Global Art Joint Program 2021 | グローバルアート共同プロジェクト2021

International Joint Project, granted by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) through its Program for Enforcing the Function of National Universities
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts, Beaux-Arts de Paris, University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins
Planned by Tokyo University of the Arts, Beaux-Arts de Paris and University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins.

Global Art Joint Project 2021

文部科学省国立大学機能強化事業 〔国際共同プロジェクト〕
主催:東京藝術大学 × パリ国立高等美術学校 x ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校


Unit program is a joint educational program between 3 art universities: Beaux-Arts de Paris (BAP), University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins (CSM) and Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA). 

The theme of this year was soil. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causing disruptions on traveling since the last academic year, classes and workshops were conducted online. Sessions have been divided into 5 parts, each part aimed to emphasize an expression through collaboration among the  students from the 3 schools. 

First Session (Introduction)

We started off with the guidance of the program, students’ introduction, Emmanuelle Huyhn’s body workshop, Yuko Mohri’s sound workshop, Yusaku Imamura and Heather Bartnett’s lectures and discussion on the theme of  ‘Soil’.

Second Session (Workshop)

Art education can not be accomplished only by lectures. A direct face to face communication is necessary while we students engage in their practices. 

The spread of COVID-19 in this academic year caused difficulties holding lectures, events, and exhibitions on a global scale. While the unit program also shared this crisis , we explored the possibilities of practical classes outdoors and activities without compromising on physical exchange and practice. 

Each school went to the forest or river nearby to conduct outdoor classes. BAP invited Pascal Aumaître and Nuno Bizarro to carry out field work and a body movement workshop in the forest.

CSM invited guest lecturers,  Masumi Saito and Heather Bartnett, to conduct field work using loupes and a body movement workshop in the forest.

TUA invited Akio Suzuki, Tetsuya Umeda, Yuko Amano, and Soichiro Mihara as guest lecturers to lead workshops around Tonegawa river to discover new materials and mediums and observe how installations could be created in nature, and fieldwork around Tonegawa to rediscover the river as a place for expression. The classes have allowed students to open up to new mediums and expressions.

Third Session (Online workshop)

In the third session, each school first shared their experience from the forest online, using Padlet and Zoom. 

The aim of this session was to translate these experiences into a collaborative work. We used ‘Synchronic Theater’ as a place to collaborate tby synchronizing the 3 schools using the internet. 

‘Synchronic Theater ‘ is a live-streaming system developed for this project to realize a  collaborative production. 

2 schools would separately shoot their students, while a synchronized image of the 2 schools would be projected on a large screen. In the actual space where the shooting took place, we only saw the students from one school, but on the projected image, the movements from the other school were superimposed. 

As it was the first time students came across this medium, in this session, students began with technical tests and experiments to explore how to incorporate the experience gained through their practices and discussions into a collaborative expression.

Fourth session (Tutorial)

Students from 3 schools discussed the uses of ‘Synchronic Theater’ and how they would like to use the system as a medium for expression. Each student presented and exchanged their ideas along with the professors.

Fifth session (Final Presentation)

The final session was divided into 3 days.

The first day was a rehearsal, the second day was a collaboration and presentation between BAP and TUA, and the third day, between CSM and TUA. The last 2 days were the final presentations of the ‘Synchronic Theater’.

‘Synchronic Theater’ is a large-scale system that uses cameras, microphones, and lighting. Large sheets of paper were fixed on the background and floor so that students could also draw freely. 

Unlike Zoom, which became widespread in the midst of COVID-19 and has limits on frame size and audio quality, ‘Synchronic Theater’ can give a greater sense of reality to the physical expressions.

While watching the projected images, students interacted with the movements performed in the other space. But there was also a curious sensation that the movements of the students began to parallel and synchronize. 

