Special Lecture “Dancing the Land” | 特別講義 「ダンシング・ザ・ランド」

Special Lecture  “Dancing the Land”
特別講義 「ダンシング・ザ・ランド」

Date : Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
日時:2022年10月11日(火)18:00 – 19:30(日本時間)
Venue : Lecture Room No.2, 1st Fl. of the Central Buiding, Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地美術学部 中央棟1F 第2講義室
Guest: Khvay Samnang, Chum Chanveasna
Language: English Only

The Department of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts is pleased to announce a public lecture by internationally acclaimed Cambodian artist Khvay Samnang and curator Chum Chanveasna. Khvay Samnang is a founding member of the Sa Sa Art Project, an artist collective based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the Sa Sa Art Project was invited to participate in Documenta 15 this year.
Khvay Samnang will be in Japan for the solo exhibition and will be teaching the Social Practice Seminar and GAP Seminar classes for the GAP on October 9, 10, and 11. The theme of the class will be “Where is my land?” and will explore the relationship between humans and the land, and our relationship to lost or dispossessed land. Khvay Samnang has created many works on the theme of the relationship between people and land, and in 2011 he created a work on the Great East Japan Earthquake. At Documenta 14, he presented a work in response to one of Asia’s largest tropical rainforests in Cambodia, where the construction of a dam has resulted in the loss of land and environmental destruction, threatening the livelihood and culture of the people who live there.
A related class was given by Vietnamese artist Tuan Mami on October 4. Tuan Mami participated in Documenta 15 as a member of the Hanoi-based artist collective “Nha San Collective,” where he worked with Vietnamese immigrants to create “Vietnamese Immigrating Garden” (2022), a garden of Vietnamese plants. Documenta 15 featured many works that questioned the relationship between land and people over colonialism and dispossession. In the second semester of 2022, GAP (Imamura’s class) will continue to consider many of the issues presented at Documenta 15 as one of the “After 100 days” proposed by Documenta 15. This time, we will continue to consider the relationship between humans and nature and the environment.
The lecture is open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. Please come and join us.

クゥワイ・サムナンはカンボジア・プノンペンを拠点に活動するアーティスト・コレクティブ「ササ・アート・プロジェクツ(Sa Sa Art Projects)」の創設メンバーであり、ササ・アート・プロジェクツは今年開催されたドクメンタ15にも招待されています。また、彼は前回のドクメンタ14にも招待されています。今回は個展開催のために来日し、10月9、10、11日にGAP専攻のソーシャル・プラクティス・セミナーおよびGAPセミナーの授業を行う予定です。
授業では「Where is my land?」をテーマに人間と大地の関係、失われた土地、あるいは収奪された土地と私たちとの関係を探ります。クゥワイ・サムナンは人と土地の関係をテーマに多くの作品を制作しており、2011年には東日本大震災に関する作品を制作しています。
関連した授業として10月4日(火)にはベトナムのアーティスト、トゥアン・マミによる授業を行いました。トゥアン・マミはハノイを拠点に活動するアーティスト・コレクティブ「ナーサン・コレクティブ(Nha San Collectivce)」のメンバーとしてドクメンタ15に参加し、ベトナム移民たちと共にベトナムの植物の庭、「Vietnamese Immigrating Garden」(2022)が制作されています。
ドクメンタ15では植民地や土地の収奪を巡る土地と人の関係を問う作品が多く紹介されていました。GAP(今村担当授業、今村ゼミ)では、2022年後期の授業において、ドクメンタ15が提案する「After 100 days」のひとつとして、ドクメンタ15で提示された多くの課題を考えつづけていきます。今回は人間と自然、環境との関係を考えたいと思います。

Khvay Samnang
Khvay Samnang (b.1982, Svay Rieng province) lives and works in Phnom Penh. He graduated from the Painting Department at the Royal University of Fine Art.
Samnang’s multidisciplinary practice offers new views on historical and current events and traditional cultural rituals using humorous, symbolic gestures. His work focuses on the humanitarian and ecological impacts of colonialism and globalization.


Chum Chanveasna
Chum Chanveasna (b.1982, Phnom Penh) graduated in the Financial and Banking of Phnom Penh’s National University of Management in 2004 and she worked as an accountant in the high-end handicrafts industry prior to joining arts. She is a project manager to artist, Khvay Samnang who is one of Cambodia’s leading visual artists from 2016 to now. From 2018 until now, she is a manager at non-profit artist-runspace dedicated for experimental art practices called Sa Sa Art Projects.

