Shiseido Gallery has been engaging in a range of activities for more than a century, and has based on the notion of discovering and creating new aesthetics. Shiseido art egg is an open call program designed to give to promising new artists access to the Gallery. This year’s shiseido art egg, the fourteenth, will feature solo exhibitions by three artists, selected from among 215 applicants nationwide. The third artist in this 14th shiseido art egg, Claire Fujita has expanded her interest in interrelations and distances between humans, and the way communication has changed with the times. She creates mechanical objects and installations that represent various relationships, and has transformed the gallery into a dynamic place that includes sound and time. In the main gallery, she has installed a huge, central chandelier-like object, and arranged moving metal rods on the walls around it, conjuring up an image of a secret ball dance being held in the basement of Ginza. The seashell works on the mezzanine and in the smaller gallery trace and measure the supposed “golden ratio” proportions of said shells, and convert the results into sound and drawings. Growing up in multiple cultures and residing overseas for extended periods, Fujita has always been conscious of how she is different to others. Attesting to the “unfathomable” aspects of this experience, and making interesting observations on these, she turns them into works. These are also contemplations on the structure of relationships, and her modest resistance to social issues such as “division” and “peer pressure,” which are said to be accelerated by new forms of communication.
Content: Art As Experiment: Body in the Kitchen This event is an open studio for GAP’s 2020 Global Art Joint Curriculum (co-hosted by CSM and BAP). In previous years, the program had been held in London, Paris, Tokyo and Toride, where each school visited one another at their campuses. This year, however, all the programs were held online. Despite being online, all the workshops developed in a way in which one could sense, through the screen, the body movements and things which took place behind the moving images. This open studio is an opportunity to present some of the outcomes from these workshops. *International Joint Project granted by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) through its Program for Enforcing the Function of National Universities
Art As Experiment: Body in the Kitchen アートは実験であるーキッチンと身体ー 本オープンスタジオは、GAP専攻の2020年度グローバル・アート・ジョイント・カリキュラム(CSMとBAPとの共同授業)のオープンスタジオとなります。これまでは実際にお互いにロンドン、パリ、東京、取手を尋ねて実施されましたが、今年度は全てオンラインでの実施となりました。しかしオンラインでありながらボディームーブメントや映像の背後にあるものを感じさせるワークショップを展開してきました。その成果発表とも言える機会となります。
Organizers: Global Art Practice,Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA) Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (CSM) École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (BAP) 主催: 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻(GAP) ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校(CSM) パリ国立高等美術学校(BAP)
Faculty: Yuko Mohri | TUA , Lecturer Yusaku Imamura | TUA, Professor Paul Haywood | CSM, Dean of Academic Programmes Alison Green | CSM, Programme Director (Cover), Culture and Enterprise; Course Leader, MA Culture, Criticism and Curation Fred Meller | CSM, Programme Director, Drama and Performance Emmanuelle Huynh | BAP, Professor, Dance Studio 担当: 毛利 悠子 | GAP 専攻講師 今村有策 | GAP 専攻教授 ポール・ヘイワード | CSM 美術学部長 アリソン・グリーン | CSM 常勤講師 / MA Culture Criticism and Curation専攻長 フレッド・メラー | CSM 常勤講師/ Performance Programme 専攻長 エマニュエル・ユイン | BAP 教授 (ダンス・アトリエ)
TUA’s admission webiste has added ‘notice of changes’ about the 2021 Academic Year Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Course) Guidance for Prospective Students.
TUA’s admission webiste has added ‘notice of changes’ about the 2021 Academic Year Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Course) Guidance for Prospective Students.
Online Orientation for Global Art Practice’s entrance examination will be held by Zoom on the following dates. It will be open for prospective students who wish to enroll in GAP in April 2021. Registration is NOT required and please enter the zoom meeting room indicated bellow on your preferable date. This orientation will be mainly held in Japanese and interpreted into English as necessary. The application period of the exam in February both for Japanese and international students is November 18-25, 2020.
Online Orientation for Global Art Practice’s curriculum and entrance examination will be held on Friday 7th August, 2020. To attend the event, registration will be required. We will accept questions in advance. The application period of the exam for international students is August 17-24, 2020. The second application period both for Japanese and international students is November 18-25, 2020.
Date:Friday, 5 June 2020, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 日時:2020年6月5日(金)18:00-20:00
Venue:Online (via zoom) *For Participation, please register from the following “Registration link”. The zoom link for the lecture will be sent to you via email. Registration Link: Registration deadline: Thursday 4 June, 5:00 p.m. 会場:オンライン(zoom) (下記のフォームより事前申請受付) 事前受付フォーム: 受付締め切り:2020年6月4日(木)17:00 ※参加希望者はこちらから事前申請の受付をしております。講義へのzoomのリンクは後日メールにて送信致します。
Through the art-making process, the artist connected the relationship between the individual and the outside world. He will talk about the art of connection through his artworks and the years of exploration in the city of Hong Kong. Find a way out of the plight of people being isolated under the epidemic.
Date:Monday, 25 May / Wednesday, 27 May / Friday, 29 May 2020, 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (JST) 日時:2020年5月25日(月)/ 2020年5月27日(水)/ 2020年5月29日(金)14:00-17:30 Venue: ZOOM & various online platforms 会場:ZOOM および オンライン各所
GAP 2020 Online Exhibition is a creative alternative to a physical interim show that was cancelled due to the recent COVID-19 situation. 19 members of second-year students will present their most recent works as another step toward their final projects. Student presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the 29th, which will bring the guest critic Ryo Sawayama, members of GAP faculty, and the presenters together for constructive criticism. The exhibition’s official website is open to the public.
GAP 2020 Online Exhibitionは、本来実際の会場で行われるはずだったGAP専攻の進級展を、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を踏まえ、オンライン上で行うという試みです。 修士2年生の学生19名が、それぞれの修了制作に向けた発表をします。また、29日(最終日)の学生の発表の後には、GAP専攻の教員と学生に加え、ゲストとして批評家の沢山遼さんをお呼びし、パネルディスカッションを行います。また、展示の公式ウェブサイトも合わせて公開しています。
Date:Monday, 25 May 2020 – 日時:2020年5月25日(月)ー Venue:Held in online(instagram & Website) 会場:オンライン開催(インスタグラムおよびウェブサイト)
“そこにてここにいない ( There but not here )” is an exhibition presented by Inoue, Xu, and Sakuragi, inside their online shared-house.
In the current pandemic, the world has come to a standstill, at the same time, too much information and rumors are causing panic and confusing the public. Sense of values begins to change dramatically. On the one hand, the invisibles can cause tremendous damage, on the other hand, the authenticity of the visibles can be doubtful. Being separated in Germany, China, and France, the three can access different information, which result in different “realities”.
How does the view change, before and after the pandemic?