Magnetic Contradictions

[Off campus exhibition/学外展示]

While the body is a physical entity with fixed form, it is also fluid and in flux, continually reshaped by complex interactions with internal and external forces. Incorporating video installation and performance, this project explores the evolving body and our concepts thereof as influenced by historical eras and social frameworks. Drawing on sources ranging from real-life experiences to the traditional art of bunraku puppet theater, it heightens awareness of bodily perception, turning the exhibition space and the building itself into media that invoke physical presence and broaden our awareness.

「Magnetic Contradictions」は映像インスタレーションとパフォーマンスをとおし、時代というときの流れや社会という枠組みによって変化していく身体とその概念、実生活の体験から人形浄瑠璃の伝統芸能まで身体にまつわる認識にフォーカスを当て、展示空間や建物をも媒体に変容していく身体性を空間に立ち上がらせ、認識の拡張を試みる。


  • 23rd (Thu) – 26th (Sun) January 2025

Time/時間 (opening and closing time)≫

  • Performance Time (Ticket Required)
    • 23rd (Thu) 19:00
    • 24th (Fri) 19:00 Post performance talk with Ryo Sawayama
    • 25th (Sat) 14:00 Post performance talk with Yuko Mohri
    • 26th (Sun) 14:00
  • Installation & Body Practice Time (Admission Free)
    • 23rd (Thu), 24th (Fri)  13:00~18:20  (Body Practice 14:30~15:00、16:30~17:00)
    • 25th (Sat)  11:00~13:20、16:30~18:00  (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)
    • 26th (Sun)  11:00~13:20   (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)


  • TOKYO ARTS AND SPACE Hongo  (2-4-16, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
  • トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷(東京都文京区本郷2-4-16)


  • 中川麻央 (Mao Nakagawa) (Graduated in 2022)

Participating artists/参加・出展アーティスト名≫

  • Concept, Choreography, Perfromance : Mao Nakagawa  
  • Performance Assist : Rin Takahashi  
  • Technical Direction : Yutaka Endo (LUFTZUG)  
  • Production : Takafumi Tamura (TV MAN UNION)  
  • Pullover-Costume Desighn : Seiko Yukiura (SNEEUW)  
  • Soundsorce : Shinjiro Yamaguchi
  • コンセプト・構成・振付・パフォーマンス:中川麻央
  • パフォーマンスアシスト:髙橋凜
  • テクニカルディレクション:遠藤豊 (LUFTZUG)
  • 制作:田村孝史 (テレビマンユニオン)
  • プルオーバーコスチュームデザイン:雪浦聖子 (SNEEUW)
  • サウンドソース提供:山口晋似郎

Admission fee/料金

Final Lecture by Yuko Mohri  “Walking on the B-side” 毛利悠子 最終講義『B面的思想』


本学最終講義は、ニューヨーク在住のアーティストハトリミホ氏と音楽評論家の湯浅学氏をお迎えし、ハトリ氏の作品「サロン 全-世界性」に、毛利が演出を加えたレクチャーライブパフォーマンスを開催します。「サロン 全-世界性」は、カリブ海の思想家、詩人エドゥアール・グリッサンに影響を受けて創作された映像・パフォーマンスピースです。混乱状況が深まるこの世界において「B面から考える」とはどういったものか——特別な時間をみなさまと共有いたします。


Since joining the faculty of the Global Art Practice Department at the Tokyo University of the Arts in 2016, Yuko Mohri has been working with students on installation practice, as well as sessions using the body in an improvisational way, and exploring interactive communication using new media tools in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. From next year, she will be leaving her position as a full-time faculty member to concentrate on her own artistic practice, but she plans to continue to be involved as an artist active on the global stage, continuing to have an impact on the students of the university.

For her final lecture at TUA, Yuko Mohri will welcome the New York-based artist Miho Hatori and the music critic Manabu Yuasa, and hold a lecture live performance in which Hatori’s work “Salon Mondialité” will be directed by Mohri. Salon Mondialité is a video and performance piece inspired by the Caribbean thinker and poet Edouard Glissant. We will share a special time with you to consider what it means to “Walking from the B-side” in this world of deepening confusion.

Please join us.