2004年にプノンペン国立経営大学の金融・銀行学科を卒業し、高級手工芸品業界で会計士として働いた後、アートの世界に入る。2016年から現在までカンボジアを代表するビジュアルアーティストであるKhvay Samnangのプロジェクトマネージャーを務める。2018年から現在まで、Sa Sa Art Projectsという実験的なアートの実践に特化した非営利のアーティスト・ランスペースのマネージャーを務める。

主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻

Organized by: Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts,

Tokyo University of The Arts Global Art Practice Department I 東京藝術大学大学院グローバルアートプラクティス専攻入試説明会

グローバルアートプラクティス専攻では2022年11月26日 にスタジオや施設の見学もできる2024年度入試説明会を行います。ご興味がある方は以下のリンクより締切前までに申し込みをお願いします。

Global Art Practice Department is having an Entrance Examination Guidance for academic year 2024, individuals who interest in pursuing a further degree can participate the Entrance Examination Guidance on campus, visit the studio and join the campus tour.

Date・Venue: 26th November (Sat) 15:30-16:30/ Tokyo University of The Arts Toride Campus, GAP Office / Online
日時・会場:2022/11/26 (土)15:30 – 16:30/東京藝術大学取手校舎・GAPオフィス / オンライン参加も可能

For reservation・予約サイト


Reservation Deadline・予約締切

締切 11/18 まで / Dead line18th November

For Inquiry・お問合せ


夕日が落ちて石になるまでの3分間 | Three minutes before the sun sets and turns to stone

Date: Oct 1st (Sat)~ Oct 7th(Fri) 11:00 〜 19:00
日時:2022/10/1(土)-10/7(金) 11:00 〜 19:00

Reservations: Please register at least one day in advance at the following URL
For last minute inquiries, please email s1221519@fa.geidai.ac.jp or call 080-4528-5290 (Sae)
直前での問い合わせはメール s1221519@fa.geidai.ac.jp か電話 080-4528-5290 (守下)までご連絡ください

Venue: International House 2F lounge/workshop space, 7 – 376, Shin-Matsudo, Matsudo, Chiba
会場:千葉県松戸市新松戸7丁目376 東京芸術大学 国際交流会館 2階 ラウンジ / ワークショップスペース(旧:多目的室)

We are pleased to present a solo exhibition by Sae Morishita, an artist working on the theme of “people/body. The exhibition will feature installations of paintings and sculptures.

Artist’s Message
When the sunset on the ocean looks like a big stone, I wonder if I would like to gaze at it for such a long time if I would definitely see it again someday.



Artist: Sae Morishita

アーティスト: 守下彩恵

The Guidance for Prospective Students, GAP for International Students for 2023 Academic Year|2023年度 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 外国人留学生入試学生募集要項掲載

We have released the English version of “The Guidance for Prospective Students, Global Art Practice for International Students (2023 Academic Year)”.

Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > FINE ARTS (Private students) > Graduate Students (Master/Doctor)

The Guidance for Prospective Students, Global Art Practice Entrance Examinations for International Students (PDF) 


東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > 大学院入試 > 美術研究科 > 募集要項

2023年度 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科(修士課程) 学生募集要項(PDF)

New Species | 新種の生き物たち

Dates:Saturday 30 July Screening Time: 14:00 (JST) (Door open: 13:15)
日時:2022年07月30日(土) 14:00上映 (13:15 受付開始・開場) 
Venue:Sainokuni Saitama Arts Theater, Audio Visual Hall
3-15-1 Uemine, Chuo-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan (7-minute walk from the West Exit of the Yonohonmachi station)
会場:彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 映像ホール
〒338-8506 さいたま市中央区上峰3-15-1(JR埼京線与野本町駅 西口 下車 徒歩7分)

Admission fee: free

Thudding, messy, slippery… The fragments and surfaces of the creatures created by Jini and JuJu, as well as their internal structures, breathe, interact and coexist with the painted sculptures. The warm, vibrant colours and overlapping layers of oil paint, the vivid pink neon lights that enter our eyes through the refraction of the vinyl. All of these materials are supposed to be man-made, yet they are somehow toxic and raw creatures in their appearance. Feel through human eyes the signs of ‘life forms’ that cannot be expressed in our language alone, and the traces of biological contact, temperature and communication that are created in the process of their creation. On the last day 24 July at 7pm, there will be a live painting performance.