Despite the short time, students were able to discover the characteristics of the medium, and create expressions that cannot be conducted in a traditional manner, such as approaching the camera, changing the size of the body and objects on the screen, and using sound. By working together over the five sessions, a common language was created among the students from distant countries, resulting in a work unique to this year’s unit program.  





















Dumpling: If the filling is wrapped in a skin | ダンプリング: 具が皮に包まれたなら

Date:Saturday, 16 April – Monday, 02 May, 2022
10:00-17:00 (JST)
Closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
Admission free
日時:2022年04月16日(土) – 2022年05月02日(月) 10:00-17:00
Venue: Nakacho House: 29-1 Senjunakacho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo

Dumplings have long been loved and eaten around the world. Besides Jiaozi (Gyoza), there are many different types of dumplings such as dangos and gnocchi. The one thing they all have in common is that they are wrapped in a ‘skin’. What do ‘ingredients’, ‘skin’, and the act of ‘wrapping’ represent in the contemporary world, and what tastes can dumplings deliver to us?

What kind of ‘ingredients’ can be wrapped in the ‘Nakacho House’, which has gently enveloped various cultures and arts in the past? We hope you enjoy our dumpling party organised by Tokyo University of the Arts students from Japan, Hong Kong, and China.




Sayo Ota, Kika Suzuki, Chen Yirui, Pang To, Nagisa Mizuno
太田紗世、 鈴木希果、陳一銳、彭慆、水野渚


Date:Wednesday, 23 March – Wednesday, 30 March, 2022
13:00-18:00 (JST)
日時:2022年03月23日(水) – 2022年03月30日(水) 13:00-18:00
Venue:Building -1(1号館), Youkobo Art Space
Zempukuji 3-2-10, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0041 Japan
会場:Building -1(1号館), 遊工房アートスペース
〒167-0041 東京都杉並区善福寺3-2-10

“Time?- Returning, Sampling, Memorizing” will start from 23rd to 30th of March in Youkobo Art Space. Three participants, Kika Suzuki(Japan), Liu Xindan(China) and Clinton Pang(Hong Kong) are all from Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP).

This exhibition will demonstrate various practices from drawings, installations, moving images and mediums like charcoal, daily objects and earth, presenting three different interpretations of the experience of time.

3月23日から3月30日までの期間、鈴木希果(日本)・劉心丹(中国)・Clinton Pang(香港)の東京芸術大学美術研究科GAP専攻の学生3人による展覧会「Time³-Returning, Sampling, Memorizing 」を遊工房アートスペースで開催致します。


Kika Suzuki, Clinton Pang To, Liu Xindan [Japan, China, Hong Kong]
鈴木 希果、劉心丹、Clinton Pang [日本、中国、香港]

Online Special Open Lecture “The Art History of Koreans in Japan 1945-1962 : Focusing on records of artists’ activities and interviews” | オンライン特別講演会 “美術家たちの表現活動の記録とインタビューを中心に 在日朝鮮人美術史 1945-1962”

The Art History of Koreans in Japan 1945-1962 : Focusing on records  of artists’ activities and interviews  
「在日朝鮮人美術史 1945-1962 : 美術家たちの表現活動の記録とインタビューを中心に」
「제일조선인 미술사 1945-1962 : 미술가들의 표현활동의 기록과 인터뷰를 중심으로」

Date : Friday, 4 March, 2022, 18:00-19:30 (JST)
日時:2022年3月4日(金)18:00-19:30 (日本時間)
Venue : Online via Zoom. No registration is required.

Zoom link :
Meeting ID: 838 8100 1646
Pass Code: 170582

*Only available live. Please note that the lecture will be recorded for archival purposes, but recordings will not be available to be viewed at a later date.
*LIVE 한정. 기록을 목적으로 녹화 및 녹음을 진행할 예정이니 양해 부탁드립니다. 이후 녹화의 공개는 없을 예정입니다.

