A place where evacuation is welcomed/逃げることが肯定される場所

2025 Art meets ふるさと AIR成果発表展


  • Saturday, March 1st. – Sunday, March 2nd.  9am-5pm
  • 2025年3月1日(土)3月2日(日) 午前9時~午後5時


  • Sakurajima Ferry Terminal Kagoshima Port (island side) 1F
  • 鹿児島県鹿児島市 桜島側フェリーターミナル1F

Present ≫

  • 岡村美秋 /Okamura Miaki

Admission fee/料金

  • for free and no need reservation
  • 入場無料 予約不要

I have had the feeling of “wanting to escape” since I was a child.
Kagoshima to Tokyo
Good child to bad child
School to my room
Liberal to conservative
Art to anti-art
Parents to Lovers
Life to death
It's not about easy-to-understand dichotomies, but none of these are relevant to volcanoes.
On Sakurajima, elementary school students always wear helmets to and from school.
Their tiny bodies are ready to evacuate.
At 2:00 a.m., I visited the Sakurajima evacuation shelter and tried an evacuation drill by myself.
Lying down in the evacuation shelter, my hair and mouth quickly became sandy.
The evacuation ports exist all over the island may unfortunately be waiting for the day they are used.
I want to draw pictures to understand the various evacuation mechanisms.
When I paint, escape routes suddenly emerge from the canvas as I interact with the surface of the painting.

A place where evacuation is welcomed has been there for 26,000 years, not just eight years ago when I left Kagoshima.

Tokyo University of the Arts 73rd Graduation Works Exhibitions 第73回 東京藝術大学 卒業・修了作品展


Jan 28 (Tue) – Feb 1 (Sat), 2025


2025年1月28日(火) – 2月1日(土)
午前9時30分 – 午後5時30分(入館は午後5時まで)


9:30 – 17:30 (Entry by 17:00)


Undergraduates — TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM / The University premises
Graduates — The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts / The University premises


学部 — 東京都美術館・大学構内
大学院 — 大学美術館・大学構内


free / Advance reservation required on February 1st (Saturday) only



Exhibition Outline

We will be holding the 73rd Graduation and Final Works Exhibition, which has been well received every year as the culmination of student life. All departments of the faculty of fine arts gather in Ueno to form a spectacular exhibition while utilizing the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The University Art Museum of the Tokyo University of the Arts, as well as the characteristic atelier and outdoor spaces of our campus. While enjoying the creative and rich research environment of our university, throughout the exhibition you can find the high achievements of our graduates and signs of further growth in the future. We hope that you can come to the exhibition, and look forward in anticipation to the graduates’ leap forward.

Graduation Works Exhibitions Steering Committee,Tokyo University of the Arts


 学生生活の集大成として毎年ご好評を頂いております卒業・修了作品展は、今回で73回目を迎えます。美術学部全科が上野に一堂に会し、東京都美術館、大学美術館、また、学内の各科の特徴のあるアトリエのスペースや屋外のロケーションなどを活用しながら、見応えのある展覧会を構成していきます。展覧会を通して本学の恵まれた制作・研究環境を楽しみながら、本学卒業・修了生のこれまでの質の高い成果と、これからの更なる成長の兆しを感じ取っていただけることでしょう。 どうぞ広くご高覧、ご高評いただき、本学卒業・修了生の成長に期待していただければ幸いです。




— SNS上でもこれらの行為はおやめください —


UNMANNED 無人駅の芸術祭/大井川年間プロジェクト成果展

“Unmanned Art Festival / Oigawa” has been held since 2018 in the area where people live with the Oigawa River flowing through central Shizuoka Prefecture, we will hold an exhibition of the results of the “Region x Art” project implemented in 2024.
Art has accumulated in the daily life of the village along with various chemical reactions, and a new appearance of the village has come to be beyond the period of the art festival. Now, this year, we will develop an AIR project (artist in residence program) where artists meet the community from three different perspectives: “Regional agriculture and art,” “International relations and art,” and “Corporate activities and art.” The creative thoughts and actions of artists come into contact with the unique lives and activities of the community, and art extends deeper into the daily life of the village. Based on the presentation of the results of the AIR project, the “ART” trail, which was built by residents as a starting point of the art festival. By artists acting as a mediator in the daily life of the village, working hard together to create, and including artists and residents, the village is changing internally. The village can change even more. That is why we believe that now is the time for our art festival to make changes for the future of the region. We will make this year a year in which we consider the future of the festival.
(Aruma Oishi and Emi Kodama, General Directors)