ドクドク、ぐちゃぐちゃ、ヌルヌル… JiniとJuJuが作り出す生き物たちの断片や表面、その内部構造のようにも見えるペインティング・スクラプチャーは呼吸をし、相互作用し、そして共存しています。 暖かく鮮やかな油絵具の色味や重なり合う層、ビニールの屈折を通して私たちの目の中に入ってくるビビットピンク色のネオンライト。その全ての素材は人工物であるはずなのに、その姿はどこか毒々しく、生々しい生き物なのです。 私たちの言語だけでは表すことができない”生命体”の気配、そして彼女たちの制作プロセスで生まれた生物的接触、温度、コミュニケーションの痕跡をヒトの目を通して感じてみて下さい。 会期最終日24日19時よりライブペインティング・パフォーマンスを行います。

Juju Kusanagi
草薙樹樹 [GAP在籍]

Website: https://www.instagram.com/therefore_collective/?hl=en

MUNI Film Festival | MUNI 映画祭

Dates:Saturday 30 July Screening Time: 14:00 (JST) (Door open: 13:15)
日時:2022年07月30日(土) 14:00上映 (13:15 受付開始・開場) 
Venue:Sainokuni Saitama Arts Theater, Audio Visual Hall
3-15-1 Uemine, Chuo-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan (7-minute walk from the West Exit of the Yonohonmachi station)
会場:彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 映像ホール
〒338-8506 さいたま市中央区上峰3-15-1(JR埼京線与野本町駅 西口 下車 徒歩7分)

The Kusanagi Sisters presents “MUNI Film Festival” this summer! *The festival is 90 minutes (Film Screening 65 min, Artist Talk 25 min).

Kusanagi Sisters主催『MUNI映画祭』を開催します! 個性溢れる傑作ショートフィルム8作品を、世界を旅したKusanagi Sistersが選りすぐり、彩の国さいたま芸術劇場で本邦初公開!! 上映65分、アーティストトーク with Kusanagi Sisters &『The Fourth Wall』

監督 Mahboobeh Kalaee 25分

予告編: https://vimeo.com/724183925

お問合せ: munifilmfestival@gmail.com

Juju Kusanagi
草薙樹樹 [GAP在籍]

Website: https://www.facebook.com/KusanagiSisters

I met you, Shippō! ⎜出逢っちゃって、シッポウ!

Dates:Thursday 14 July – Sunday 17 July, 2022 , Open Thurs.-Sun. 13:00-19:00 (JST) (Last day till 17:00)
日時:2022年07月14日(木) – 2022年07月24日(日) 木曜-日曜オープン 13:00-19:00(最終日 17:00 まで)
Venue:OGU MAG+
Higashiogu 4-27-7 Arakawa-ku Tokyo, 116-0012, Japan
〒116-0012 東京都荒川区東尾久4-24-7

Exhibition Website

Enameling is a craft technique in which glass glaze is fired on metal. Its history goes back thousands of years, and a variety of works have been made. However we are looking for a new enameling that is not only bound by technique or tradition. We sometimes stop and ask questions ourselves as if we climb the wall with all your might. You will come across our seven enamelists. I met you, Shippō!


七宝とは金属にガラス釉薬を焼き付けた工芸技法である。 その歴史は何千年も前に遡り、多様な作品が作られてきた。 けれど今、わたしたちは技法や伝統にとらわれない、新しい七宝の姿を探している。 立ち止まって問い直したり、力尽くで壁を登ってみたり、そんな七人の七宝に、あなたも出逢っちゃって。

Sayo Ota [GAP]、Marina Iwagami, Kumiko Endo, Emi Oozono, Mai Konishi, Midori Takai, Masako Yamada
太田 紗世 [GAP在籍]、岩上 満里奈、遠藤 久美子、大園 恵実、小西 舞衣、高井 碧、山田 眞子

Online Special Open Lecture “From Solo Camping to Beautiful Forestry: “I Want to Do Forestry! ” | オンライン特別講演会 “ソロキャンプから美しい林業へ:「俺、林業やりたいんです!」”

A recording of the June 23rd lecture, in Japanese version only, is available for limited viewing until August 31st. Unfortunately, the English simultaneous interpretation is not be available, but if you missed it live or would like to watch it again in Japanese, please do so.
Downloading or screenshotting of the video is strictly prohibited.
This video can only be viewed on the GAP website. If you wish to introduce this video to others, please introduce the relevant page on the GAP website itself.

