Special Lecture | David Horvitz: A CLOCK THAT FALLS ASLEEP | 特別公開講義 | デイヴィッド・ホーヴィッツ:眠りに落ちる時計

Date:Monday, 22 July 2019, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第一講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

Through our Global Art Joint Project-Unit Program- GAP collaborates with the world’s leading art schools. This year, the Paris Unit, a collaboration with Beaux-Arts de Paris, has been working with the theme “ART AS EXPERIMENT: Body and Sound”. As part of this year’s program, we invite Horvitz for our special lecture, whose practice moves freely among different medium such as poetry, performance, music, food and internet. How are these interdisciplinary expressions and inspirations created?
From July 19th, Horvitz will be exhibiting at Scai the Bathhouse with our GAP lecturer Yuko Mohri. Please also take this opportunity to visit his work.
※ English-Japanese consecutive interpretation available

 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP)では、アメリカのロサンゼルスを拠点としている コンセプチュアル・アーティスト、デイヴィッド・ホーヴィッツの特別講義「眠りに落ちる時計」を開催します。 GAPは海外の美術大学との共同授業「ユニットプログラム」を行っています。今年のパリユニットは、パリ国立高等美術学校と「アートは実験である —身体とサウンドからの考察—」をテーマにプログラムを展開します。その一環として、詩、パフォーマンス、音楽、食べ物、インターネットなど自由に表現の場を広げていくホーヴィッツ氏の制作についてお話をしていただきます。垣根を超えた表現や発想とは、どのように生まれてくるのでしょうか。
 ホーヴィッツ氏の作品は7月19日からScai the BathhouseにてGAP専任講師の毛利悠子との二人展でご覧いただけます。是非この機会にご参加ください。 https://www.scaithebathhouse.com/ja/exhibitions/2019/07/yuko_mohri_david_horvitz_summer_rains/


Guest speaker:David Horvitz

GAP Open Studio @ Chinretsukan Gallery – In progress | GAPオープンスタジオ@陳列館 ─ 進行中

Date:Saturday, 6 July – Monday, 15 July 2019, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.(JST)
Reception:Friday, 5 July, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Closed on:Monday, 8 July
日時:2019年7月6日(土) – 7月15日(月)10:00-17:00
Venue:Tokyo University of the Arts Chinretsukan Gallery
12-8 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-8714, JAPAN
会場:東京藝術大学大学美術館陳列館  〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

Admission Free

GAP Open Studio @ Chinretsukan Gallery – In progress is an open studio presenting the current activities of the Global Art Practice Course, Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts (hereafter, GAP). The GAP atelier, where students work and create, has been temporarily relocated from Toride to Ueno. 

In this event, the first-year master’ s students showcase the work-in-progress of the Global Art Joint Project – an exchange program with Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, and École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Second-year students will present an interim show as they head toward their final work. Also, the lectures, critiques, and workshops normally held in Toride will be conducted here at Chinrestukan Gallery.

GAP was newly established in 2016. We hope to use this opportunity to bring its course contents and other ventures to a broad audience, both campus-wide and beyond.




Cooperation: Beaux-Arts de Paris, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
協力: パリ国立高等美術学校、ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校

Installation exhibition by Ayako Sakuragi and Xu Yang “ここにいてそこにいない”

Installation exhibition by Ayako Sakuragi and Xu Yang “ここにいてそこにいない”

Date:Friday, 21 June – Tuesday, 25 June 2019,
21 June : 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Reception Party : 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.(JST)
22-24 June : 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 25 June : 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
6月21日:15:00-18:00, レセプション:18:00-20:00、22日ー24日:11:00-19:00、25日:11:00-15:00
Venue:White Gallery
会場:White Gallery

This is the information about upcoming exhibition by M2 students Ayako Sakuragi and Xu Yang.





(ペーター・ハントケ作 / ヴィム・ヴェンダース『ベルリン 天使の詩』(1989年)より一部引用)


私たちは、このヴィム・ヴェンダースの映画『ベルリン 天使の詩』から出発し,展示「ここにいてそこにいない」を試みます。天使と人間の関係は、まるで現代社会の大人たちのようであり、彼らは何か大切なものを見落としているのではないでだろうか。日常の見える、または見えない存在は、どこまでが本当で、どこまでが想像や思い込みなのか。この混沌とした世界の中に私たち人間は生きている。忙しい日々の中で時には少し立ち止まり、ここにいるけどそこにいないものごとに、そっと目を向けてみたい。

Participating Artists:Ayako Sakuragi, Xu Yang
アーティスト: シュウ ヤン、櫻木 綾子

Talk about “music” of people who can and can not hear -Tokyo University of the Arts diversity monthly project – | 聞こえる人と聞こえない人の「音楽」をめぐるトーク -東京藝術大学ダイバーシティ月間企画-

Date:Tuesday, 16 July 2019, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第1講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

No pre-booking necessary. English-Japanese translation available.

