Talk event for sharing experiences of studying in Finland / 北欧の留学物語: フィンランドからの報告

[On Campus Talk Event / 学内トークイベント]

In this event, Nagisa, who studied in Finland as an exchange student, will share her experiences about her exchange life at Aalto University, and Finnish culture and art, together with a guest from the Finnish Institute in Japan.
If you are interested in studying abroad or Finnish design and art, please feel free to join us! Coffee and tea will be provided.


Presentet:Nagisa Mizuno / 水野渚
Date&Time/日時:May 17, 2024, 12:10-13:00

Venue/ 会場:Community Salon, the Faculty of Music on the Ueno Campus on the third floor of the TAKI PLAZA, Tokyo University of the Arts / 東京藝術大学上野キャンパス国際交流棟3Fコミュニティサロン
Admission Fee /料金:Free / 無料