Entrance Examination for MFA Course: Notice of changes|2021年度入試 修士募集要項の一部訂正

TUA’s admission webiste has added ‘notice of changes’ about the 2021 Academic Year Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Course) Guidance for Prospective Students.

藝大の入試サイトに「2021年度 大学院美術研究科(修士課程)学生募集要項一部訂正」について掲載されました。


GAP Orientation for Entrance Examination (Online)|GAP入試相談会(オンライン)開催

Online Orientation for Global Art Practice’s entrance examination will be held by Zoom on the following dates. It will be open for prospective students who wish to enroll in GAP in April 2021. Registration is NOT required and please enter the zoom meeting room indicated bellow on your preferable date. This orientation will be mainly held in Japanese and interpreted into English as necessary. The application period of the exam in February both for Japanese and international students is November 18-25, 2020.


① Date:Friday, 13th November, 2020, 10:00 a.m – 11:00 a.m
Zoom ID : https://zoom.us/j/91623376211?pwd=ZnNDWjIvcWowUlJLOHI0VFlLdFg1Zz09

② Date : Saturday, 14th November 17:00 p.m – 18:00 p.m
Zoom ID : https://zoom.us/j/91519411946?pwd=OUFuLzY0RkxDM2RQSUVTSE1sNnlnZz09

①2020年11月13日(金) 10:00-11:00
Zoom ID:

②2020年11月14日(土) 17:00-18:00
Zoom ID:

GAP Online Orientation | Curriculum and Entrance Examination|GAPオンライン相談会 | カリキュラム・入試

Online Orientation for Global Art Practice’s curriculum and entrance examination will be held on Friday 7th August, 2020. To attend the event, registration will be required. We will accept questions in advance. The application period of the exam for international students is August 17-24, 2020. The second application period both for Japanese and international students is November 18-25, 2020.


Date : Friday, August, 7, 2020
① 9:00a.m – 10:00 a.m (English)
② 13:00 p.m – 14:00 p.m (Japanese)
③ 18:00 p.m – 19:00 p.m (English)
Venue : online (zoom)

日時 : 2020年8月7日(金)
① 9:00-10:00 (英語での相談会)
② 13:00-14:00 (日本語での相談会)
③ 18:00-19:00 (英語での相談会)
会場 : オンライン (zoom)

Please register from the following link.




Online Special Open Lecture |”The Art of Connection”

Date:Friday, 5 June 2020, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Venue:Online (via zoom)
*For Participation, please register from the following “Registration link”. The zoom link for the lecture will be sent to you via email.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/bbPSMQ5cVb1R2ZA97
Registration deadline: Thursday 4 June, 5:00 p.m.

Through the art-making process, the artist connected the relationship between the individual and the outside world. He will talk about the art of connection through his artworks and the years of exploration in the city of Hong Kong. Find a way out of the plight of people being isolated under the epidemic.


Speaker:Pak Sheung Chuen

Faculty:Yusaku Imamura | TUA, Professor
担当: 今村有策(グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 教授)

GAP 2020 Online Exhibition

Date:Monday, 25 May / Wednesday, 27 May / Friday, 29 May 2020, 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (JST)
日時:2020年5月25日(月)/ 2020年5月27日(水)/ 2020年5月29日(金)14:00-17:30
Venue: ZOOM & various online platforms
会場:ZOOM および オンライン各所

GAP 2020 Online Exhibition is a creative alternative to a physical interim show that was cancelled due to the recent COVID-19 situation. 19 members of second-year students will present their most recent works as another step toward their final projects. Student presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the 29th, which will bring the guest critic Ryo Sawayama, members of GAP faculty, and the presenters together for constructive criticism. The exhibition’s official website is open to the public.

Special Guest Panel: Ryo Sawayama (Art Critic)
Exhibition Website:

GAP 2020 Online Exhibitionは、本来実際の会場で行われるはずだったGAP専攻の進級展を、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を踏まえ、オンライン上で行うという試みです。 修士2年生の学生19名が、それぞれの修了制作に向けた発表をします。また、29日(最終日)の学生の発表の後には、GAP専攻の教員と学生に加え、ゲストとして批評家の沢山遼さんをお呼びし、パネルディスカッションを行います。また、展示の公式ウェブサイトも合わせて公開しています。

沢山 遼(美術批評家)


Artists:M2 Students
Guest: Ryo Sawayama(Art Critic)

There but not here | そこにいて ここにいない

Date:Monday, 25 May 2020 –
Venue:Held in online(instagram & Website)

“そこにてここにいない ( There but not here )” is an exhibition presented by Inoue, Xu, and Sakuragi, inside their online shared-house. In the current pandemic, the world has come to a standstill, at the same time, too much information and rumors are causing panic and confusing the public. Sense of values begins to change dramatically. On the one hand, the invisibles can cause tremendous damage, on the other hand, the authenticity of the visibles can be doubtful. Being separated in Germany, China, and France, the three can access different information, which result in different “realities”. How does the view change, before and after the pandemic?




Artists:Shuji Inoue, XU YANG, Ayako Sakuragi

参加アーティスト:井上 修志、XU YANG、櫻木 綾子

GAP Unit Award Exhibition 2019 “Perception Practice”|2019年度GAPユニット賞展「チカク」

Date:Wednesday, 25 March 2020 – Sunday, 29 March 2020, 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Last day till 17:00 (JST)
日時:2020年3月25日(木)〜 2020年3月29日 12:00 – 19:00 最終日は17:00まで
Venue:Youkoubo Art Space Studio- 3
会場:遊工房アートスペース Studio- 3

Global Art Practice (GAP) is a graduate program, dedicated to fostering future leading artists with a global focus on social practice in contemporary art. We are proud to present a two- person exhibition at Youkobo Art Space organized by students who excelled in the inaugural year of this program.

