shiseido art egg 14 Claire Fujita Exhibition | 第14回 shiseido art egg 藤田クレア展

Date:Friday, 27 November – Sunday, 20 December, Closed Mondays (including national holidays falling on Monday), Weekdays: 11:00 a.m. ‒ 7:00 p.m. Sundays and holidays: 11:00 a.m. ‒ 6:00 p.m.(JST)
日時:2020年11月27日(金)~2020年12月20日(日)、毎週月曜休 (月曜日が祝日にあたる場合も休館)、平日 11:00~19:00 日・祝 11:00~18:00
Venue:Tokyo Ginza Shisedo Building, basement floor 8-8-3, Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061
会場:資生堂ギャラリー 東京都中央区銀座 8-8-3 東京銀座資生堂ビル地下 1 階 tel. 03 -3572 -3901

Shiseido Gallery has been engaging in a range of activities for more than a century, and has based on the notion of discovering and creating new aesthetics. Shiseido art egg is an open call program designed to give to promising new artists access to the Gallery. This year’s shiseido art egg, the fourteenth, will feature solo exhibitions by three artists, selected from among 215 applicants nationwide. The third artist in this 14th shiseido art egg, Claire Fujita has expanded her interest in interrelations and distances between humans, and the way communication has changed with the times. She creates mechanical objects and installations that represent various relationships, and has transformed the gallery into a dynamic place that includes sound and time. In the main gallery, she has installed a huge, central chandelier-like object, and arranged moving metal rods on the walls around it, conjuring up an image of a secret ball dance being held in the basement of Ginza. The seashell works on the mezzanine and in the smaller gallery trace and measure the supposed “golden ratio” proportions of said shells, and convert the results into sound and drawings. Growing up in multiple cultures and residing overseas for extended periods, Fujita has always been conscious of how she is different to others. Attesting to the “unfathomable” aspects of this experience, and making interesting observations on these, she turns them into works. These are also contemplations on the structure of relationships, and her modest resistance to social issues such as “division” and “peer pressure,” which are said to be accelerated by new forms of communication.


2006年よりスタートした公募プログラム「shiseido art egg」は、瑞々しい新進アーティストによる「新しい美の発見と創造」を応援するものです。本年度は全国各地より215件の応募をいただき、その中から選ばれた3名の新進アーティストによる展覧会を10月~12月にかけて開催します。 第三期は、藤田 クレアによる個展「ふとうめい な 繋がり」を行います。 藤田は、世の中に存在するさまざまな差異や境界線、変化するコミュニケーションのあり方に着目します。人間の関係性を見つめなおし、素材を組み合わせ、動き、音などを用いることで、あいだに存在するエネルギー、リズム、距離、時間/歴史などを表現します。見えない繋がりを感じさせ、記憶を呼び覚ます作品となるでしょう。 なお、本展では新型コロナウィルス感染防止の観点から、入場者数を事前予約により制限しています。ご来館時はこちらをご覧ください。


Shiseido Company, Limited.
主催:株式会社 資生堂 社会価値創造本部 アート&ヘリテージ室
participating artists: Claire Fujita


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