Online Special Open Lecture 
“From Solo Camping to Beautiful Forestry: “I Want to Do Forestry! ”

Date : Thursday, June 23, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
日時:2022年6月23日(木)18:00-19:30 (日本時間)
Venue : Online via Zoom. No registration is required.
Guest:JINNOUCHI Takeshi (Lumberjack, Representative of Kikori Builders)

Zoom link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88987721891?pwd=WkVMVmdheUpTUGVZNlgyYSs1VjJaZz09
Meeting ID: 889 8772 1891
Pass Code: 644414

*Please note that the lecture will be recorded for archival purposes.
This archive may be open to the public.


Language: Japanese (with simultaneous interpretations in English)

We invite you to a special lecture by JINNOUCHI Takeshi, organized by the LEE Mina Lab of Global Art Practice (GAP), collaborates with the Department of Sculpture, Department of Craft, Department of Architecture


Lecturer: JINNOUCHI Takeshi, (Lumberjack, Representative of Kikori Builders)
Moderator: LEE Mina, Associate Professor, Global Art Practice, Tokyo University of the Arts

司会進行:李美那 (GAP専攻 准教授) 

Various issues have been pointed out surrounding Japan’s forestry industry, such as the stagnant price of domestic timber, neglect of forests, thinning and environmental conservation, and the relationship between climate change, natural disasters and the forestry industry. Globally, the trend is that it is impossible to have a forestry industry that ignores environmental conservation, and Japan is finally starting to move in a way that could be called a turning point for its forestry industry. The movement is a shift away from forestry simply for timber production and towards an act that links the environment, forestry, timber, and people’s lives: forestry that is not just about sales, forestry that considers the very nature of the mountains, how they are maintained, and how they are used. Solo-camping, another trend that seems to have been popularized by the pandemic, has triggered a rapid spike in the number of people from younger generations turning their attention to the mountains, and this trend, which also connects people to each other, appears to be accelerating even faster.

A path is being built in the forest.
That alone brings the mountains closer to people.
The desire is to share the view.

These are the words of JINNOUNCHI, self-proclaimed “lumberjack” who has engaged in forestry since moving to Hokkaido while also a musician, and representative of the “Mori to machi no gakko (School of the Forest and the City).” He will talk about what is happening in the forestry industry today.
Two days after his lecture, on Saturday, June 25, at 3:00 p.m., he will take the ZOOM camera outdoors and broadcast from the actual forest site in Hokkaido. The same ZOOM link will be used; please join us there as well!




Born 1966. After graduating from the Department of Architecture of the Tokyo University of the Arts, and joining HARA HISAHI ARCHITECT, he moved to Hokkaido where he worked for the Shimokawa Town Forest Cooperative, before founding the Hokkaido Forest Governance Research Group, and later becoming a freelance forester. In 2019 he founded Kikori Builders to connect the mountain and architecture. As of 2021 he has called to establish the “Mori to machi no gakko (School of the Forest and the City),” and promote environmentally friendly forestry as the principle.

Principal of “Mori to machi no gakko (School of the Forest and the City),”
Representative of Kikori Builders
Director, General Incorporated Foundation, Sapporo Minami High School Forest (Rikka Forest)
Part-time lecturer at Department of of Outdoor Life, Iwamizawa College, Hokkaido University of Education
Director, NPO Morinet Hokkaido


一般財団法人 札幌南高学校林 理事
教育大岩見沢校アウトドアライフ専攻 非常勤講師
NPO法人もりねっと北海道 理事

主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻、東京藝術大学美術学部彫刻科、美術学部工芸科、美術学部建築科

Organized by: Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts, the Department of Sculpture, the Department of Craft, and the Department of Architecture

Yubusya Performance”The prayer of this era” and “O zero” | 遊舞舎・公演 「現代の祈り」「O zero」

Yuko Hashimoto, who is active as a Somatic practitioner, researcher, educator will collaborate with “Yubusha”. And the created artwork “O zero” will be the first performance. We will also revive the artwork of “The prayer of this era”.