Language: Japanese (with simultaneous interpretations in English and Korean)
사용 언어:일본어(영어, 한국어 동시통역)

We invite you to a special lecture by Dr. Pek Rum, organized by the Lee  Mina Lab of Global Art Practice (GAP), Graduate School of Fine Arts, with the Department of Aesthetics and Art History and in cooperation with the  Graduate School of Global Arts.  


특별강연회에 대한 안내를 드립니다. 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 Global Art Practice   専攻(GAP)李美那研究室에서는 美術学部芸術学科공동주최, 大学院国際芸術創造研究科의 협력으로 白凛(백름) 씨를 초청한 특별강연회를 개최합니다. 

Lecturer: PEK Rum, Ph.D, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Doshisha  University 
Commentator: KIM Hyunsook, Ph.D, Director at LEEUNGNO Research  Center
Moderator: LEE Mina, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts

講演者:白凛(ペク・ルン Ph.D, 同志社大学)
コメンテーター:金炫淑(キム・ヒョンスク Ph.D, 李應魯研究所所長)
司会進行:李美那 (GAP専攻 准教授) 

강연자:白凛 (백름, Ph.D, 同志社大学)
질의자:金炫淑(김현숙, Ph.D, 이응노연구소 소장)
사회 진행:李美那(이미나, 東京藝術大学大学院GAP専攻 准教授) 


The registrational category “Chosen (Japanese pronunciation  of 朝鮮)”, which is not a nationality, and one that exists only in Japan, was  born in postwar Japan after the historical events of Japan’s colonization  of the Korean Peninsula. The “Zainichi-chosen people” (Koreans born and  have lived in japan), do not correspond to “Republic of Korea” nor  “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” and is an entity that exists only  in current Japan. They are composed of complex elements that make  them difficult to understand, and as art history is organized and based on  the idea of the nation state and modern national consciousness, the history of their art was even more obscure. Dr. PEK has attempted to  unravel the art activities since the establishment of the “Chosen”  category, which had been concealed due to its obscurity, by  interviewing artists and their family, and uncovering materials on their  practice. This lecture will be built upon the contents of her book, “Zainichi  Korean Art History 1945-1962: A Record of Artists’ Expressive Activities”  which is based on her doctoral dissertation and allows us to get a closer  look at their actual situations.  


国籍ではなく、日本にしか存在しない「朝鮮」籍というカテゴリーは、日本による朝鮮半島の植民地化という歴史的事実を経て、戦後日本に生まれたカテゴリーである。国としての「韓国」とも「朝鮮民主主義人民共和国」とも一致しない、現在の日本にのみある存在としての「朝鮮人」は、複雑な構成要素をもち、それ自体がわかりにくい存在だが、近代的国家意識のもとに国別に整理・研究されている美術史においては、彼らの美術の歴史はさらに見えにくいものだった。白凛氏は「朝鮮」籍ができた時期からの、見えにくいゆえに隠されてきた美術活動を、美術家たちのインタビューや活動資料の発掘によって解きほぐして行こうとしている。博士論文をもとにした『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録』は、その実態に迫ることができる書籍であり、今回の講演はこの本の内容を元に行われる。


국적이 아닌 일본에만 존재하는 ‘朝鮮 조선’적이라는 카테고리는, 일본에 의한 조선반도의 식민지화라는 역사적 사실을 거쳐 전후 일본에서 만들어진 카테고리다. 국가로서의 ‘한국’과도 ‘조선민주주의 인민공화국’과도 일치하지 않는, 현재의 일본에만 있는 존재인 ‘조선인’은 복잡한 구성요소를 가지며 그 자체가 알기 힘든 존재이다. 게다가 근대적 국가 의식을 바탕으로 나라 별로 정리, 연구되어 있는 미술사에서는 그들의 미술의 역사는 한층 더 찾아보기 힘들었다. 白凛씨는 ‘조선’적이 생긴 시대부터의 보이지 않기 때문에 가려져 온 미술활동을 미술가들의 인터뷰나 활동 자료의 발굴을 통해 풀어내려 하고 있다. 박사논문을 바탕으로 한 『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家들의 表現活動의 記録』은 그 실태에 다가갈 수 있는 서적이며 이번 강연은 이 책의 내용을 바탕으로 이루어진다. 