出演 アーティスト・バイオグラフィー Artist Biography:

美術家。構築へのアプローチではなく、環境などの諸条件によって変化してゆく「事象」に焦点を当てるインスタレーションや彫刻を制作。アーティゾン美術館「On Physis」(東京、2024–25年)、第60回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ日本館「Compose」(ヴェニス、2024年)、カムデン・アーツ・センター(ロンドン、2018年)、十和田市現代美術館(青森、2018-2019年)での個展のほか、「第14回光州ビエンナーレ」(2023年)、「第23回シドニー・ビエンナーレ」(2022年)、「第34回サンパウロ・ビエンナーレ」(2021年)など国内外の展覧会に参加。2017年、芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞受賞

Yuko Mohri
In her installation and sculpture, Mohri works not to compose (or construct) but to call attention to “phenomena” that constantly shift according to various conditions such as the environment. Exhibitions include On Physis at the Artizon Museum (2024–5), Compose at the Japan Pavilion, 60th Venice Biennale, solo exhibitions at Camden Art Centre (London, 2018) and Towada Art Center (Aomori, 2018-2019), and participation in international exhibitions such as the 14th Gwangju Biennale (2023), the 23rd Biennale of Sydney (2022), and the 34th São Paulo Biennale (2021). 

 彼女の創作スタイルはボーダーレスである。Cibo Matto解散後、アイデンティティや環境問題に関する音楽、サウンド、ビデオ・インスタレーションを駆使したマルチメディア形式のパフォーマンスを開始。キッチンNYC、EMPAC、AGO美術館、ザ・ブロード、フィラデルフィア美術館、クリーヴランド美術館、パイオニア・ワークス、キャナル47、ニュートン・ギャラリーなどでパフォーマンスを行うほか、現代アーティスト、サウンドトラック、コマーシャル、企業IDのサウンドデザインも手がけている。

Miho Hatori
Miho Hatori is an artist, music producer, vocalist, improviser, and DJ. She started her music career in a legendary Downtown NYC unit, Cibo Matto, in the mid-’90s, with a conceptual album about Food and Love from their background Japanese identity. Since then, she has played, produced, and collaborated with many musicians (like Gorillaz, Beastie Boys, John Zorn).
Her creation style is borderless. After Cibo Matto, she started performing with a multimedia format, using music, sounds, and video installations related to identity and environmental issues. She has performed at Kitchen NYC, EMPAC, AGO museum, The Broad, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, Pioneer Works, Canal 47, Newton Gallery, etc.Additionally, she does sound designs for contemporary artists, soundtracks, commercials, and company IDs. 
Miho is originally from Tokyo but has been working and living in NYC for too many years.

音楽評論家。ほかにも編集業務、美術、マンガ、写真などにたずさわる。 1982年に根本敬、船橋英雄と幻の名盤解放同盟を結成、「すべての音盤はターンテーブル上で平等に再生表現される権利を持つ」をスローガンに、商業的成功にめぐまれず廃盤となり消えていった個性的すぎる歌謡曲の紹介・復刻を手がける。文筆業のかたわら音楽活動にも力を注ぎ、バンド湯浅湾を中心にいまも活動を続ける。単著に『人情山脈の逆襲』、『音楽が降りてくる』、『大音海』、『ボブ・ディラン』、『ライク・ア・ローリングカセット』など。今年9月、幻の名盤解放同盟としてはひさびさの著作『ポンチャックアート1001』を上梓。

Manabu Yuasa
Music critic. Also involved in editing, art, manga and photography. In 1982, he formed the legendary Maboroshi no meiban kaiho dome (The Phantom Vinyl Liberation Front) with Takashi Nemoto and Hideo Funabashi, and under the slogan “All records have the right to be reproduced and expressed equally on a turntable”, they worked to introduce and reprint unique songs that had been discontinued and disappeared without achieving commercial success. He also devotes his energies to music activities alongside his writing, and continues to be active with the band Yuasa Wan. His solo works include “The Counterattack of the Human Mountain Range”, “Ongaku ga orite kuru”, “Dai on kai”, “Bob Dylan”, and “Like a Rolling Cassette”. In September of this year, he published “Pon chuck art 1001”, the first book in a long time from the Phantom Classic Disc Liberation League.