Artists : Cho Hyunjoo, Ryo Yamaguchi



 2019年度GAPユニット賞展「チカク」 参加作家、曺賢珠 (ジョ・ヒュンジュ)、山口諒


Co-organizer:Youkobo Art Space

GAP Special Lecture |Making and Thinking on the Realm of Sculpture and its Possibilities | 特別公開講義 |「つくることと思考-彫刻の領域と可能性」

Date:Friday, 31 January 2020, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Note: The lecture will be held in Japanese; simultaneous interpretation into English to be provided.
※ Live steaming on youtube here : https://youtu.be/LpVZ8zRxTSI
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第1講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

Global Art Practice MFA Course (GAP) invites Kodai Nakahara and Yutaka Sone to hold a special talk at the Tokyo University of the Arts.
An artist Yutaka Sone who develops conceptual artworks with the medium of sculpture, painting, drawing and performance, requested to hold a public talk with Kodai Nakahara. Both Nakahara and Sone began to work as an artist around the late 1980s and early 1990s, but this public talk will be the first occasion of their intellectual interaction in person.
It is exciting to join their talk raising fundamental questions with criticality, whose practice has brought to us the unmistakable stimulation and influence over the period of time.
The talk will be facilitated by Yusaku Imamura from GAP, who has developed a friendship with Yutaka Sone since he was a student, and also by a prominent independent curator Arata Hasegawa who is undertaking some projects with Yutaka Sone.

The talk will be open for public, and everyone is welcome to attend!
It will coincide with the 68th Graduation Exhibition, so please enjoy the exhibition as well.




Guest Speakers:Kodai Nakahara (Artist), Yutaka Sone (Artist), Arata Hasegawa (Independent Curator)
Moderator:Yusaku Imamura (Professor, Global Art Practice)

Special Lecture | Global Art Short Unit Programme 「Applied Art in Global Perspective - 世界的観点から見た応用芸術」

Date:Thursday, 30 January 2020, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (JST)
Venue:Lecture room 1, 1F Chuo-Building, Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus 12-8, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地中央棟1F 第1講義室 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

As part of the Global Art Joint Curriculum Short Unit Project organized by the Crafts Department and Global Art Practice (GAP), guest lecturers, Anne Nishimura Morse of Boston Museum of Fine Arts and Rachel Dickson from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, have been invited under the theme of “Applied Art in a Global Perspective.”

These two guest lecturers, hailing from the United States and the United Kingdom, who have been researching art and modern craft will be holding a special lecture discussing the current state of art and crafts in Japan and abroad, and exchanging opinions on differences in the viewpoints and values of expression in arts and crafts across the globe.

After their talk, they will be reviewing selected pieces from the Completion/Graduation Works. Students will have a chance to inquire and make comments during the Q&A session. All are welcome to attend, so please come and join us!




Craft Department Tokyo University of the Arts
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

3rd Global Art Practice (GAP) Graduation Works Exhibitions|68th Graduation Works Exhibitions, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), Graduate School of Fine Arts Master’s Program | 第68回 東京藝術大学 卒業・修了作品展|第3回 大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス(GAP)専攻修了作品展

Date:Tuesday 28 January – Sunday 2 February, 2020,
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ※ Last Admission: 17:00
Last day 9:30 a.m. – 0:30 p.m. ※ Last Admission: 0:00 a.m.

日時:2020年1月28日(火) – 2月2日(日)
9:30 – 17:30 ※入場は 17:00まで
最終日: 9:30 – 12:30 ※入場は12:00まで

Venue:Tokyo University of the Arts (Ueno park 12-8, Taito-Ku, Tokyo)
・Fine Arts campus … The University Art Museum 3F (Gallery 3) / Chuo Building 1F (1F: lecture room 2 / Factory Complex B1F GAP Room/ Learning Commons (inside University Library)
・Music campus … University Hall 2F (Castle Bld. 2F)

・美術学部校舎…大学美術館3F(展示室3)/ 中央棟1F(1F:第2講義室)/ 総合工房棟B1F GAPルーム / ラーニングコモンズ(大学附属図書館内)

第68回 東京藝術大学 卒業 修了作品展 公式 http://diploma-works.geidai.ac.jp
GAP専攻公式 https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/

68th TUA Graduation Works Exhibitions official http://diploma-works.geidai.ac.jp
GAP official https://gap.geidai.ac.jp/

Koshiro Shikine / Nanaka Adachi / Abraham Benjumea Ariza / Kakinda Sixte Paluku / Hikari Katsumata / Cheng Yu / Zhuang Yingqian / Tong Yuen Wai Vanessa / Yapyuco Armaine Toldera / WenQi Feng /

敷根 功士朗 / 冯文琪 / 灰原 千晶 / 安達 七佳 / アブラハム・ベンフメア・アリサ / カキンダ・パルク・シクストゥ / 勝俣 比加里 / セイ・イク / ソウ・エイセン/ トン・エンイ・ヴァネッサ / ヤピュコ・アルメイン・トルデラ

Price:Free (Reservation required)