Dr. PEK Rum is an art history scholar who earned her Ph.D at the University  of Tokyo in 2020, after graduating from the Department of Fine Arts at the  Tokyo University of the Arts. Currently a Research Fellow of the Japan  Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Doshisha University, she  founded the Zainichi Korean Artistic Preservation Association in 2016 and  acts as its representative. As a 3rd-generation of Koreans born and raised  in Japan herself, her research focuses on the artistic activities by Koreans  in Japan, which tend to be overlooked by both Japan and from the  Korean peninsula. 
In 2021, she published “Zainichi Korean Art History 1945- 1962: A Record of Artists’ Expressive Activities (在日朝鮮人美術史 1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録)” (Akashi Shoten, 2021). A Korean translation of the book is currently in preparation.

東京藝術大学芸術学科卒業後、2020年に東京大学で博士号を取得。美術史研究者。現在、同志社大学所属の独立行政法人日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD。2016年に一般社団法人在日コリアン美術作品保存協会を設立し、代表として活動。自身が在日朝鮮人三世という立場から、日本からも朝鮮半島からも見えにくい日本における朝鮮半島出身者の美術活動を研究している。2021年、博士論文を元に『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録』(明石書店、2021年)を出版。現在韓国語の翻訳版を準備中である。

東京藝術大学美術学部芸術学科졸업 후, 2020년 東京大学에서 박사학위를 취득. 미술사연구자. 현재 同志社大学소속 独立行政法人日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD. 2016년 一般社団法人在日코리안 美術作品保存協会를 설립하여 대표로 활동. 자신의 在日朝鮮人三世라는 입장에서 일본에서도 조선반도에서도 찾아보기 힘든 일본의 조선반도 출신자의 미술활동을 연구하고 있다. 
2021년 박사논문을 바탕으로『在日朝鮮人美術史1945-1962 美術家たちの表現活動の記録(재일조선인 미술사 1945-1962 미술가들의 표현활동의 기록)』(明石書店, 2021년)을 출판. 현재 한국어 번역판을 준비하고 있다.

主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻、東京藝術大学美術学部芸術学科

独立行政法人日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費「1945年から60年代の在日コリアン美術―東アジアを越境したディアスポラ・アート」(課題番号20J00963)

Organized by: 
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University  of the Arts
Department of Aesthetics and Art History at the Tokyo University  of the Arts  
Cooperation by: Graduate School of Global Arts at the Tokyo University of  the Arts 

Korean interpretation provided with support from:  
独立行政法人日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費「1945年から60年代の在日コリアン美術―東アジアを越境したディアスポラ・アート」(課題番号20J00963)

happening. |東京プロジェクトスタディ1「わたしの、あなたの、関わりをほぐす」展覧会

Date:Friday, February 11 – Sunday, February 13, 11am-7pm
Venue:BaBaBa, 2-5-15-1F Shimo-ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo 161-0033
Admissions : Free(Reservation required)

Exhibition Detail(Japanese only) :
Exclusive website(Japanese only):
Click here for the pre-reservation form 

日時:2022年2月11日(金) – 2月13日(日)11:00-19:00
会場:BaBaBa 〒161-0033 東京都新宿区下落合2-5-15-1F
入場料:無料 (要事前予約)


We are holding an exhibition exploring the process of Tokyo Project Study 1 (*), “Unraveling My, Your, and Our Relationships: Opening Up New Bodies and Ways of Thinking through Coexistence and Co-Creation”.

In Study 1, navigators and ten members of the group gathered through an open call for proposals to reconsider the idea of coexisting and co-creating communication with others who have different cognitive worlds from our own.

Through discussions on language and the senses, we will unwind our bodies and memories with guests from different sensory worlds – the unconscious and the physical, the translation of visually-dominant love, the communication of the sense of touch, and so on.

