またGAPの特色として、パリ国立高等美術学校、ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校と連携し、1年時には共同授業を実施しています。アートスクールの国際ネットワークであるSHARED CAMPUSの一員としても教育、研究プログラムに参画しています。また世界各地で活躍するアーティスト、キュレーター、研究者らを講師として招き、アートを通じて現代の課題に取り組む授業を開催しています。本専攻は本学において唯一、英語を第一言語としています。
▶︎GAP専任教員 :
藤原 信幸 (教授)
今村 有策 (教授)
李 美那 (准教授)
相馬千秋 (准教授)
鈴木ヒラク (准教授)
毛利 悠子 (講師)
詳細: https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/about-us/
日時:11月3日(水・祝) 19:00-20:30
ZOOM Link https://zoom.us/j/94122743220?pwd=UXBtMGNDYUhoTithM01NSUtYSzlUZz09
(ミーティングID: 941 2274 3220 パスコード: 915957)
▶︎問合せ先 GAP教育研究助手:灰原 haibara.chiaki@fa.geidai.ac.jp
Entrance Examination Orientation to Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) / (Online, in English and Japanese)
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP) is a place for interdisciplinary and transcultural practice based on sharing and experimentation with multiple perspectives.
Our faculty and students work with diverse, trans-disciplinary practices that are not limited by existing media or genres of expression. Through the practice of sculpture, painting, drawing, craft, physical expression such as performance and action, video and media art, socially engaged art and participatory art, we aim to shake up existing frameworks and create a new language of expression.
GAP collaborates with Beaux-Arts de Paris and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, and hold joint classes in the first year. We are also a member of SHARED CAMPUS, an international network of art schools, and participate in its educational and research programmes. We also invite leading artists, curators and researchers from around the world to teach Social Practice Seminar that addresses contemporary issues through arts. English is the primary language used in GAP, the only course within TUA.
Before the submission period (17-24 November 2021) to the Entrance Examination, an online orientation will be held. No application is required. GAP Faculty members and assistants (GAP graduates) will answer any questions about English ability, contents of the Entrance Examination.
▶︎Faculty Members:
Professor Nobuyuki Fujiwara
Professor Yusaku Imamura
Associate Professor Mina Lee
Associate Professor Chiaki Soma
Associate Professor Hiraku Suzuki
Lecturer Yuko Mouri
More info https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/about-us/
We recommend you to participate in the guidance in the following sites in advance.
▶︎What we look for in a student, FAQ
▶︎Guidance for Prospective Students
▶︎Entrance Examination Orientation
19:00-20:30, November 3rd (Wed.)
at Online (No application required)
Anyone is welcome to join.
This orientation will be held in both Japanese and English.
ZOOM Link https://zoom.us/j/94122743220?pwd=UXBtMGNDYUhoTithM01NSUtYSzlUZz09
(Meeting ID: 941 2274 3220 Passcode: 915957)
If you have any questions in advance, please send your question to the contact address. We will answer at the orientation.
▶︎Contact: GAP Assistant: Ms. Haibara haibara.chiaki@fa.geidai.ac.jp(English available)