[Off campus/学外]
Are you interested in video art and nature? Want to take part in an international art exchange between the UK and Japan?
Join us for an informal PechaKucha style event part of the ‘Delicate Liminalities / 些細な狭間’ exhibition at NewBridge Books. The event will take place in person at the NewBridge Cinema Room, as well as online on Zoom. Book your free ticket on the NewBridge’s website.
In the first half of the event, we are delighted to welcome the artist Matthew Rosier @mfprosier, who will introduce his work Wood Rots Like We Do (2023). The film was inspired by the ancient shrines of the Ise Jingu, Japan, entirely rebuilt of wood every 20 years for over a millenia. The outcome of a four-year collaboration between Matthew and Ise; the film tells the stories of 14 participants including priests, politicians,artists, activists, foresters, carpenters and architects. Their stories explore the origins of this ritual and the ancient relationship between Japanese people and forests; exploring how new generations are looking to regenerate Japan’s forests and reimagine their future role in society.
The second part of the event will consist of an informal discussion between the UK and Japan on the themes of nature, technology and video art.
The event will take place on Zoom and in person at The NewBridge Project UK. To RSVP, Please email: admin@thenewbridgeproject.com
The event will be supported by Japanese-English interpreter.
For more information: https://thenewbridgeproject.com/events/pechakucha-with-video-city/
『Delicate Liminalities / 些細な狭間』展の一環として、ぺちゃくちゃスタイルのカジュアルなイベントを開催します。NewBridge BooksのNewBridge Cinema Roomでの対面開催に加え、Zoomを通じてオンラインでも参加可能です。参加無料となっておりますので、NewBridgeのウェブサイトよりお申し込みください。
イベント前半ではアーティスト マシュー・ロジア(Matthew Rosier) [@mfprosier] をお迎えし、彼の作品『Wood Rots Like We Do(私たちのように木も朽ちて)』(2023)をご紹介します。本作は、日本の伊勢神宮の式年遷宮に着想を得て制作された作品です。
このイベントは、ZoomとThe NewBridge Project UKで開催される。参加をご希望の方は admin@thenewbridgeproject.com までご連絡ください。
詳細情報: https://thenewbridgeproject.com/events/pechakucha-with-video-city/
- March 13rd, 2025. From 19:00 p.m.
- 3月13日 午後19:00(日本時間)
- The NewBridge Project, UK and Online
- ニューブリッジ・プロジェクト(イギリス現地またはオンライン)
- GAP Students (Vivi,Hal,Siying,Yuqi)
Participating Artists/参加・出展アーティスト≫
- Ella Yolande; Takumi Tsuji; Kyun-Chome; Momoko Seto; Petra Szemen; Wolfgang Weileder
- 都路拓未; 瀬戸桃子; キュンチョメ; Petra Szemen; Wolfgang Weileder
Admission fee/料金≫
- Free
- 無料