Through discussions about language and the senses, we will open up the process of experimentation and practice of ten people who have worked on inventing new media and methods to facilitate and extend communication with others who have different senses.

What is the new way of “communication” that emerges between us, between you and me, that began to sprout in Study 1? Please come and experience it.

(*) What is the Tokyo Project Study?
The Tokyo Project Study is an attempt to create the core of a new project through research and experimentation by a team of “navigators” and “members” who gather through an open call, based on the question “what would you do if you were to create something in Tokyo?”

Participating artist: Nagisa Mizuno






Graduation Works Exhibitions 2022|2022卒業·修了作品展

Dates : Jan 28 (Fri) – Feb 2 (Wed), 2022 9:30 – 17:30 (Last Entry 17:00)
Venue : The University Art Museum, The University premises, Ueno park 12-8, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Organised by Tokyo University of the Arts

会期:2022年1月28日(金) – 2月2日(水)午前9時30分 – 午後5時30分(入館は午後5時まで)
会場:大学美術館・大学構内 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

All visitors must make a reservation before visiting this exhibition.
*Tokyo University of the Arts students and faculty staff are always allowed to enter the museum by showing their ID card without making a reservation.
Entry Reservations→

入場のご案内はこちら →

Online Catalog |オンラインカタログ

Archive Video of Graduation Show 2022

Updated : 16th March

Directed and Produced by Lemmart x NOUS CREATIVE

The 2021 Christmas Exhibition|Juleutstillingen 2021

Date:Friday, November 26, 2021 – Christmas Eve 2:00p.m. Tuesday-Friday 11am-7pm Saturday-Sunday 0pm-4pm, Closed : Monday
Venue:Kunstnerforbundet Kjeld Stubs gate3, 0160 Oslo, Norway
Admissions : Free
火曜ー金曜11:00-19:00 土日12:00-16:00 月曜休
会場:アーティスト協会、シェルドスタッド通り3、オスロ 0160、ノルウェー

True to tradition, Kunstnerforbundet welcomes you to the Christmas exhibition and fills our two floors to the brim with art. Visitors can find both newly produced works and old treasures from several hundred artists and the exhibition thus offers a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of art expressions and artistry.

For over 100 years, Kunstnerforbundet has propagated art to new and well-known art enthusiasts from the address in Kjeld Stubs Gate 3, and many art collections have started with us. When Kunstnerforbundet opened its doors for the first time on 11th December 1910, there was a Christmas exhibition on the poster and participating artists included Gerhard Munthe, Henrik Sørensen, Eilif Peterssen and Erik Werenskiold. The 2021 Christmas exhibition will show established and newly established artistry side by side from now and then.

URL(Norwegian Only):

Participating artist: Sayo Ota




Shuji Inoue “Show the fish caught a view of the city” talk | 井上修志「釣れた魚に街の風景を見せる」トーク 

Date: Friday, November 5, 2021, 7:00 p.m. – (JST)
Venue:Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Online
Language: Only Japanese

What did the artists see and do during their 60-day plus α stay?
Shushi Inoue visited the coal mines in the Sorachi area in August, when it was extremely hot in Sapporo, and in the latter half of September, his focus shifted from the coal-producing area to the port. As a result, I went to Muroran many times to deepen my research there. With the aim of producing a work of art, we solidified our concept and executed the shooting of a video work in Muroran just a few days ago.
In the talk, you will be able to see the video work that was made at that time.