アートは、様々な化学反応とともに集落の日常に降り積もり、芸術祭の会期を越えてなお、新たな集落の姿が浮かびあがってきました。そこで本年度は、アーティストが3つの異なる視点から地域と混ざりあうAIR事業(アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム)を展開しました。「地域農業と芸術」「国際関係と芸術」「企業活動と芸術」。アーティストによる創造的思考と行為が、地域固有の生活や活動と混ざり合い、アートはより深く集落の日常の中に及んでいます。AIR事業の成果発表展を軸に、芸術祭に端を発し住民が山道を構築した「ART TRAIL プロジェクト」は、集落とアートとが共に歩むリアルな過程を感じていただけるはずです。集落の日常にアーティストが媒介し、ともに創作に汗を流し、アーティストと住民とが互いを理解することで、集落は内発的に変化をしています。集落はもっと変化していくことができる。だからこそ今、私たちの芸術祭も地域の未来に向けた変化が必要だと考えます。今後、さらに濃度と深度を深めた世界に誇れる地域芸術祭の在り方を模索する1ページの年としていきます。



開館時間: 10:00-16:00


Group5 assembly hall, Nukuri, Kawanecho, Shimada-shi, Shizuoka 

静岡県島田市川根町抜里 5班集会所 

Admission fee/料金≫


Magnetic Contradictions

[Off campus exhibition/学外展示]

While the body is a physical entity with fixed form, it is also fluid and in flux, continually reshaped by complex interactions with internal and external forces. Incorporating video installation and performance, this project explores the evolving body and our concepts thereof as influenced by historical eras and social frameworks. Drawing on sources ranging from real-life experiences to the traditional art of bunraku puppet theater, it heightens awareness of bodily perception, turning the exhibition space and the building itself into media that invoke physical presence and broaden our awareness.

「Magnetic Contradictions」は映像インスタレーションとパフォーマンスをとおし、時代というときの流れや社会という枠組みによって変化していく身体とその概念、実生活の体験から人形浄瑠璃の伝統芸能まで身体にまつわる認識にフォーカスを当て、展示空間や建物をも媒体に変容していく身体性を空間に立ち上がらせ、認識の拡張を試みる。



  • 23rd (Thu) – 26th (Sun) January 2025

Time/時間 (opening and closing time)≫

  • Performance Time (Ticket Required)
    • 23rd (Thu) 19:00
    • 24th (Fri) 19:00 Post performance talk with Ryo Sawayama
    • 25th (Sat) 14:00 Post performance talk with Yuko Mohri
    • 26th (Sun) 14:00
  • Installation & Body Practice Time (Admission Free)
    • 23rd (Thu), 24th (Fri)  13:00~18:20  (Body Practice 14:30~15:00、16:30~17:00)
    • 25th (Sat)  11:00~13:20、16:30~18:00  (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)
    • 26th (Sun)  11:00~13:20   (Body Practice 12:30~13:00)


  • TOKYO ARTS AND SPACE Hongo  (2-4-16, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
  • トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷(東京都文京区本郷2-4-16)


  • 中川麻央 (Mao Nakagawa) (Graduated in 2022)

Participating artists/参加・出展アーティスト名≫

  • Concept, Choreography, Perfromance : Mao Nakagawa  
  • Performance Assist : Rin Takahashi  
  • Technical Direction : Yutaka Endo (LUFTZUG)  
  • Production : Takafumi Tamura (TV MAN UNION)  
  • Pullover-Costume Desighn : Seiko Yukiura (SNEEUW)  
  • Soundsorce : Shinjiro Yamaguchi
  • コンセプト・構成・振付・パフォーマンス:中川麻央
  • パフォーマンスアシスト:髙橋凜
  • テクニカルディレクション:遠藤豊 (LUFTZUG)
  • 制作:田村孝史 (テレビマンユニオン)
  • プルオーバーコスチュームデザイン:雪浦聖子 (SNEEUW)
  • サウンドソース提供:山口晋似郎

Admission fee/料金

KUMA experiment 2024-25 vol.4 『When the mouth opens, air escapes』

KUMA experiment 2024-25 vol.4 『口をひらくと空気がもれます。』

The KUMA Foundation is pleased to announce the fourth exhibition in the series KUMA experiment 2024-25, showcasing the achievements of 45 creators from the 8th class of the foundation’s scholarship program. The exhibition, titled “When the Mouth Opens, Air Escapes,” will be held at the KUMA Foundation Gallery in Roppongi from Saturday, December 14, to Sunday, December 22, 2024.

