Nobuyuki Fujiwara Retirement Commemorative Exhibition/藤原信幸退任記念展

Nobuyuki Fujiwara Retirement Commemorative Exhibition~The 20-Year Trajectory of Glass Art Laboratory~

This exhibition commemorates the retirement of Nobuyuki Fujiwara, who guided students at the Glass Art Laboratory, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, and commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Glass Art Laboratory.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Glass Art Laboratory, which was established in 2005. Fujiwara, who has been involved in the laboratory since its founding and will retire this year, can be said to have spent the years as a faculty member in the history of the Glass Art Laboratory itself. Retirement exhibitions are often held in the form of solo exhibitions, but this exhibition will be a group exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors, including alumni of Fujiwara and the Glass Art Laboratory, former faculty members, current students, and current faculty members.

On the first floor of the exhibition hall, works by Fujiwara, current students and current faculty members from Glass Art Laboratory will be exhibited; On the second floor, works by alumni and former faculty members will be exhibited. Besides, on the first floor, there are also works from alumni and current students from GAP (Global Art Practice), another discipline in which Fujiwara has been involved.


本展覧会は、東京藝術大学美術学部工芸科ガラス造形研究室で学生の指導にあたってきた 藤原信幸の退任記念展、及び、ガラス造形研究室の20周年記念展です。


陳列館1階に、藤原と現在のガラス造形研究室在籍学生、現教員の作品を、2階に、卒業生と教員経験者の作品を展示します。また、1階には、藤原が関わってきたもうひとつの分野GAP(グローバルアートプラクティス)の 卒業生も出展します。


  • Oct 8th – Oct 20th, 2024 / 10a.m. – 17p.m.(Last admission until 16:30)
  • 2024年10月8日(火)- 10月20日(日)/10時 – 17時(最終入館は16時30分まで)


  • University Art Museum Exhibition Hall 1st and 2nd floor
  • 東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館 1・2階

Admission fee/観覧料≫

  • Free/無料