Organizer: Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio
Participating artists:Shuji Inoue
Talk guest: Koshiro Shikine


井上 修志は、猛暑の札幌の8月、空知地域の炭鉱をつぶさに訪ね歩き、9月の後半くらいには産炭地エリアから港へとフォーカスが移動していきました。結果、室蘭に何度も通い、そこでのリサーチを深めていきました。作品を制作することを目指して、構想を固め、つい数日前に室蘭で映像作品の撮影を実行しました。


登壇アーティスト:井上 修志
トークゲスト:敷根 功士朗

Entrance Examination Orientation to Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP)






またGAPの特色として、パリ国立高等美術学校、ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校と連携し、1年時には共同授業を実施しています。アートスクールの国際ネットワークであるSHARED CAMPUSの一員としても教育、研究プログラムに参画しています。また世界各地で活躍するアーティスト、キュレーター、研究者らを講師として招き、アートを通じて現代の課題に取り組む授業を開催しています。本専攻は本学において唯一、英語を第一言語としています。



▶︎GAP専任教員 :

藤原 信幸 (教授) 

今村 有策 (教授) 

李 美那 (准教授)

相馬千秋 (准教授)    

鈴木ヒラク (准教授) 

毛利 悠子 (講師) 






日時:11月3日(水・祝) 19:00-20:30





ミーティングID: 941 2274 3220 パスコード: 915957) 



 ▶︎問合せ先  GAP教育研究助手:灰原


Entrance Examination Orientation to Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) / (Online, in English and Japanese)  


Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) is a place for interdisciplinary and transcultural practice based on sharing and experimentation with multiple perspectives.

Our faculty and students work with diverse, trans-disciplinary practices that are not limited by existing media or genres of expression. Through the practice of sculpture, painting, drawing, craft, physical expression such as performance and action, video and media art, socially engaged art and participatory art, we aim to shake up existing frameworks and create a new language of expression.

GAP collaborates with Beaux-Arts de Paris and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, and hold joint classes in the first year. We are also a member of SHARED CAMPUS, an international network of art schools, and participate in its educational and research programmes. We also invite leading artists, curators and researchers from around the world to teach Social Practice Seminar that addresses contemporary issues through arts. English is the primary language used in GAP, the only course within TUA.

Before the submission period (17-24 November 2021) to the Entrance Examination, an online orientation will be held. No application is required. GAP Faculty members and assistants (GAP graduates) will answer any questions about English ability, contents of the Entrance Examination. 

▶︎Faculty Members:

Professor Nobuyuki Fujiwara 

Professor Yusaku Imamura 

Associate Professor Mina Lee 

Associate Professor Chiaki Soma 

Associate Professor Hiraku Suzuki 

Lecturer Yuko Mouri 

More info

We recommend you to participate in the guidance in the following sites in advance. 

▶︎What we look for in a student, FAQ

▶︎Guidance for Prospective Students

▶︎Entrance Examination Orientation 

19:00-20:30, November 3rd (Wed.) 

at Online (No application required) 

Anyone is welcome to join. 

This orientation will be held in both Japanese and English. 


(Meeting ID: 941 2274 3220 Passcode: 915957) 

If you have any questions in advance, please send your question to the contact address. We will answer at the orientation.

▶︎Contact:  GAP Assistant: Ms. Haibara available)

Asian Performing Arts Camp Final Presentation JuJu Kusanagi | Asian Performing Arts Camp 最終公開プレゼンテーション 草薙 樹樹

Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021. 13:00 – 18:00 (JST)
Admissions : Free (reservations required)
– Applications taken until the start time.
– Cancellations can be made until just before the event from the ticket reservation information page detailed in the confirmation email sent after booking.

Apply to participate here:
Program Detail:

日時:2021年10月30日(土)13:00 – 18:00
・ 参加申し込みは開始時刻まで可能です。
・ 参加申し込み後の確認メールに記載されている予約情報ページより、直前までキャンセルが可能です。


[ Presentations by creators from across Asia who took part in an online art camp for two months ]

Asian Performing Arts Camp is a program helping emerging performing arts practitioners working throughout Asia to cultivate their own activities and fields going forward. By bringing together perspectives and research themes relevant to the participants’ respective work, the aim is to foster new values through discussion and joint research that transcends culture and nationality. For the open final presentations, each participant will publicly present the results of individual research conducted during the camp, and there will be a feedback session featuring guest feedbackers. For participants, getting feedback from a variety of perspectives presents an opportunity for them to further develop their research and ideas, while at the same time giving them the opportunity to take this back to their activities at home for the next step in their individual fields. The audience will also have a feedback capacity in that the event will incorporate interactive communication between the audience and the participants, allowing each member of the audience to give their feedback on presentations. There will also be some time for social interaction afterwards. We are very much looking forward to your participation in this event.