What is the music of people who can not hear?

People who have different experiences, such as deaf performers and artist listeners, musicians, think and talk together to explore new possibilities of music that are different from the “music” that has been captured so far.



Eri Makihara
Deaf film director Yuri Makihara has considered that “there is music born from silence.” For example, she says that “music” can be felt from the musical film “Westside Story”, the Awa dance, and the dance of the Pina Bausch dance group. And she produced the movie”Listen” (2016) with deaf’s dancer DAKEI. In the silent 58-minute film, the work in which various “music” expressions created by Deaf people have received a great response.

Natsumi Wada
Ryuichi Ono
Katsuhiko Hibino
Kazumi Minoguchi
Natsumi Araki

■ 登壇者プロフィール

聾の鳥プロダクション代表・映画作家。ろう者。 ろう者の“音楽”をテーマにしたアート・ドキュメンタリー映画『LISTEN リッスン』(2016)を雫境(DAKEI)と共同監督。既存の映画が聴者による〈聴文化〉における受容を前提としていることから、ろう者当事者としての「ろう文化」の視点から問い返す映画表現を実践。

東京藝術大学大学院博士課程修了。舞踏家・鶴山欣也(舞踏工房 若衆・主宰)の誘いを受け、舞踏を始める。国内のみならず欧米、南米を舞台に活動。2000年にユニット・グループ「雫」を旗揚げ、国内外で公演、ワークショップを行う。現在ユニットグループ「濃淡」に改名し、活動。また、アニエス・トゥルブレ監督の映画『わたしの名前は…』に出演。

ろう者の両親のもと、手話を第一言語として育つ。視覚身体言語の研究、様々な身体性を持つ人々との協働を通して、感覚がもつメディアの可能性について模索している。主な展覧会に「Emergences! 033:tacit creole / 結んでひらいて」(NTTインターコミュニケーションセンター、2017-18)など。手話通訳士資格をもつ。

東京藝術大学の作曲科を卒業後、同大学院美術研究科を修了。音楽学を拡張した「テーマパークの美学」をベースに、音楽制作のみならず美術展示や舞台演出など、領域横断的に作品制作を行なっている。近年の主な展示・公演に、「オルガンと話してみたら—新しい風を求めて—」(東京藝術大学奏楽堂)「Sinfonía」(ラ・トーラ, エクアドル)など。






16:00 – 17:00 (15:30開場)
東京藝術大学 上野キャンパス
大学会館2F 国際芸術創造研究科 上野講義室


Orientation for 2020 Academic Year|2020年度 GAP専攻入試説明会 開催

We will hold an orientation for applicants who wish to enroll at GAP course in April 2020. This will be held only in Japanese. Everyone is welcome to join with no reservation.


GAP Entrance Examination Orientation (Master, Doctor)

  • Only in Japanese


2020年度4月からの入学を希望される方にむけて、下記の日程で入試説明会を行います。学内生及び国内の受験生を主な対象として、所属教員による専攻の紹介や、入試に関する説明、質疑応答などを行います。 どなたでも参加可能、予約不要です。お気軽にお越しください。

Date : Friday, July 5, 2019, 6:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (JST)
Venue : Lecture room 2, Chuo Building, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts

日時 : 2019年7月5日(金)18:00-20:00
会場 : 東京藝術大学美術学部 上野校地 中央棟第2講義室

Photography by Hyunjoo Cho “光の指紋 (Hikari no Shimon): The Fingerprints of Light” | ジョ・ヒョンジョ写真展「光の指紋 (Hikari no Shimon): The Fingerprints of Light」

Date:Friday, 14 June – Sunday, 23 June 2019, Monday-Saturday:11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.(JST)Sunday:11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.(JST)
Venue:FARO Coffee Echisou Bld. 204, 2-39-7, Hongo, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo. 113-0033
会場:FARO Coffee 〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷2丁目39−7 エチソウビル 204

Participating Artists:
Cho Hyunjoo

The Guidance for Prospective Students/GAP for International Students for 2020 Academic Year|2020年度 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試学生募集要項掲載

We have released the English version of “The Guidance for Prospective Students/Global Art Practice for International Students(2020Academic Year).

Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions>FINE ARTS (Private students) >Graduate Students (Master/Doctor)


 以下のページに、2019年度 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科(修士課程) グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試学生募集要項を掲載しました。

東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > 大学院入試 > 美術研究科 > 募集要項

GAP Special Lecture Ong Keng Sen: CREATING NOTHING – Intercultural performance and the Flying Circus Project 1996-2013 | GAP公開講義「オン・ケンセン:CREATING NOTHING – Intercultural performance and the Flying Circus Project 1996-2013」

Global Art Practice MFA Course would like to warmly welcome you to our special lecture “CREATING NOTHING – Intercultural performance and the Flying Circus Project 1996-2013” by a Singaporean theatre director Ong Keng Sen. All students are welcome!

 大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP)では、シンガポール出身の演出家、オン・ケンセン氏を招いて公開講義「CREATING NOTHING – Intercultural performance and the Flying Circus Project 1996-2013」を開講いたします。

Date:Wednesday, 29 May 2019, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第1講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

*The lecture will be in English with consecutive interpretation into Japanese.
Interpreter: Kayoko Yokota
※日英逐次通訳あり 通訳:横田佳世子   

Ong Keng Sen’s practical and theoretical practice goes beyond his profession as a theatre director. He is an artist and the prominent thinker of arts in Asia. In particular, Flying Circus Project, established as a platform to foster emerging artists, is marked as one of the most significant projects in modern and contemporary art scene in East Asia. The project crosses a boundary between visual arts and performing arts, and explores the new possibility of arts. He worked as the artistic director of Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) between 2014 and 2018; his innovative and challenging activity to relate arts and society in Singapore is highly acclaimed. He also established Arts Network Asia in order to support young artists who are interested in international collaboration in which he widely contributes to foster a number of young emerging artists.

Recently, his project and research engages in, and delves into the theme of ‘singularity’ and ‘potentiality’. Social Practice Seminar of MFA Global Art Practice recently invites internationally high-profiled artists and thinkers as an opportunity to share and discuss global issues. Following the seminars with YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES and Song Dong & Yin Xiuzhen last year, we are happy to invite Ong Keng Sen as this year’s first guest lecturer to further our discussion of Asian and global issues.


 近年は「シンギュラリティー」や「ポテンシャリティー」をテーマに、活動を展開すると同時に理論的な展開を深めていっている。 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻の社会実践論では、ここ数年、アジア出身で国際的な活躍をするアーティストや思索者を招き、グローバルな課題を共有し、討議する機会を設けている。昨年度のチャン・ヨンヘ重工業、ソンドン +イン・シウジェンに続き、今年度の第1回はオン・ケンセンを講師として、アジアそしてグローバルな課題を討議します。  

Lecturer : Ong Keng Sen


ONG KENG SEN, artistic director of TheatreWorks and the artspace 72-13 in Singapore, founded the Arts Network Asia, a micro-grant peer organization and the international Curators Academy focused on the synergy between contexts and curation in Asia. His seminal work is the nomadic artist residency, The Flying Circus Project which brings together international artists traveling through Asia, sharing their contexts amongst themselves and young people in the local sites. He is a Fulbright Scholar and was awarded the prestigious Fukuoka Asian Arts and Culture Prize in 2010 for his creations in Asian contemporary performance. His directions have been presented to much acclaim all over the world including Lincoln Center in New York City, Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, Edinburgh International Festival, Theater der Welt in Berlin, Shakespeare Festival at Hamlet’s Castle in Denmark, Tanzquarter Vienna, Rotterdam Schouwburg, Roma Europa Festival, Cocoon Theater in Tokyo, Idans Festival in Istanbul, Panorama Festival in Rio de Janeiro and Adelaide Festival in Australia. He holds a Masters in Performance Studies (Intercultural Performance) from Tisch School of the Arts, New York University and was also an Adjunct Professor with the National University of Singapore, where he started the theatre studies programme in 1992. Ong is the Founding Festival Director of the all-new Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA). He directed four editions of SIFA from 2014 to 2017. He is the first Singapore artist to have received both the National Arts Council Young Artist Award (1992) and the Cultural Medallion (2003).

GAP Special Lecture Pierre Alferi: Powers of Rhythm | GAP特別公開講義「ピエール・アルフェリ:リズムの力」

Pierre Alferi: Powers of Rhythm (five lecture series)
※ Lectures held only in English

Lecture 1:Rhythmicity
Date: 17:30-19:30, Tuesday, 21 May
Venue:Lecture room 3, 2F Chuo-Building, Ueno Campus

Lecture 2:Parallelism
Date: 17:30-19:30, Wednesday, 22 May
Venue:Lecture room 6, 2F Chuo-Building, Ueno Campus

Lecture 3:Imitation
Date: 17:30-19:30, Thursday, 23 May
Venue:Lecture room 6, 2F Chuo-Building, Ueno Campus