日時 Date & Time:
20 December 2024, Thursday 18:30-20:30

会場 Venue:
東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 美術学部中央棟第一講義室(以下の地図の7番)
Lecture Room 1, Central Building, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts (No. 7 on the map below) *

Language: Japanese and English

対象 Eligibility:
本学の学生・教職員、学外一般 (先着順・定員150名)

主催 Credit:
Global Art Practice (GAP),  Tokyo University of the Arts 
問い合わせ先 Contact:
美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻
Graduate School of Art, Department of Global Art Practice

KUMA experiment 2024-25 vol.4 『When the mouth opens, air escapes』

KUMA experiment 2024-25 vol.4 『口をひらくと空気がもれます。』

The KUMA Foundation is pleased to announce the fourth exhibition in the series KUMA experiment 2024-25, showcasing the achievements of 45 creators from the 8th class of the foundation’s scholarship program. The exhibition, titled “When the Mouth Opens, Air Escapes,” will be held at the KUMA Foundation Gallery in Roppongi from Saturday, December 14, to Sunday, December 22, 2024.

The exhibition features five creators working at the forefront of their respective fields:
    •    Haruto Kamijo, who generates new possibilities through the lens of engineering.
    •    Koki Sakakihara, striving to create music that will top the charts.
    •    Ryuji Koyasu, envisioning a world where AI robots seamlessly integrate into self-sufficient lifestyles.
    •    Sorao Sakimura, whose unique animations blend hand-drawn techniques, 3D CG, and live-action.
    •    Monami Yabe, sculpting memories into art from raw logs.

These emerging talents, each exploring different realms of creativity, come together to present their visions for the future.


We breathe.
Did we do it well?
We speak.
Did we do it well?
We trace our memories.
Did we do it well?

When the mouth opens, air escapes.

We, the five creators, have each pursued our own unique paths: crafting irreplaceable music, capturing visions through animation and film, sculpting memories and sensations, exploring vernacular rice-farming robots, and shaping forms through geometry and mechanics.

Our paths intersect here, in this space.
Through our work, we speak of what is real, of what is alive.

When the mouth opens, air escapes.
It mingles with the air of this place.

Main visual: Kano Komori

この度、クマ財団が支援するクリエイター奨学金8期生・45名による成果発表を目的としたグループ展シリーズ「KUMA experiment 2024-25」の第4弾として、展覧会『口をひらくと空気がもれます。』をクマ財団ギャラリー(六本木)にて2024年12月14日(土)〜12月22日(日)に開催いたします。

参加するクリエイターは、エンジニアリングの視点から未知なるものを生み出す上條陽斗、ヒットチャート1位を獲ることを目指して音楽制作をするKoki Sakakihara、AIロボットが自給的暮らしの中に溶け込む世界を追求する子安竜司、手描き作画・3DCG・実写を融合させた唯一無二のアニメーションを作る崎村宙央、丸太から自身の記憶を彫刻として彫り起こす矢部もなみの5名。







会期:2024年12月14日(土)~12月22日(日) ※火曜日は休廊

開館時間: 12:00 – 19:00


Venue: KUMA Foundation Gallery
7-21-24 THE MODULE Roppongi 206, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

≪6-2|会場と住所 (日本語)≫
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木7-21-24 THE MODULE roppongi 206

参加・出展アーティスト名 上條陽斗 Koki Sakakihara 子安竜司 崎村宙央 矢部もなみ 

Admission fee/料金≫





[Off campus Award & Exhibition]

With the aim of fostering young artists and revitalising cities and regions through culture, A-TOM ART AWARD 2024 held an open call for art works from student artists working in the field of contemporary art from all over the country. In this seventh edition, the theme is ‘Value’. Four winners were selected through a preliminary screening of artwork data and a final screening based on presentations. A group exhibition of the winners will be held in December 2024.

株式会社アトムは、若手アーティストの育成を図るとともに、文化を通じた都市・地域の活性化を目指し、芸術を学ぶ全国の学生から作品を募集するA-TOM ART AWARD 2024を開催いたします。


  • Dec 1st – Dec 22nd, 2024. 12:00-19:00
  • 2024年12月1日(日)— 12月22日(日)12:00 AM – 19:00 PM

Closed Dates/休館日 ≫

  • Mondays, 20th December
  • 2024年12月20日(月)


  • Court Yard Hiroo, 4-21-2 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  • 東京都港区西麻布4-21-2 コードヤード広尾

Present ≫

  • 水野渚 Nagisa MIZUNO

Admission fee/料金

  • Free
  • 無料(申込不要)