The exhibition features five creators working at the forefront of their respective fields:
    •    Haruto Kamijo, who generates new possibilities through the lens of engineering.
    •    Koki Sakakihara, striving to create music that will top the charts.
    •    Ryuji Koyasu, envisioning a world where AI robots seamlessly integrate into self-sufficient lifestyles.
    •    Sorao Sakimura, whose unique animations blend hand-drawn techniques, 3D CG, and live-action.
    •    Monami Yabe, sculpting memories into art from raw logs.

These emerging talents, each exploring different realms of creativity, come together to present their visions for the future.


We breathe.
Did we do it well?
We speak.
Did we do it well?
We trace our memories.
Did we do it well?

When the mouth opens, air escapes.

We, the five creators, have each pursued our own unique paths: crafting irreplaceable music, capturing visions through animation and film, sculpting memories and sensations, exploring vernacular rice-farming robots, and shaping forms through geometry and mechanics.

Our paths intersect here, in this space.
Through our work, we speak of what is real, of what is alive.

When the mouth opens, air escapes.
It mingles with the air of this place.

Main visual: Kano Komori

この度、クマ財団が支援するクリエイター奨学金8期生・45名による成果発表を目的としたグループ展シリーズ「KUMA experiment 2024-25」の第4弾として、展覧会『口をひらくと空気がもれます。』をクマ財団ギャラリー(六本木)にて2024年12月14日(土)〜12月22日(日)に開催いたします。

参加するクリエイターは、エンジニアリングの視点から未知なるものを生み出す上條陽斗、ヒットチャート1位を獲ることを目指して音楽制作をするKoki Sakakihara、AIロボットが自給的暮らしの中に溶け込む世界を追求する子安竜司、手描き作画・3DCG・実写を融合させた唯一無二のアニメーションを作る崎村宙央、丸太から自身の記憶を彫刻として彫り起こす矢部もなみの5名。







会期:2024年12月14日(土)~12月22日(日) ※火曜日は休廊

開館時間: 12:00 – 19:00


Venue: KUMA Foundation Gallery
7-21-24 THE MODULE Roppongi 206, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/4u3mdpTyS3o6dqB57

≪6-2|会場と住所 (日本語)≫
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木7-21-24 THE MODULE roppongi 206
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/4u3mdpTyS3o6dqB57

参加・出展アーティスト名 上條陽斗 Koki Sakakihara 子安竜司 崎村宙央 矢部もなみ 

Admission fee/料金≫






[Off campus Award & Exhibition]

With the aim of fostering young artists and revitalising cities and regions through culture, A-TOM ART AWARD 2024 held an open call for art works from student artists working in the field of contemporary art from all over the country. In this seventh edition, the theme is ‘Value’. Four winners were selected through a preliminary screening of artwork data and a final screening based on presentations. A group exhibition of the winners will be held in December 2024.

株式会社アトムは、若手アーティストの育成を図るとともに、文化を通じた都市・地域の活性化を目指し、芸術を学ぶ全国の学生から作品を募集するA-TOM ART AWARD 2024を開催いたします。



  • Dec 1st – Dec 22nd, 2024. 12:00-19:00
  • 2024年12月1日(日)— 12月22日(日)12:00 AM – 19:00 PM

Closed Dates/休館日 ≫

  • Mondays, 20th December
  • 2024年12月20日(月)


  • Court Yard Hiroo, 4-21-2 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  • 東京都港区西麻布4-21-2 コードヤード広尾

Present ≫

  • 水野渚 Nagisa MIZUNO

Admission fee/料金

  • Free
  • 無料(申込不要)

パーミッション・トゥ・ドライブ/Permission to Drive

[On campus exhibition/学内展示]

In what ways can not only works of art but exhibitions as a whole break free from institutional display? Can we make the instrument of advertisement into another site of exhibition? Going even further, can we activate the entire exhibition by physically moving it around a city? In order to bring the intended mobile nature of the exhibition into reality, we must disengage from the system, directly act on the city itself, and decentralize from the traditional hierarchy applied to institutional spaces. When the protection afforded by the white cube no longer applies, the private sphere providing relatively high levels of freedom to the artist and curators, we must negotiate the rules and regulations governing the city’s public spaces.