Lecture 4:Pulsion
To be live streamed from BAP.
Date: 17:30-19:30, Monday, June 3rd
Venue: Music campus Building #1
(Please don’t forget to bring your student’s card you need one to enter Building)

Lecture 5:Emancipation
To be live streamed from BAP.
Date: 17:30-19:30, Thursday, 13 June
Venue: Lecture room 6, 1F Chuo-Building, Ueno Campus

Screening of the documentary film from 2018 Global Art Joint Project “Art as Experiment: Performing the School”
Date: 16:20-17:20, Wednesday, 22 May
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Ueno Campus




第3回:Imitation (模倣)

第4回:Pulsion (圧出)

第5回:Emancipation (解放)

2018 グローバル共同プロジェクト 記録映像作品 上映会:「アートは実験であり、学校はパフォーミングの場である」

Global Art Practice MFA Course would like to warmly welcome you to our special lecture “Powers of Rhythm” by Pierre Alferi, a poet, a novelist and professor at Beaux-Arts de Paris (BAP). The lecture will be a five lecture series, held as part of the Global Art Joint Project 2019 “Art as Experiment: Body and Sound” with BAP.

On May 22nd, before the second lecture, we will also be screening a documentary film from our 2018 Global Art Join Project with BAP.

All students are welcome!


 GAPは海外の美術大学との共同授業「ユニットプログラム」を行っています。今年のパリユニットは、パリ国立高等美術学校と「アートは実験である:ボディ アンド サウンド」をテーマにプログラムを展開します。その一環として、今回アルフェリ氏を招いて「リズム」の諸相を探る連続レクチャーを行います。


Lecturer:Pierre Alferi
Born in 1963, former student of the Ulm ENS, « agrégé de philosophie », PhD in philosophy, former resident of the Villa Médicis in Rome, recipient of the Grand Prix de poésie de la Société des Gens de Lettres, Pierre Alferi has written about fifteen books : poetry collections, but also novels, essays and plays, mostly with P.O.L publishing house. He also made experimental films, posters and « signs » (drawings including words), and founded two literary magazines. His work has been exhibited, performed and translated in many museums, theaters, galleries and universities. His most recent work is Hors Sol (october 2018), a science fiction novel.
詩人、小説家、エッセイストとしてだけでなく、実験映像やポスターの政策など幅広い分野で活躍している。『Détail』、『La Revue de Littérature Générale』などの文学誌を創刊。最新作として2018年にSF小説『Hors Sol』を上梓している。パリ国立美術高等学校とヨーロッパ大学院大学で教鞭を執る。専門は文学史。

Regarding the entrance examination for international applicants to the Global Art Practice course for 2020 Academic Year|2020年度 美術研究科(修士課程) グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試

Application Period:
Begins on Monday, July 8th and ends at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19th, 2019.
Examination Date:
Thursday, August 8th, 2019 to Friday, August 9th, 2019

出願時期:2019年7月8日(月)~19日(金) 17時必着(日本時間)

The entrance examination for international applicants to the Global Art Practice course who wish to start their studies from April 2020 is scheduled as follows.
The 2020 Guidance for Prospective Students (an information packet) will be released around early to mid May 2019.

As one of the stipulated requirements for those who wish to take the entrance exam, prospective examinees must submit their English Language Proficiency test scores from an external organization. Below is a list of suggested English Language proficiency tests.

*However, for foreign students who have graduation from educational institutions that use English as a medium of instruction are not required to take any English Language exams, but proof of graduation (Ex. diploma) must be submitted.

Examination Type


※TOEFL PBT and TOEFL ITP are not accepted

※If you wish to submit your TOEFL score, please request the testing agency, Educational Testing Service (ETS), to send your official score report directly to Tokyo University of the Arts; the institution code (DI Code) for the Graduate School of Fine Arts is B882. Test Taker Score Reports will not be accepted.


※Scores from TOEIC and TOEIC IP are both accepted.

※TOEIC Speaking Test and TOEIC Bridge are not accepted.


IELTS Academic

※IELTS General Training is not accepted.

◆ Official Score Certificate

Scores from examinations that took place in or after September 2017 are valid.
Scores from the testing organizations are valid for two years from the examination date.
Please note that the number of days needed to issue a certificate varies from organization to organization.

◇Check the following websites for details of test dates and the timings of certificate issuance.




グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試の日程は下記の通り予定しております。

名称 種別

※TOEFLのスコアを提出する場合は、Official Score Reportの発行を実施機関(ETS)へ申請してください(本学美術研究科のDIコードはB882)。
Test Taker Score Reportは受け付けません。

TOEIC Listening & Reading またはTOEIC Speaking & Writing

※TOEIC Speaking Test またはTOEIC Bridgeは不可