ソマティクス実践者、研究者、教育者として多方面でご活躍されている橋本有子氏と遊舞舎が共作した作品「O zero」を初演致します。また「現代の祈り」を再演致します。


Part 1 “The prayer of this era” (Keiko’s graduation work revival.)
Choreography/Cast : Keiko Tokuyasu, Yuko Tokuyasu
Music : Yutaro Matsunaga
Stage set : Suzuka Miyake

When I saw Folk Performing arts in Tono City, Iwate Prefecture, I was impressed by the appearance of the dance as a prayer. Life and death are inseparably breathing in one life. It eventually became a dance, like a streak of prayer. I dedicate this dance in the fleeting hustle and bustle.

Part 2 “O zero” (First performance.)
Choreography : Yuko Hashimoto
Cast : Yuko Tokuyasu Keiko Tokuyasu
Music : Yutaro Matsunaga

What does our emergence, beginnings, and existence tell us? Through the inquiry of our inner body, we call up the memory of the body, converse with the body, and the body expresses our discoveries. After the two artworks of “Prayer of this era” and “O zero”, there will be an after-talk about “O zero”.


第一部:現代の祈り (徳安慶子卒業制作作品 再演)
振付・出演:徳安慶子 徳安優子


第二部: O zero (初演)
出演:徳安優子 徳安慶子

私たちの起こり、始まり、そして存在は何を語るのか。身体の内側からの探究を通して身 体の記憶を呼び、身体と対話し、そして身体が表現する。 「現代の祈り」「O zero」の2作品上演後「O zero」に関するアフタートークがございます。


7th May.(Sat)

Matinne: Open 16:40 Start 17:00
Soiree:Open 19:10 Start 19:30

2500 yen + one drink

Muriwi: 3rd floor, 4-chōme-1-22 Soshigaya, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0072

マチネ:開場16:40 開演17:00
ソワレ:開場19:10 開演19:30


ムリウイ 世田谷区祖師谷4-1-22-3F

【Reservation】 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScprNtTQEQPD8k2MTQr1IYLqsXBWaM3ycOohjQMRFMA-nCp5g/ viewform?usp=pp_url

Or this email address [yubusha.butoh@gmail.com]
Please fill in (1) your name (2) the performance you want to reserve (matinee / soiree) before sending.

もしくはこちらのメールアドレス yubusha.butoh@gmail.com に (1)お名前、(2)ご予約公演 ( マチネ / ソワレ ) をご記入の上お送り下さい。

Performance x Installation ”Returning to Soil” |パフォーマンス x インスタレーション『Returning to Soil! | 土にかえる!』

Directors: JuJu Kusanagi/Kika Suzuki
Members: Clinton Pang/Jini/Miran Hashiba/Yoshiya Yoshimitsu
Sound: Ran Bagno
Advisor: Naoto John Tanaka

ディレクター: 草薙樹樹/鈴木希果
メンバー: クリントン・パン/珍熙/橋場みらん/好光義也
サウンド: ラン・バグノ
アドバイザー: 田中ジョン直人

Date: May 6th(Fri)~ May 8th(Sun)
May 13th(Fri)~ May 15th(Sun)
Fridays 17:00~19:00~
Saturdays•Sundays 14:00~17:00~19:00~
   金 17:00-/19:00- 、土・日 4:00-/17:00-/19:00-

Venue:soco1010 22-48, Senjuhashido-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
会場:soco1010 〒120-0038, 東京都足立区千住橋戸町22-4

3 minutes walk from Senjyu Ohashi Station / 京成線千住大橋駅より徒歩3分
20 minutes walk from Kitasenjyu Station / 北千住駅より徒歩20分

Returning to Soil!” I 「土にかえる!」

 By the flow of the River Tone, students at the Toride campus of Geidai so proclaimed.
 Eating, living, breathing… it doesn’t take long to realize: “soil” is the literal foundation. Yet in our daily lives, we find ourselves separated from its energy.
 Soil… we touch it, feel it in ourselves, and connect each other with it, so that our bodies may be one with it again.
 This is an exhibit and performance, or perhaps a much more primitive experiment.