What defines the public? In “Public Space in a Private Time,” Vito Acconci argues that the term “public space” is a warning that the rest of the city isn’ t public. He defined public space as a place within the city yet simultaneously isolated from it. Moreover, the making of a public space demands the formation of trust in an institution whose authority cannot be questioned. It is a “reality” that acts as an undebatable belief system that serves particular bodies and punishes those who disobey the system. We have decided to test the limits of this system by using a truck intended for advertisement purposes to display art works while moving freely around the Tokyo metropolitan area and its surroundings. After the curation of this project was launched, on June 30, 2024, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s environmental ordinance was revised and enforced, and ad trucks are no longer allowed to run in Tokyo at all while displaying LEDs. However, once outside of the metropolis, displaying images is permitted. Thus, all participants in the system were required to either resign or adapt.

In urban public spaces, artists act as subjective anthropologists, reporters, and analysts, observing and reacting to people and urban policy through their own experiences. The artist serves as a channel for understanding the experiences of others, and their work serves as a metaphor for comprehending urban spaces and their governance. In seeking to become catalysts for change, artists reposition themselves as citizen activists, building a stronger consensus on the implemented public and political agenda. Moreover, in the design of movements for the exhibition, each stop on the route has been decided by the boundaries and limitations of the city. Respecting and co-existing with the rules, we find arbitrary leeway where a deeper level of experiential engagement can be achieved. The exhibition encourages the audience to reconceptualize urban space, to become aware of the overhanging regulations, and to confront the social system or find the loopholes hidden within.

 一度展示室を離れ、たとえば広告という道具 / メディアを、作品にひらかれたもうひとつの場として私たちは 想像してみたい。さらに進んでみれば、展覧会における「場」の固定的なあり方を、たとえば都市を移動して みることで融解させられないだろうか?                   

そのために、私たちはまず守られた展示空間から離れ、都市のなかの特定の場所で直接行動し、分散してゆか なければならない。ホワイトキューブのルールがもはや適用されなくなったとき、私たちは都市空間の公共性 や制約とじかに向き合い、交渉することが求められる。               
公共とは何か?ヴィト・アコンチは、20 世紀の転換点に執筆した重要なエッセイ「私的な時代の公共空間」 の中で、「公共空間とは、都市の中心にありながら、都市から隔離された場所である」と言った。公共空間に あるのは、そのシステムに逆らう者を罰する、議論の余地のない信念体系として機能している「現実」だ。し かし、その社会制度や規範はまったく恒常的なものではなく、常に変化のなかにある。

私たちは、広告を表示しながら都市を自由に移動するアドトラックに着目する。この企画が始動した直後の 2024 年 6 月 30 日、東京都の条例が改正・施行され、その日から都内では LED を表示しながらのアドトラッ クの走行が一切できなくなったのである。しかし、一歩都外に出ると、今日も LED の表示は許されている。 このプロジェクトで「移動」についてデザインするにあたって、その経路 ( すがた ) は都市の境界線と規制に よって形作られていく。このようにして展示を組み立てることは、都市空間のルールを尊重して、共存するこ ととなる。そこでは都市との経験的な関係性がより深く立ち現れるだろう。                   

都市空間とその公共性を前に、アーティストは主観的な人類学者、レポーター、分析者として、自らの経験を 通して人々や具体的な場所を眼差し、独自の反応をしめす。彼 / 彼女らは、他者の経験を理解するためのチャ ンネルとして振る舞い、作品は都市空間とその領域のありようを理解するためのメタファーとしても機能する だろう。アーティストたちは、変化の触媒として自らを市民活動家とも位置づけ直し、現行の公共的・政治的 課題に対してより強固な合意形成をはかる。このプロジェクトは、都市空間を再認識し、はみ出した規制を意 識し、既存の社会システムと対峙する[あるいは、そこに隠された抜け穴を見つける]ことを促す。


  • 2024.11.24 (Sun) 10:00 – 18:00 (no postponement for rain)


  • An Exhibition by truck around Tokyo (More detailed infos on map attached)
  • アドトラックによる首都圏の周遊展示 ( 詳細は地図を参照 )


  • Vivi Zhu

Name of Participating Artists /参加・出展アーティスト名 ≫

  • 木村華子(Hanako Kimura), Ibrahim Owais, Kate Carr, SIDE CORE, Simon Weckert, トモトシ(Tomotosi)