[ ​​This year’s Asian Performing Arts Camp ]

  • An open call for participants from all over Asia
    From the end of May through late June, we conducted an open call targeting creatives aged 35 or under with important roles in performing arts projects, such as Asia-based directors, choreographers, playwrights, dramaturgs and producers, resulting in the selection of eight participants for this year’s program.
  • Participants gather for the online camp from their respective locations
    The online camp kicked off on August 25, with weekly online sessions (research, discussion, lectures, workshops) in the first half. After midterm presentations, the second half comprised twice-weekly online sessions. During the two months or so of the Asian Performing Arts Camp, perspectives and research themes contributed by participants were subject to a process of inputs and outputs. During the program, two facilitators (JK Anicoche and Keiko Yamaguchi) accompanied participants in their exploration of possibilities for collaboration across countries and cultures. For the final presentation, each participant will present research results from the process so far.

Participating artist: JuJu Kusanagi

[ 約2ヶ月にわたるオンラインでのアートキャンプを経た、アジア各地のつくり手たちによるプレゼンテーション ]

「Asian Performing Arts Camp」は、アジア各地で活動する若手の舞台芸術の人材が、今後の自身の活動やフィールドを耕していくためのアートキャンプです。それぞれの問題意識やリサーチテーマを持ち寄り、文化や国籍を超えたディスカッション、共同リサーチなどを通じて新たな価値観を育むことを目指しています。 この最終公開プレゼンテーションでは、参加者それぞれが期間中に取り組んだリサーチの結果を一般公開で発表し、ゲストフィードバッカーを迎えてのフィードバックセッションを行います。参加者にとっては、様々な視点でのフィードバックをもらうことで、リサーチやアイデアをさらに発展させるきっかけとなると同時に、それらをローカルな場に持ち帰り、各自のフィールドで次の一歩を踏み出すための機会でもあります。オーディエンスもフィードバッカーのひとりです。当日は、オーディエンスと参加者のインタラクティブなやりとりも取り入れ、オーディエンスのみなさま一人ひとりが、それぞれのプレゼンテーションにフィードバックできる仕組みもつくります。終了後には交流の時間も設ける予定です。 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

[ 今年のAsian Performing Arts Camp ]


8月25日にキックオフ、前半は週に1回のオンラインセッション(リサーチ、ディスカッション、レクチャー、ワークショップ)を行いました。中間プレゼンテーションを経て、後半は週に2回のオンラインセッションを実施。約2か月のAsian Performing Arts Campの期間中、参加者は持ち寄った問題意識やリサーチテーマに対して、インプットとアウトプットを繰り返してきました。期間中はファシリテーター2名(JK アニコチェ、山口惠子)が参加者に伴走し、国や文化を超えた協働の可能性を共に探求。最終プレゼンテーションでは、参加者それぞれが、ここまでのプロセスを経たリサーチ結果を発表します。

プレゼンテーション発表者: ワリッド・アリ ― クチン(マレーシア) 洪⼩婷(アン・シャオティン) ― シンガポール アルバート・ガルシア ― 台北(台湾)/マカオ 菊地もなみ ― 東京/千葉/山形(日本) 草薙樹樹 ― 東京(日本) セリーナ・マギリュー ― マニラ(フィリピン) エカ・ワヒュニ ― ジョグジャカルタ (インドネシア) 王顥燁(ワン・ハォイェー) ― 彰化(台湾)/ベルリン(ドイツ)

出展作家:草薙 樹樹