어진 카테고리다. 국가로서의 ‘한국’과도 ‘조선민주주의 인민공화국’과도 일치하지 않는, 현재의 일본에만 있는 존재인 ‘조선인’은 복잡한 구성요소를 가지며 그 자체가 알기 힘든 존재이다. 게다가 근대적 국가 의식을 바탕으로 나라 별로 정리, 연구되어 있는 미술사에서는 그들의 미술의 역사는 한층 더 찾아보기 힘들었다. 白凛씨는 ‘조선’적이 생긴 시대부터의 보이지 않기 때문에 가려져 온 미술활동을 미술가들의 인터뷰나 활동 자료의 발굴을 통해 풀어내려 하고 있다. 박사논문을 바탕으로 한 『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家들의 表現活動의 記録』은 그 실태에 다가갈 수 있는 서적이며 이번 강연은 이 책의 내용을 바탕으로 이루어진다.

Dr. PEK Rum is an art history scholar who earned her Ph.D at the University of Tokyo in 2020, after graduating from the Department of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Currently a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Doshisha University, she founded the Zainichi Korean Artistic Preservation Association in 2016 and acts as its representative. As a 3rd-generation of Koreans born and raised in Japan herself, her research focuses on the artistic activities by Koreans in Japan, which tend to be overlooked by both Japan and from the Korean peninsula.
In 2021, she published “Zainichi Korean Art History 1945- 1962: A Record of Artists’ Expressive Activities (在日朝鮮人美術史 1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録)” (Akashi Shoten, 2021). A Korean translation of the book is currently in preparation.

東京藝術大学芸術学科卒業後、2020年に東京大学で博士号を取得。美術史研究者。現在、同志社大学所属の独立行政法人日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD。2016年に一般社団法人在日コリアン美術作品保存協会を設立し、代表として活動。自身が在日朝鮮人三世という立場から、日本からも朝鮮半島からも見えにくい日本における朝鮮半島出身者の美術活動を研究している。2021年、博士論文を元に『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録』(明石書店、2021年)を出版。現在韓国語の翻訳版を準備中である。

東京藝術大学美術学部芸術学科졸업 후, 2020년 東京大学에서 박사학위를 취득. 미술사연구자. 현재 同志社大学소속 独立行政法人日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD. 2016년 一般社団法人在日코리안 美術作品保存協会를 설립하여 대표로 활동. 자신의 在日朝鮮人三世라는 입장에서 일본에서도 조선반도에서도 찾아보기 힘든 일본의 조선반도 출신자의 미술활동을 연구하고 있다.
2021년 박사논문을 바탕으로『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録(재일조선인 미술사 1945-1962 미술가들의 표현활동의 기록)』(明石書店, 2021년)을 출판. 현재 한국어 번역판을 준비하고 있다.
主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻、東京藝術大学美術学部芸術学科
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費「1945年から60年代の在日コリアン美術―東アジアを越境したディアスポラ・アート」(課題番号20J00963)
Organized by:
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts
Department of Aesthetics and Art History at the Tokyo University of the Arts
Cooperation by: Graduate School of Global Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts
Korean interpretation provided with support from:
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費「1945年から60年代の在日コリアン美術―東アジアを越境したディアスポラ・アート」(課題番号20J00963)