Admission fee/料金

  • Free/無料

(O)Kamemochi Co-Learning Sessions Vol. 2 『Lubunca: A Queer Anti-Language|『クイアな「反言語」としてのルブンジャ』

Overview / 企画概要

Guest|ゲスト: Lilith Bardakçı (online)| リリス・バルダクチュ(オンライン)

After graduating high school in Antakya, a small town in Turkey, Lilith Bardakçı had the opportunity to study at Bogazici University’s Foreign Language Education Department. Bogazici University, renowned for its egalitarian culture, fostered their academic growth and played a pivotal role in their self-discovery. As a trans non-binary individual, they actively engaged with the LGBTI+ Studies Club at the university, assuming leadership roles as vice president and president. Recently, Lilith Bardakçı, an M.A. student at Boğaziçi University’s Linguistics Department, examines language’s connection to gender, sexuality and identities. As an LGBTI+ activist, Lilith explores Lubunca, a language phenomenon shedding light on identity, societal and cultural constructions. As Lilith continues expanding the boundaries of linguistic inquiry, they remain committed to promoting diversity, inclusivity and equity within academic discourse.

リリス・バルダクチュ(Lilith Bardakçı)は、イスタンブールにあるボアズィチ大学の研究者、トランス・ノンバイナリー活動家。学術的な議論における多様性、包括性、公平性の促進に尽力している。

トルコのアンタキヤで高校卒業後、ボアズィチ大学外国語教育学部で学士号を取得、言語学研究科修士課程に進学。言語学的探究の地平を広げることに尽力し、伝統的な境界を超えた様々な研究活動に従事している。活動家としての経験を通して、ほとんど研究されていない隠語「ルブンジャ」に出会う。修士論文では、ルブンジャの記録と特徴に焦点を当て、言語の変化によってアイデンティティとコミュニティが構築される過程を明らかにした。 また、性やジェンダーをめぐる実践や、犯罪や社会階層との関係が多種多様な形をとっているトルコの非規範的なクィアたちが話す「反言語(anti-language)」として、ルブンジャを再定義した。

Interpreter | 通訳: Yume Morimoto 森本優芽

Tokyo University of the Arts Ueno Campus TAKI Plaza 3F Community Salon 
東京藝術大学上野キャンパス 国際交流棟3Fコミュニティサロン

2024. 11.17 (Sun・日) 15:00 – 18:00 


参加無料・要予約(先着順)Admission and Booking: 
Free of charge, reservations required (first-come, first-served)

Event Contents / 企画内容

Lubunca: A Queer Anti-Language discusses the multifaceted world of Lubunca. Having been defined in multiple ways—as a slang spoken by some gay men and trans women, a jargon used by sex workers, a gay slang, a queer slang variety, and an LGBTQ slang variety — Lubunca embodies the vibrant identity and resistance within Turkey’s queer community. Lilith Bardakçı terms it an anti-language spoken by Lubunyas, as it reveals a resilient reality distinct from the hegemonic societal norms. The term ‘Lubunya’ extends beyond categories like gay, lesbian, or trans, representing queer individuals who live beyond conventional Turkish societal structures and embrace non-normative lifestyles.

Bardakçı will unveil the etymological roots and historical context of Lubunca, as well as discussing its sociolinguistic functions and its role as a tool for secrecy and solidarity. Key insights reveal Lubunca’s critical role in facilitating discreet communication among queer individuals about sensitive issues, thus protecting the community from societal and legal repercussions. As noted by Nicholas Kontovas, Beyoğlu (Istanbul, Turkey), the birthplace of Lubunca, was a hub for many gay and transgender sex workers, along with non- Muslim minorities like the Romani. Lubunca allowed these groups to unite in resistance against Turkish law enforcement. Today, it continues to exclude non- members while discussing sexual and criminal matters. Lubunca also serves as a dynamic instrument for gender performance, empowering LGBTI+ activists and YouTubers to enhance their visibility and assert their identities in public and media spaces. Delving deeper, the talk will examine how Lubunca constructs an alternative reality for its speakers. As Bardakçı suggests, in line with Halliday’s concept of anti-languages, Lubunca relexicalizes Turkish to create and sustain an anti-society where conventional ideas of sex, gender, sexuality, crime, and social hierarchy are redefined. Ülker Street Culture exemplifies this resilient reality, similar to the ‘second-life’ described by Adam Podgorecki.

