GAP Open Campus/GAP 専攻説明会

On November 23rd (Saturday) , GAP will hold an on-campus tour and department informative session in Toride Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts.
For those who are interested in GAP, and have questions, please fill out the form and send it.
*There is no reservation, the reception will be occur on the event day.



Date/日時≫11:00–12:30 (followed by a tour of Students’ studio and common workshops) , Saturday 23rd November 2024

Venue/集合場所≫ 東京藝術大学取手キャンパス メディア棟2階第1講義室/1st lecture room, Media building 2F, Toride campus, Tokyo University of the Arts.

Address/住所≫ Omonma 5000, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0001, 〒302-0001茨城県取手市小文間5000

Access/アクセス 15mins by Otone bus from JR Toride Station/JR常磐線取手駅東口より大利根交通バス15分

GAP Practice Exhibition

[Inside campus exhibition/学内展示]

Students begin the first year with a course called GAP Practice which incorporates studio practice based around Toride, art fabrication in the ‘Common Workshop’*, and field work.

This is guided through lectures and practice-based instruction particularly through experimental workshops on expanded drawing, interdisciplinary dialogue, material exploration such as with sound and ceramic, and installation art, with the intention of supporting the generation of students’ own methodologies for art-making.

GAP encourage students to tailor their own work-environment, to develop methods for realizing works that are conceptually-based or process-led, and to gain fundamental skills to enable them to install artworks in an exhibition setting.

(*The ‘Common Workshop’ offers access to and instruction in the use of the university’s extensive metal, wood and stone workshops, enabling the development of work with diverse materials and processes.)

This exhibition will be the presentation of the GAP Practice course for Master 1 students during Toride Geisai period. Venues will separated in different GAP facilities and Toride campus common space.


  • 2024年11月23日 – 24日 10:00-17:00
  • Nov 23rd & 24th, 2024. 10:00-17:00


  • Toride campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
  • 取手キャンパス

Present ≫

  • GAP修士1年生 / GAP M1 Students

Admission fee/料金

  • Free
  • 無料(申込不要)

Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Matthias Bruhn [Reorienting Mnemosyne] 特別講演会:マティアス・ブルーン教授 [ムネモシュネの再編成]

登壇者 Guests:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Bruhn マティアス・ブルーン教授
Professor of Art Studies and Media Theory,
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.
芸術学・メディア哲学科 教授




Matthias Bruhn is Professor of Art Studies and Media Theory at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. He studied Art History and Philosophy in Hamburg (Dr. phil. 1997) where he also directed the research department “Political Iconography” at the Warburg Haus (until 2001).

After several fellowships and a position as coordinator of the World Heritage Studies program at BTU Cottbus, he worked as a Permanent Research Associate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and as Principal Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung”.

His research focuses on scientific as well as political and economic functions of images, the development of visual media and comparative methods in Art History.


Reorienting Mnemosyne – Aby Warburg’s Atlas project in a comparative perspective.

日時 Date & Time:

October 22, 2024(Tuesday) 18:30-20:00

会場 Venue:

東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 美術学部中央棟第一講義室(以下の地図の7番)
Lecture Room 1, Central Building, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts (No. 7 on the map below) *

使用言語 Language:

英語 English (日英同時通訳付き)
There will be simultaneous translation between English and Japanese.


Free of charge, reservations not required (first-come, first-served)

主催 Credit: 

Department of Aesthetics and Art History, Tokyo University of the Arts 

Global Art Practice (GAP),  Tokyo University of the Arts 

問い合わせ先 Contact:

美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 メール:gapstaffs@gap-wp-test
Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice Email:

For Rent at Shimokitazawa/貸物件

[Off campus/学外]

I am going to experiment at my stand stall (YATAI) and see what I can or cannot exchange with offering homemade honey lemon soda.

There is another stand stall next to mine with a “For Rent” sign board. Perhaps someone will show up to start something next to mine, or maybe not. What will people on the street think when they see a For-Rent space appearing in the public?

The starting point for this activity was a beekeeper I met on Oki, a remote island in Shimane Prefecture, whose way of life attracted me, and I wanted to spread his activities.

In October, I will open a stand stall at the entrance of SHIMOKITA COLLEGE near Shimokitazawa Station. We would be happy if you could stop by and create a cozy time together.


私の屋台の隣には、「For Rent(貸物件)」という看板が吊るされたスタンド屋台がもう一つあります。もしかすると私の隣で何か始める人が現れるのか、それとも現れないのか。まちに現れた貸物件を見て道行く人は何を思うのか?想像しながら、活動を続けていきたいと思います。


10月は下北沢駅近くの「SHIMOKITA COLLEGE」玄関口の一角でお店を開きます。ふらりとお立ち寄りいただき、みなさんと居心地のいい時間を一緒につくることができたら嬉しいです。


  • 2024年10月19日 & 20日 13:00-17:00
  • October 19th & 20th, 2024. 13:00-17:00


  • SHIMOKITA COLLEGE / 20-16-5 Daida Setagaya Tokyo
  • シモキタカレッジ / 東京都世田谷区代田五丁目20番16号

Present ≫

  • 山野靖暁 / Yasuaki Yamano

Admission fee/料金

  • Free
  • 無料(申込不要)