In this session, Bardakçı will offer an in-depth definition of Lubunca, framing it as an anti-language that not only ensures secrecy but also facilitates the expression and preservation of a distinct queer identity and reality. It peels back the layers of Lubunca and discovers its profound impact on Turkey’s queer community. Additionally, a workshop will be held, providing an interactive and playful way to explore and co-learn how perceptions of gender and sexuality among Lubunyas have evolved over time and how this evolution has influenced the development of Lubunca.

『クイアな「反言語」としてのルブンジャ』は、「ルブンジャ」の多様な側面について探求するイベントです。ルブンジャとは、一部のゲイ男性やトランス女性が話すスラング、セックスワーカーが使う隠語、ゲイ・スラング、クィア・スラング、LGBTQ スラングなどといった、さまざまな形で定義されてきました。同時に、トルコのクィア・コミュニティにおけるアイデンティティと抵抗を体現しているものでもあります。本イベントのゲストであるリリス・バルダクチュは、ルブンジャは「ルブンヤ」によって話される「反言語」であり、 この反言語としてのルブンジャは覇権的な社会規範とは異なるルブンヤたちの現実を明らかにするものだと述べています。ここでいう「ルブンヤ」とは、ゲイ、レズビアン、トランスといったカテゴリーを超え、非規範的な生き方をするクィアな主体を意味する言葉です。



Project Context|企画文脈

≫ (O)Kamemochi Co-Learning Sessions

Often time in the art world, the end results overpowered the desire for knowledge exchange and curiosity towards the creation of a field of practice. Through the collaborative learning process, (O)Kamemochi tries to find ways to avoid compartmentalisation. Embracing each other means embracing the different interests of each member to develop a deeper understanding of our commons. The co-learning program was born out of our casual discussion and self-organised into multiple co-learning sessions on various topics surrounding our overarching curiosity towards practising care through communication. We hope our dedication to inclusive co-learning sessions can multiply and enrich artistic, fragile, and experimental practice through dialoguing with others around new imagination generated, and set directions towards the worlds we want to inhabit.

≫ (O)KamemochiのCo-Learning Sessionsとは?


≫ 今回のCo-Learning Session vol.2について

For vol.2, we invite Lilith Bardakçı to talk about ”Lubunca”, an anti-language  spoken by queer community in Turkey.



Planned by|企画:Gamze Baktir, Osman Serhat Orta

Design|デザイン:Natalie Tsyu (image source: @Dramaqueermedia) 

Art management|アートマネジメント:Alissa Osada-Phornsiri (長田ポンシリ・アリサ)

Coordination|コーディネート:Gamze Baktir, Jini 

Text Translation|テキスト翻訳:Osman Serhat Orta, Jini 

サポーティング亀たち / Supporting Turtles

主催 / Organised by:(O)Kamemochi 

共催 / Co-organised by:
Mina Lee Lab. Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Sorry, this is (not) for you./悪いけど、これはあなたの物(じゃない)です。Sorry, this is (not) for you.

[Off campus exhibition/学外展示]

“Sorry, this is (not) for you.” is an exhibition presenting an imaginary pawnshop where belongings with personal value are exchanged for essential items at extorting rates. The exhibition poses the question to the viewer: What things/attachments/stories are you willing to give up to preserve your life?
Historically, colonialism and capitalism has enacted power as pawnbrokers, dictating what “acceptable” means and forcing marginalized communities and individuals out of respectable trades and positions in society. Outside of the mainstream, the marginalized are both associated with and victimized by the contemptible space they unwillingly occupy. In the pawnshop, both the clerks and the customers are victims of the same system yet are forced to play by its rules. 
Like the transparently omitted negation in the brackets of the title, the imaginary space of the pawnshop promises to fulfill the individual’s desires while arrogantly ignoring their needs. The exhibition illuminates women’s lives within those constraints, contaminated by society, economy, and history. The viewer is left to wander in the myriad of textual options, each of them simultaneously hiding and bearing the weight of female stories deemed unfaithful and contemptible by society.




  • 2024年11月2日— 2024年12月1日 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM (最終入場 5:00 PM)
  • Nov 2nd, 2024 – Dec 1st, 2024 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Last admission at 5:00 PM)


  • 熱海市咲見町2-2
  • Ozaki Land Bldg. 2-2 Sakimicho, Atami


  • Vivi Zhu

Participating artists/参加・出展アーティスト名≫

  • Lea Embeli, Jini, アナ•ヨバノブスカ, Vivi Zhu

Admission fee/料金

  • ATAMI ART GRANT 2024 exhibition ticket is required for indoor venues.